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; Fulltext Partition Management Facility errors

;    (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1991 - 1995. All rights reserved

.facility DM_VERITY_COLL
.severity TRACE
UPDATE_PHASEII_START "Begin phase 2 fulltext index update."
UPDATE_PHASEII_END II "End phase 2 fulltext index update.  Total successful docs: %d, total failed: %d."
UPDATE_CRASH_RECOVERY_START "Begin update crash recovery phase."
UPDATE_CRASH_RECOVERY_END "End update crash recovery phase."
UPDATE_CRASH_RECOVERY_NORMAL "No evidence of previous crash found."
UPDATE_DIR_SEARCH_START "Searching work directory."
UPDATE_CRASH_BATCH_START II "Being processing crashed batch file: epoch %d batch %d."
UPDATE_BATCH_START II "Begin Verity indexing: epoch %d batch %d."
UPDATE_BATCH_END II "End Verity indexing: successful docs: %d, failed: %d."
UPDATE_BATCH_DESC SI "Batch collection dir %s, size %d."
UPDATE_VERITY_INDEX_START "Begin Verity indexing.  Verity messages (if any) begin here."
UPDATE_VERITY_INDEX_END S "End Verity indexing.  Return value: %s."
UPDATE_DESC_FILE "Contents of descriptor file follow this message:"
UPDATE_VERITY_BATCH_FILE "Contents of Verity batch file follow this message:"
UPDATE_PHASEI_START "Begin phase 1 fulltext index update."
UPDATE_PHASEI_END II "End phase 1 fulltext index update. total good: %d total bad: %d."
UPDATE_CRASH_BATCH_END II "End processing crashed batch file: epoch %d batch %d."
UPDATE_COLLECTION_START SI "Begin processing collection with object type %s at position %d."
UPDATE_COLLECTION_END SI "End processing collection with object type %s at position %d."
UPDATE_GET_CONTENT_START "Begin executing sql cursor to get pending content objects."
UPDATE_GET_CONTENT_END "End executing sql cursor to get pending content objects."
UPDATE_GET_BATCH_START I "Begin processing batch %d of pending contents."
UPDATE_GET_BATCH_END I "End processing batch %d of pending contents."
UPDATE_VERIFY_DOCS_START I "Begin verifying contents in batch %d."
UPDATE_VERIFY_DOCS_END I "End verifying contents in batch %d."
UPDATE_MAKE_BATCH_FILE_START I "Begin making batch file for batch %d."
UPDATE_MAKE_BATCH_FILE_END I "End making batch file for batch %d."
UPDATE_PHASEIII_START "Begin phase 3 (verification only) fulltext index update."
UPDATE_PHASEIII_END II "End phase 3 (verification only) fulltext index update. Total successful docs: %d, total failed: %d."
UPDATE_CRASH_FOUND_RUNNING_BATCH IISI "The UPDATE_FTINDEX method has found a running batch file (epoch=%d batch=%d) from a previous update run on fulltext index %s and will examine if a previous failure occured. Please refer to the most recent status file in the fulltext working directory to see if any objects failed indexing from the previous run. If failed objects are reported and you wish to reindex these objects, use the MARK_FOR_RETRY method with update_count=%d."
UPDATE_CANT_RENAME_BATCH_FILE SSI "The UPDATE_FTINDEX method was unable to rename batch file %s for fulltext index %s. All contents in this batch will not be indexed and are marked as failed. Please refer to the most recent status file in the fulltext working directory to see the failed objects. If failed objects are reported and you wish to reindex these objects, use the MARK_FOR_RETRY method with update_count=%d."
.severity   INFORMATION
FTINDEX_IN_PROGRESS I "Another fulltext operation is currently in progress on this fulltext index with epoch %d."
.severity WARNING
VERITY S "verity error/warning.  message is: %s"
BAD_CONTENT S "Attempt to index content with id %s failed -- Verity filter rejected content"
NO_CONTENT S "Attempt to index content with non-existent id %s"
CANT_CONVERT SS "Can't convert content %s to format %s"
CONTENT_OFFLINE S "Attempt to index offline content with id %s"
CANT_FIND_PHASE1_LOCKFILE S "Can't find the lock file for update phase I.  Filename %s."
;CAUSE:  Unknown.
;ACTION:   Probably none necessary. 
