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; $Id: dmpom.e,v 5.4 2001/01/23 20:28:18 xtang Exp $
; dmObjectManager class errors
.facility DM_OBJ_MGR
.severity WARNING
ENUM_DATABASE_CLOSED "attempt to begin enumeration of type with closed database"
;CAUSE:  Program called EnumerateForType after the database had been closed.
;ACTION: None:nternal programming error.
ENUM_TYPE_NULL "attempt to enumerate NULL type"
;CAUSE: Program called EnumerateForType will a NULL type value.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
ENUM_TYPE_BOGUS S "attempt to enumerate non-persistent type %s"
;CAUSE: Program called EnumerateForType with a type that is not in the database.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
ENUM_BAD_ATTR SS "order_by attribute %s in enumeration is not part of type %s"
;CAUSE: Program called EnumerateForType, specifying an attribute name to order the result that is not part of the type.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the attribute and the name of the type.
ENUM_BAD_MATCH_TYPE SS "match_type %s in enumeration is not subtype of type %s"
;CAUSE: Program called EnumerateForType, specifying a match type that is not a subtype of the type being enumerated.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the match type and the type being enumerated.
MATCH_TYPE_NULL "attempt to perform match field with NULL type"
;CAUSE: Program called MatchField or MatchForIds with a NULL type value.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
MATCH_TYPE_BOGUS S "attempt to perform match field with non-persistent type %s"
;CAUSE: Program called MatchField or MatchForIds with a type that is not in the database.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
MATCH_BAD_MATCH_TYPE SS "match_type %s in match field is not subtype of type %s"
;CAUSE: Program called MatchField with a match type that is not of subtype of the type being enumerated.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the match type and the name of the type being enumerated.
MATCH_BAD_ATTR IS "match field attribute %d in type %s is erroneous"
;CAUSE: Program called MatchField or MatchForIds to match an attribute that was erroneous (was not defined, or had an erroneous type).
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the attribute and the name of the type being matched.
MATCH_BAD_POS "match position specification invalid"
;CAUSE: Program called MatchField or MatchForIds with position specification but no repeating attributes were being matched"
;ACTION: None.
MATCH_BAD_ORDER_BY SS "match field order_by attribute %s is not attribute of type %s"
;CAUSE: Program called MatchField specifying an attribute to order the result that is not a part of the type being enumerated.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the "order by" attribute and the name of the type.
UPDATE_NO_UPDATES "attempt to update with no updates"
;CAUSE: Program called Update but passed no attribute values to be changed.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
UPDATE_TYPE_NULL "attempt to update NULL type"
;CAUSE: Program called Update passing in a NULL type.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
UPDATE_TYPE_BOGUS S "attempt to perform update with non-persistent type %s"
;CAUSE: Program called Update passing in a type that does not exist in the database.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
UPDATE_OVERLAP_ATTR IS "attempt to use attribute %d as both match field and update field of type %s"
;CAUSE: Program called Update to change attribute that is also being used to match objects to be changed.  (The set of attributes to be changed must be disjoint from the set of attributes used to match.)
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the attribute and the name of the type.
UPDATE_BAD_MATCH_TYPE SS "match_type %s in update is not subtype of type %s"
;CAUSE:  Program called Update with a match type that is not a subtype of the type on which the update is being performed.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the match type and the name of the type being updated.
UPDATE_BAD_ATTR IS "attribute %d of type %s has undefined type in update"
;CAUSE: Program called Update to update an attribute that has an undefined type.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the attribute and the name of the type.
VERSION_MISMATCH SSI "save of object %s of type %s failed because of version mismatch: old version was %d"
;CAUSE: The save of an object failed because the version stamp in the object was inconsistent with the version stamp currently stored in the database.
;ACTION: Refetch the object, make the necessary changes and save it again.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier of the object, the type of the object and the old value of the version stamp.
LOAD_PROPERTY_BAG S "Could not deserialize property bag for %s."
;CAUSE: Serialization format error
;ACTION: No recovery possible.
.severity ERROR
FETCH_FAIL S "attempt to fetch object with handle %s failed"
;CAUSE: The program attempted to fetch an object with a non-existent identifier.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier of the object that was being fetched.
