; Output Device Facility errors
; These are the errors encountered during Output Device processing.
.severity TRACE
.severity WARNING
SUB1 "An error occurred attempting to transform and save the content rendition in postscript."
;Refer to the next error message in the message queue for a description of
;why the transformation failed.
ACTION_UNSUPPORTED SS "The specified action '%s' is not supported on this platform '%s'."
;CAUSE: The specified action has no meaning or support on the given platform
;ACTION: Refer to documentation to see if this is a supported action
.severity ERROR
UNEXPECTEDERROR "Unexpected Error."
SAVE1 "This Output Device's operating system device name has not been set."
;The device name attribute is not set.
;Contact your Documentum Site Administrator about verifying the correct
;definition of the output device that you are trying to use.
APPLY1 "ApplyForInt unexpectedly returned invalid."
;Carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;Documentum Site Administrator.
APPLY2 "ApplyForString unexpectedly returned invalid."
;Carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;Documentum Site Administrator.
APPLY3 "Apply(SEARCH) unexpectedly returned NULL."
;Carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;Documentum Site Administrator.
INIT1 "The dmOutputDevice type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;Carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;Documentum Site Administrator.
INIT2 II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;The version stamp that the dmOutputDevice object software expected was
;different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
;software that you are running. If your software and data are consistent,
;then report a bug.
INIT3 "The type manager returned an error storing the dmOutputDevice type."
;Look at the error logged by the type manager.
INIT4 "The dm_outputdevice type cannot be stored because the dm_sysobject type could not be fetched from the database."
;The dm_sysobject type does not exist in the database.
;Unknown. It would be a good idea to check the database permissions
;for docuserv.
PCLOSE I "An unexpected system error %d occurred during pclose."
;Carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;Documentum Site Administrator.
SCANF1 S "Internal error. The lp subsystem returned a string that sscanf was not expecting. String:%s"
;Carefully record this error message and any parameters and contact your
;Documentum Site Administrator.
NOOSNAME S "The output device %s was not found in the system."
;1. The caller spelled the output device name incorrectly.
;2. A dm_outputdevice is not defined with the specified name.
;1. Correct the spelling of the device name and retry the operation.
;2. Define and Save a dmOutputDevice before retrying this operation.
REMOVE IS "A system error %d was encountered while attempting to remove the temporary print file %s."
;Check the permission of the print file.
;Check the permissions of all directories leading to the print file.
NEED_PRIV_FOR_CHANGE SS "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s server_config object."
;CAUSE: Must have Superuser or SysAdmin privilege to save/destroy outputdevice objects.
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.
NONEXISTENT S "Outputdevice with %s object_name does not exist."
;CAUSE: User specified an invalid output device.
;ACTION: Specify a valid output device object_name.
OS_ERROR SS "An error was returned by the operating system during the processing of the request. OS API: %s returned error: %s"
;CAUSE: Unknown: it is a function of the command given
;ACTION: Check your configuration and/or operating system.
OPEN_PRINTER SS "Unable to open the output device due to error: %s. The command used was: (%s)"
;CAUSE: Unknown: it is a function of the command given
;ACTION: Check your configuration and/or operating system.
ASSUME_USER_PF SS "Unable to access the assume user program file. Error returned from Operating System: (%s). Program file: (%s)."
COPY_TO_COMMON "Unable to complete the print request due to an error during the file copy to the common area"
FETCH_FAILED "Unable to complete the print request due to an error fetching the content"
ASSUME_USR_RET I "Unable to complete the print request; an error was returned from the assume user process: %d"
CANT_FIND_METHOD S "Can not find the method named : '%s'."
; CAUSE: Server could not find a method with the supplied name.
; ACTION: Check dm_method objects for a method of this name and report it to
; your sysadmin
TICKET_FAILED S "Ticket generation failed for user '%s'."
; CAUSE: Server failed to generate a ticket for the specified user
; ACTION: Report the error to the sysadmin, check user credentials
CANT_RUN_METHOD SL "The server was unable to run method '%s', error return was %d."
; CAUSE: Server failed to generate a ticket for the specified user
; ACTION: Report the error to the sysadmin, check user credentials
FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED S "The document format '%s' is not support."
; CAUSE: Server failed to generate a ticket for the specified user
; ACTION: Report the error to the sysadmin, check user credentials
.severity FATAL