NO_CURRENT_STATUS_FILE_DURING_UPDATE "An update is in progress but there is no current status file.  The previous status file is returned."
;CAUSE:  The update may have terminated during the execution of the check_ftindex.
;ACTION:   Try again.
NO_TYPE S "Can't process tdk collection because type %s was not found."
;CAUSE:  The type probably does not exist anymore. An orphaned content object that
;           refers to a non-existing type may still exist.
;ACTION:   Run the DmClean job to remove all orphaned content objects.
NO_VERITY_FILE "No Verity Full-Text Engine messages will be logged in the status file."
;CAUSE:     Either the launch of the Verity Full-Text Engine (mkvdk) failed due to a
;           probable OS resource problem, or the launch failed to create an output file
;           containing Verity messages.
;ACTION:    Look for OS error messages.
CANNOT_PURGE_DIR S "During crash recovery phase, attempt to purge %s directory failed."
;CAUSE:     This is most likely caused by another process or resource holding possession
;           on the directory or possibly an OS error.
;ACTION:    Look for OS error messages.
NO_UPDATE_WORKDIR S "Directory %s does not exist. The fulltext index has probably never been updated before or does not exist."
;CAUSE:     The fulltext index has probably never been updated before or does not exist.
;ACTION:    Update the index to create a work directory.
.severity ERROR
CANT_SET_DOC_HANDLE S "Can't set the Verity document description for style %s"
CANT_SET_PARSE_HANDLE S "Can't set the Verity document parser for style %s"
PART_UPDATE_FAIL SSSS "Attempt to update partition index %s failed; trying to %s partitions %s and %s"
MERGE_FAIL SS "Attempt to merge partitions %s and %s failed"
API_HANDLE_FAIL S "Attempt to build Verity API handle failed.  Verity bin directory was %s"
DOC_SET_CREATE S "Attempt to create new Verity doc set failed while updating partition %s"
DOC_INDEX_FAIL SS "Attempt to index new Verity doc set %s failed while updating partition %s"
VDB_OPEN SS "Attempt to open Verity VDB %s failed while updating partition %s"
VDB_UPDATE SS "Attempt to update Verity VDB %s failed while updating partition %s"
VDB_WRITE SS "Attempt to write Verity VDB %s failed while updating partition %s"
VDB_COMMIT SS "Attempt to commit changes to Verity VDB %s failed while updating partition %s"
CANT_MAKE_EMPTY_PARTITION S "Can't build empty Verity partition with name %s"
CANT_MAKE_ROOT "Can't build root partition copy"
NO_FILTER S "No Verity filter for format %s"
;CAUSE:  No verity_filter defined for this format.
;ACTION: Modify the format, adding a verity_filter.
CANT_MAKE_FILES S "Could not initialize Verity files for partition %s"
;CAUSE:  Out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION:   Look for operating system error messages.
BAD_CONTENT S "Attempt to index content with id %s failed -- Verity filter rejected content"
NO_CONTENT S "Attempt to index content with non-existent id %s"
CANT_CONVERT SS "Can't convert content %s to format %s"
BAD_BATCH S "Failure attempting to index batch with format %s"
NO_VERITY_DIR "Verity location directory not defined in server configuration"
;CAUSE:  Server configuration must have a Verity location.
;ACTION: Install Verity if necessary, create a location object pointing
;  to it, and put this location object in the server config.
EMPTY_CONTENT SS "Content object %s has empty file identified by '%s' path."
CANT_STAT_CONTENT  SSI "Content object %s identified by %s path could not be accessed OS Error is %d."
TAR_FAILURE SI "Tar step failed during %s operation -- OS error was %d"
BAD_LOAD_FILE S "Load failed because file %s not found in index dump"
BAD_LOAD_HEADER "The verity_dump_header file had the wrong format -- load failed"
USE_FULL_PATHNAME S "The dump file (%s) must be specified by a full path name"
TRANSACTION_FAILURE SS "Could not %s transaction for %s operation"
NO_DIRECTORY S "Directory %s doesn't exist"

