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; Transformation Facility errors
.facility DM_XFRM
; These are the errors encountered during Content processing.
.severity TRACE
.severity WARNING

NO_CONVERT_LOC_DEFINED "Your server configuration does not define a conversion location -- no conversions can be performed."

.severity ERROR
ATTR_EXCEED ISS "List has > %d attributes: %s...%s"
;There are too many attributes for a conversion in the convert.tbl file.
;Reduce the number of conversion formats on the line. Break up the line into
;multiple conversions. If this fails return to the default convert.tbl file
;whose copy is named convert.bak in the convert/scripts directory.

BAD_ATTR S "Bad conversion attribute: %s"
;The conversion attribute given is incorrect.
;Change the line in the convert.tbl file to a valid conversion format.

MEMORY  S "Unable to allocate memory for file: %s"
;There is not enough memory to allocate the conversion tables.
;Restart the server and insure that there is sufficient swap space.
;Try reducing the size of the convert.tbl if it is very large.

CANT_OPEN SS "Unable to open file: (%s).  Operating System Error: (%s)"
;Cannot open the conversion file indicated.
;Make sure that the convert.tbl file exists in the convert/scripts directory.
;If necessary, copy the orginal version convert.old to convert.tbl.

TOO_MANY_CVRT I "More than %d conversions"
;The number of lines beginning with -c has exceed the maximum.
;Eliminate unnecessary conversions. If necessary, copy the orginal version
;convert.old to convert.tbl.

ATTR_FAIL S "Conversion %s failed to read attributes"
;Unable to read intermediate file containing conversion results.
;Insure that there is enough space in the temporary directory and that all
;is well with the converter indicated.

CVRT_FAIL SS "Conversion %s failed for attribute %s"
;The conversion failed to convert to the format indicated.
;Insure that there is enough space in the temporary directory and that all
;is well with the converter indicated.

NO_CVRT  SS "Unable to find a conversion from %s to %s"
;Unable to find a conversion from the stored format to the format requested.
;Insure that all is well with the converter. You may need to purchase the
;a new converter in order to accomplish the conversion or there may not
;be a transformation possible to the format you have requested.

NO_FMT_AVAIL SSI "Unable to find a rendition for %s with format %s on page %d"
;No rendition exists in the database and the conversion engine has been turned off.
;Add the rendition requested. There may not be a conversion available to that format.
;Insure that all is well with the converter.

NO_ORIG SI "Unable to find the original for %s on page %d"
;The original format of the document no longer exists.
;Add the rendition requested. Use the setfile or addrendition command to add the
;original format contents to the document.

CANT_CONV SSI "Could not transform document %s to format %s on page %d"
;Transformation failed for some reason previously stated.
;Insure that all is well with the converter. You may need to purchase the
;a new converter in order to accomplish the conversion or there may not
;be a transformation possible to the format you have requested.
CANT_CONV_EXT SSSII "External converter %s could not transform document %s to format %s on page %d, status returned %d"
;Transformation failed for some reason previously stated.
;Insure that all is well with the converter. You may need to purchase the
;a new converter in order to accomplish the conversion or there may not
;be a transformation possible to the format you have requested.

CONVERT_DIRECTORY_ACCESS SSS "The location defined in your server configuration for conversions, (%s), specifies a directory, (%s), which cannot be accessed.  The Operating System error returned was (%s)."

CONVERT_TABLE SSS "The location defined in your server configuration for conversions, (%s), specifies a file, (%s), which cannot be accessed.  The Operating System error returned was (%s)."
NEED_TEMP "Need to define a temp_location to perform convesions."
;CAUSE: Server did not sess a temp_location in your server_config object.
;ACTION: Define a temp_location in your server_config object.
NEED_LOC SS "Could not locate %s temp_location os_error: %s"
;CAUSE: Server could not open the temp_location successfully. Most likely
;  has been removed.
;ACTION: See your adminstrator.
INVALID_CONV S "Invalid %s server_converter_location defined."
;CAUSE: Invalid location is pointed by the server_config object.
;ACTION: See your adminstrator to correct the server_config object.
NO_BACKING_STORE "No backing store to make copy of blob/turbo content"
;CAUSE: Attempt to convert blob or turbo content without defining backing store
;ACTION: See your adminstrator to correct the server_config object.
NO_BACKING_STORE2 "No backing store to make copy of external content"
;CAUSE: Attempt to convert blob or turbo content without defining backing store
;ACTION: See your adminstrator to correct the server_config object.
LAUNCH_FAIL SS "Failed to launch the command: %s. Operating system error: %s."
;CAUSE: Unable to lauch command successfully.
;ACTION: You may run out of processes or see your system administrator.
WAIT_FAIL SS "Failed to wait for the command: %s. Operating system error: %s."
;CAUSE: Unable to wait for command to finish successfully.
;ACTION: See your system administrator.
CURSOR_FETCH_FAIL S "A failure occurred during a fetch through a cursor: database error message was %s"
;CAUSE: During a fetch in a database cursor, the operation failed.  The operation is terminated.
;ACTION: The database system error message may indicate how to repair the error.
.severity  FATAL

posted on 2009-11-16 12:54 liaojiyong 阅读(660) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