FETCH_BAD_TYPE S "attempt to create object of type %s failed because type did not exist"
;CAUSE: The program attempted to fetch an object trying to fetch an object of a type that does not exist.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
SET_NULL_TYPE "attempt to set persistent object type to NULL"
;CAUSE: The program called SetType with a NULL type.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
SET_BAD_TYPE S "attempt to set persistent object type to non-persistent type %s"
;CAUSE:  The program called SetType to set the type of a persistent object to a non-persistent type.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
SAVE_FAIL SSSS "save failed for object with handle %s of type %s: table on which save failed was %s; error from database system was %s"
;CAUSE: The save of an object failed because of a database error.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier of the object, the name of its type, the name of the database table on which the save failed and the error string reported by the database system.
DELETE_FAIL SSS "attempt to delete attributes of object %s in table %s failed: error from database system was %s"
;CAUSE: The destroy of an object failed because the attribute values could not be deleted due to a database error.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier of the object, the name of the internal table being updated, and the error string reported by the database system.
UPDATE_FAIL SSS "attempt to update attributes of objects of type %s in table %s failed: error from database system was %s"
;CAUSE: The Update of objects of a given type failed because the attribute values could not be changed due to a database error.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type being updated, the name of the internal table being changed, and the error string reported by the database.
DELETE_MISMATCH SI "version mismatch on delete of object %s: version supplied was %d"
;CAUSE: The delete of an object failed because the version stamp supplied did not match the current version stamp in the database.  (The caller had an old copy of the object.)
;ACTION: Refetch the object to check that it should be deleted.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier for the object and the version stamp that was supplied.
DELETE_NOTFOUND SS "no entry for the object with identifier %s could be found in the database table %s"
;CAUSE: During the deletion of an object, no entry for it could be found in the given internal database table.  At least one entry must always exist.
;ACTION: None: report to Documentum technical support.
CURSOR_FAIL SSS "In operation %s an attempt to create cursor failed; query was: '%s'; error from database system was: %s"
;CAUSE: During an attempt to create a database cursor, a failure occurred.  The error message gives the type manager operation that was being performed, the query on which the failure occurred, and the database error string.
;ACTION: The database system error may indicate how to repair the error.
CURSOR_FETCH_FAIL S "A failure occurred during a fetch through a cursor: database error message was %s"
;CAUSE: During a fetch in a database cursor, the operation failed.  The operation is terminated.
;ACTION: The database system error message may indicate how to repair the error.
DB_CONN "A failure occurred during an attempt to establish a connection to the database.  The operation failed."
;CAUSE: During (re)establishment of a database connection there was an error."
;ACTION Diagnois and remedy the database error.
VERSION_MISMATCH SSL "save of object %s of type %s failed because of version mismatch: old version was %d"
;CAUSE: The save of an object failed because the version stamp in the object was inconsistent with the version stamp currently stored in the database.
;ACTION: Refetch the object, make the necessary changes and save it again.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier of the object, the type of the object and the old value of the version stamp.
SAVE_FAILED_UNAVAILABLE_TYPE S "Your client is older than your server, and you have attempted to create an object of a type (%s) that is not available to your client version."
; CAUSE:  A type that is available in your docbase was created by an e-Content Server
;  that is newer than the Documentum Client Library (dmcl) of the client you are using.
;       You cannot create an object of that type unless the dmcl matches.  You would not get
;       a correct ID, nor proper save semantics if this were allowed.
CANT_DELETE_RELATION_EXISTS SS "Cannot delete object %s since dm_relation object(s) %s exists with integrity_kind set to 1."
;CAUSE: Cannot delete an object referenced by a dm_relation object with integrity kind set to 1.
;ACTION: Delete the dm_relation object that references this object, and try again.
LOCK_INVALIDDB SS "lock of object %s of type %s failed because of invalid database connection."
;CAUSE: The lock of an object failed because the database connection is not alive.
;ACTION: make a valid connection to database and relock this object.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier of the object, the type of the object.
LOCK_NEWOBJ SS "lock of object %s of type %s failed because this object has not been created."
;CAUSE: The lock of an object failed because this object does not exist in database.
;ACTION: None; internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier of the object, the type of the object.
LOCK_FAIL SSSS "lock failed for object with handle %s of type %s: table on which lock failed was %s; error from database system was %s"
;CAUSE: The lock of an object failed because of a database error.
;ACTION: None; internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier of the object, the name of its type, the name of the database table on which the save failed and the error string reported by the database system.