CANT_FETCH_PARENT SS "Error fetching dm_sysobject parent (%s) of dmr_content object %s; will contine to look for another valid parent."
;CAUSE:  A content being indexed contains a reference to a sysobject
;  parent that could not be fetched.  The index code needed to
;  fetch the parent object in order to index the content but
;  could not.  This may be the result of a parent_id value
;  or index_parent value which points to a deleted sysobject.
;  As long as another parent_id value can be found which points
;  to a valid sysobject this error will not affect processing.
;ACTION: Check for any other recent errors in the error log which
;  may indicate the problem.  Check the content object for
;  consistent data.
;PARAMETERS: %s  - the object id of the sysobject which could not be fetched
;  %s  - the object id of the content object being indexed

CANT_FETCH_CONTENT S "Error: can't fetch dmr_content object %s during fulltext index administration."
;CAUSE:  During full-text index processing, a failure occured fetching
;  a content object to use in building the index.
;  This content object will not be indexed.
;ACTION: Check for any other recent errors in the error log which
;  may indicate the problem.
;PARAMETERS: %s  - the object id of the content object being indexed

CANT_ACCESS_CONTENT SSS "The content identified by id (%s) which references the file named (%s) cannot be accessed.  Operating System error: %s"
;CAUSE          The process was unable to access the file identified by the file name.
;ACTION         Check permission of file.

LAUNCH_FAIL SS "Failed to launch the command: %s. Operating system error: %s."
;CAUSE: Unable to lauch command successfully.
;ACTION: You may run out of processes or see your system administrator.

WAIT_FAIL SS "Failed to wait for the command: %s. Operating system error: %s."
;CAUSE: Unable to wait for command to finish successfully.
;ACTION: See your system administrator.

EXEC_FAIL SS "Command execution failure: %s. Operating system error: %s."
;CAUSE: Unable to execute the command successfully
;ACTION: See your system administrator.

PART2_UPDATE_FAIL SSS "Attempt to update partition index %s failed; trying to %s partition %s."

CANT_CHANGE_DIRECTORY S "Failure in attempt to set working directory to %s"
;CAUSE: Unable to change working directory before reading Verity index
;ACTION: See your system administrator

PATH_TOO_LONG S "The directory path %s is too long to be used by Verity"
;CAUSE: The path chosen for the index is too long for the Verity API
;ACTION: Chose a different location with a shorter file path and retry the index creation
TIMEOUT LLS "Timeout after %ld minutes attempting to index batch of size %ld of format %s"
;CAUSE: The indexing step took too long and was terminated.  The batch will be marked as having failed.
;ACTION:  Attempt to retry the batch by doing a mark_for_retry and another update. 
; If the problem is a looping or crashing filter, the subsequent update will generate another timeout.
CANT_OPEN_COLLECTION SI "Can't open collection for style %s: Error code = %d."
;CAUSE:  Possible filesystem offline or corrupted.
;ACTION:   Look for operating system error messages.
;PARAMETERS: %s - collection subtype
;   %d - Verity error code
CANT_OPEN_SESSION I "Can't open Vdk Session: Error code = %d."
;CAUSE:  Verity internal error.
;ACTION:   Report this error to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: %d - Verity error code
CANT_SET_COLLECTION SSI "Can't set collection for style %s on %s: Error code = %d."
CANT_SUBMIT_BULK SSI "Can't submit bulk update on %s for %s: Error code = %d."
CANT_SUBMIT_ADMIN_OPT II "Can't submit admin optimization on %d-th collection: Error code = %d."
;CAUSE:  Verity administrative error.  Can't cleanup collection.
;ACTION: Check the status file for other messages. 
;PARAMETERS: %d - the collection number
;  %d - the verity error return code
CANT_ADD_STYLE SS "Can't add style files to collection due to database error: %s. SQL statement: %s"
CANT_FIND_TYPE_INFO S "Can't determine ftindex attributes because internal type info not found for type: %s."
;CAUSE:  Internal error.  Probable memory corruption.
;ACTION:   Report this error to your Documentum site representative.
CANT_CREATE_PHASE2_LOCKFILE S "Can't create the lock file for update phase II.  Filename %s."
;CAUSE:  Out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION:   Look for operating system error messages.
CANT_ACQUIRE_PHASE2_LOCK S "Can't acquire file lock for update phase II.  Filename %s."
;CAUSE:  Internal error.  Another server may be holding the lock.
;ACTION:   Verify that there is only one server running an update,
;  then try again.
BAD_PHASE2_FILENAME S "Found badly formatted update file.  Filename %s."
;CAUSE:  Internal error.  Possible disk corruption or failure.
;ACTION: None may be necessary, we will attempt recovery.
LOST_PHASE2_FILE S "Update file %s has disappeared."
;CAUSE:  Internal error.  Possible disk corruption or failure.
;ACTION: None may be necessary, we will attempt recovery.
BAD_DESC_FILE S "Bad update descriptor file.  Can't read %s."
;CAUSE:  Internal error.  An indexing descriptor file
;   was written with an unreadable section.
;ACTION:   Report this error to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: %s - the name of the unreadable section.
UPDATE_VERITY_INDEX_ERROR I "Verity indexing returned error.  Code = %d."
;CAUSE:  Verity indexing error.  Possible bad content or filter problem.
;ACTION: Check the status file for other messages. 
;PARAMETERS: %d - the verity error return code
VERITY_DELETE_ERROR I "Verity index delete request returned error.  Code = %d."
;CAUSE:  Verity indexing error during delete request. 
;  Document may already have been deleted.
;ACTION: Check the status file for other messages. 
;PARAMETERS: %d - the verity error return code
DOC_NOT_INDEXED SS "Verity indexing failed for content %s (key %s)."
;CAUSE:  The content may be bad, or may have caused the filter
;  to crash or loop.  Or, there may be nothing wrong with
;  this content, just that it was indexed in a batch along
;  with a bad content.
;ACTION: Check the status file for other messages.  mark_for_retry
;  then rerun indexing with a smaller batch size.
;PARAMETERS: %s  - the object id of the content which failed
;  %s  - the verity key generated for that content
CANT_OPEN_COLLECTION_DIR SI "Can't open collection in directory %s: Error code = %d."
;CAUSE:  Internal error.  Possible disk corruption or failure.
;ACTION: None may be necessary, we will attempt recovery.
PHASE2_TIMED_OUT I "Phase 2 timed out after %d seconds.  Killing it."
;CAUSE:  Indexing filter has looped.
;ACTION: Look for Verity error messages and documents marked bad and retry.
CLEAR_PENDING_CANT_ACQUIRE_LOCK S "The clear pending method can't acquire the file lock for modifiying the index.  Filename %s.  Try again later."
;CAUSE:  Other fulltext activity, such as an update.
;ACTION:   Try again later.
UPDATE_DIR_BAD S "The update batch file is unreadable or missing.  Name: %s."
;CAUSE:  Disk failure or bad mount.
;ACTION:   Check the disk and directory.
CANT_CREATE_UPDATE_STATUS_FILE S "Can't create an update status file.  Filename %s."
;CAUSE:  Out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION:   Look for operating system error messages.
NO_STATUS_FILES_DURING_UPDATE "An update seems to be in progress but there are no status files (either current or old)."
;CAUSE:  Unknown error. 
;ACTION:   Try again.  If indexing problems occur, contact your Documentum site representative.
CANT_DESTROY_PHASE1_FILE SS "In update phase1, when attempting to erase file %s, got os error:%s"
;CAUSE:     OS error.
;ACTION:    Examine OS error string and react accordingly
CANT_DESTROY_PHASE2_FILE SS "In update phase2, when attempting to erase file %s, got os error:%s"
;CAUSE:     OS error.
;ACTION:    Examine OS error string and react accordingly
MKVDK_FAILURE I "mkvdk failed -- OS error was %d. Please check status.last file (for fulltext update operation) or status_optimize.last file (for fulltext clean operation) for more messages."
;CAUSE:           OS Error.
;ACTION:    Examine OS error number and react accordingly
CANT_DESTROY_LAST_STATUS_OPT_FILE SS "During cleaning, when attempting to erase file %s, got os error:s%"
;CAUSE:     OS Error
;ACTION: Examine OS error string and reach accordingly
FTINDEX_DEADLOCK "The database is in the deadlock state, so no fulltext operations will be performed. Check for errors in the server and session logs."
;CAUSE:     Database error, deadlock state caused by external factors
;ACTION:    Examine database logs. Once error is resolved, rerun the fulltext operation.
FTINDEX_BAD_STATUS "The fulltext index object is in a bad status. Check for errors in the server and session logs."
;CAUSE:     An set, revert, or save operation turned the status of the object bad.
;ACTION:    Examine logs for error messages. Once error is resolved, rerun the operation.
CANNOT_MARK_CONTENT_BAD SSI "Content %s with parent %s failed to save after setting the update_count attr to %d."
;CAUSE:     The save operation on the content failed most likely due to database error.
;ACTION:    Examine the database logs for any errors and inspect the content object.
;PARAMETERS:Content id, parent id, update_count
COMMIT_FAILED "The fulltext update operation failed to commit the changes made to the database."
;CAUSE:     Database error
;ACTION:    Examine the database logs. Once error is resolved, rerun the fulltext operation.