DIRECT_SAVE_ASPECT_ATTRIBUTE_OBJECT_NOT_ALLOWED D "Cannot save aspect attribute side object with handle (%s) directly"
; CAUSE: A direct save attempt of the aspect attribute object using the
; SAVE RPC  call.
; ACTION: Direct save of the aspect attribute is not allowed. Use the DFC
; Save method to save the main object to which the aspect with the
; attributes has been attached.

DIRECT_FETCH_ASPECT_ATTRIBUTE_OBJECT_NOT_ALLOWED D "Cannot fetch aspect attribute side object with handle (%s) directly"
; CAUSE: A direct fetch attempt of the aspect attribute object using the
; FETCH RPC call.
; ACTION: Direct fetch of the aspect attribute object is not allowed. You
; must access the aspect attributes using standard DFC API.

DIRECT_EXPUNGE_ASPECT_ATTRIBUTE_OBJECT_NOT_ALLOWED D "Cannot expunge aspect attribute side object with handle (%s) directly"
; CAUSE: A direct expunge attempt of the aspect attribute object using
; the EXPUNGE RPC call.
; ACTION: Direct expunge of the aspect attribute object is not allowed.
; You must expunge the 'main' object to which the aspect has been attached
; using the standard DFC API.
INVALID_ASPECT_ATTR_TYPE SS "Attribute definition by aspect (%s) is invalid. Internal type (%s) is not found in the repository"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when Content Server attempts to save or
; fetch aspect attributes for a persistent object, and the internal type
; created for attribute definition is not valid.
; ACTION: Verify if the type object referenced in i_attr_def attribute of the
; Aspect object is valid. If not valid, use alter aspect DQL statement
; to define attributes.
UNABLE_TO_VALIDATE_ASPECT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE SS "A database error occured while attempting to validate attributes for aspect (%s). Database error is (%s)"
; CAUSE: A database error occured when Content Server attempted to check
; if an aspect had attribute definition.
; ACTION: Refer to the database error and take corrective action.
DUPLICATE_ASPECTS_FOUND SD "Aspect (%s) has been attached more than once for object (%s)"
; CAUSE: An aspect has been attached more than once for an object.
; ACTION: Can't attach the same aspect more than once for an object. Remove
; the duplicates and retry the operation.
INVALID_ASPECT_ATTRIBUTE_OBJECT DS "An error occured when instantiating a persistent object for aspect attributes for %s, for aspect %s"
; CAUSE: An error occured when a persistent object is instantiated
; to store the aspect attributes.
; ACTION: Refer to the accompanying error message(s).
UNABLE_TO_FETCH_ASPECT_ATTRS DS "Unable to fetch aspect attributes defined by aspect '%s' for object '%s'"
; CAUSE: An error occured when attempting to fetch the attributes defined
; by an aspect attached to the reported object.
; ACTION: Refer to accompanying error messages
UNABLE_TO_APPLY_ASPECT_ATTR_CHANGES DS "Unable to apply aspect attribute changes defined by aspect '%s' for object '%s'"
; CAUSE: An (internal) error occured when attempting to apply aspect attribute
; changes defined by an aspect attached to the reported object.
; ACTION: Refer to accompanying messages.
UNABLE_TO_FETCH_CONSISTENT_OBJECT_SNAPSHOT D "Unable to fetch object %s alongwith its aspect attributes with consistency"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when a client fetches an object that has aspect
; attributes, and that either the normal or aspect attributes have changed
; perhaps by a different session while Content Server was fetching the
; aspect attributes after fetching the normal attributes from the database.
; ACTION: Application should refetch the object.
UNABLE_TO_CLONE_ASPECT_ATTRIBUTES DDS "An error occured while cloning the aspect attributes from %s to %s for aspect %s"
; CAUSE: An error occured while cloning the aspect attributes of a persistent
; object.
; ACTION: Refer to accompanying error messages
ASPECT_ATTR_EXISTS_CHECK_FAILED DSS "A database error occured when checking if object %s has attributes defined through aspect %s: %s"
; CAUSE: A database error occured when CS attempted to check if
; specified object has attributes defined through specified aspect
; ACTION: Refer to the database error and take the database server specific
; corrective action.
SAVE_ASPECT_NQA S "Could not save nonqualifiable aspect attribute to object %s without property bag ."
;CAUSE: Main object doesn't have property bag.
;ACTION: Add property bag to main object or redefine the attribute as regular qualified attribute.

posted on 2009-11-16 12:53 liaojiyong 阅读(762) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