COPY_ENC_STYLE_ARG_INVALID "Null arguments passed to function that adds decryption filters to style.uni file."
;CAUSE:     Internal error
;ACTION:    Contact Documentum support.

SOURCE_STYLE_FILE_OPEN_FAILED S "Could not open file %s for read"
;CAUSE:     Check that the file exists.
;ACTION:    Contact Documentum support if file does not exist.

DEST_STYLE_FILE_OPEN_FAILED S "Could not open file %s for write"
;CAUSE:     Check that the directory exists, and has permission to write
;ACTION:    Contact Documentum support if directory does not exist.

STYLE_FILE_ERROR SS "The line %s missing in %s  file"
;CAUSE:     The line is missing in file
;ACTION:    Contact Documentum support.
;PARAMETERS:line, File name

ATTRIBUTE_QUERY_FAILED SI "The query %s to fetch indexed attribute values with batch size %d failed. Check the server and database logs for any db errors."
;CAUSE:     The query returned a NULL collection.
;ACTION:    Check the server and database logs for further errors.
;PARAMETERS:query string and number of contents to batch in one fetch to client

.severity  FATAL
CANT_LAUNCH_UPDATE_PHASE2 "Update phase 2 launch failed."
;CAUSE:  Probable OS resource problem: out of memory, disk space, etc.
;ACTION:   Look for OS error messages.
DOC_CURSOR_PROBLEM S "Problem reading document cursor.  Database: error %s.";
;CAUSE:  RDBMS error.
;ACTION:   Look for messages from RDBMS or OS
;PARAMETERS: %s - The RDBMS error message.
STYLE_CURSOR_PROBLEM SS "Problem reading collection style cursor.  Database: error %s.  Query: %s"
;CAUSE:  RDBMS error.
;ACTION:   Look for messages from RDBMS or OS.
;PARAMETERS: %s - The RDBMS error message.
UPDATE_SESSION_PROBLEM "Can't open vdk sessions or collections for this fulltext index."
;CAUSE:  Verity failed to establish a session or open all collections for this index, or the index has invalid references.
;ACTION:   See other accompanying error messages, and retry the operation in a new session.
CANT_CREATE_PHASE1_LOCKFILE S "Can't create the lock file for update phase I.  Filename %s."
;CAUSE:  Out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION:   Look for operating system error messages.
CANT_ACQUIRE_PHASE1_LOCK S "Can't acquire file lock for update phase I.  Filename %s."
;CAUSE:  Internal error.  Another server may be holding the lock.
;ACTION:   Verify that there is only one server running an update,
;  then try again.
CANT_CREATE_UPDATE_WORKDIR S "Can't create an update work directory.  Filename %s."
;CAUSE:  Out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION:   Look for operating system error messages.
CANT_FIND_UPDATE_WORKDIR S "Can't find an update work directory.  Filename %s."
;CAUSE:  Internal error.  Probably filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION:   Look for operating system error messages.
CANT_RENAME_BATCH_PREP_FILE SI "Rename of file %s failed after %d tries.  OS error: %s"
;CAUSE:  Internal error.  Probably filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION:   Retry indexing with a larger batch size.
CANT_CREATE_DUMMY_FILE S "Can't create the dummy file for updating non-indexable or no-content sysobjects (update phase I).  Filename %s."
;CAUSE:  Out of space on disk, read-only filesystem or
;  filesystem off-line, or other filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION:   Look for operating system error messages.

posted on 2009-11-16 12:54 liaojiyong 阅读(2155) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

