1 Launch Keychain Access from your local Mac and from the login keychain, filter by the Certificates category. You will see an expandable option called “Apple Development Push Services”
2 Right click on “Apple Development Push Services” > Export “Apple Development Push Services ID123″. Save this as apns-dev-cert.p12 file somewhere you can access it. There is no need to enter a password.
3 The next command generates the cert in Mac’s Terminal for PEM format (Privacy Enhanced Mail Security Certificate):
openssl pkcs12 -in apns-dev-cert.p12 -out apns-dev-cert.pem -nodes -clcerts
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2012-05-29 11:07 lincode 阅读(727) |
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这个 bug 在 xcode 4.3 以下会出现,4.3 以后已经修正了。
解决方法为:找到 target 的图标,更改其 Other Linker Flags 为: -all_load 或 -force_load
苹果的解释为 :
http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#qa/qa1490/_index.html简单点说就是,Objective-C 的动态特性使得需要,为链接器添加一个标签(设置 Other Linker Flags 为 -ObjC)来解决通过 Category 向类添加方法的问题。
但这个标签 -ObjC 在 64 位 和 iOS 中有问题,需要使用 -all_load 或 -force_load。
如果,第三库中没有 category,Other Linker Flags 无需设置
如果,第三方库中有 category,需要设置为 -ObjC
如果,某些 Xcode 版本中,出现问题,修改设置为 -all_load
posted @
2012-04-23 14:56 lincode 阅读(1809) |
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获得 Crash Report:1 itunesConnect 的后台会提供一个 Crash report 表;
2 把一台打开了开发模式的机器接入 Mac,Xcode 的 Organizer 中能查看这台设备的 Crash Report;
3 若使用了 Umeng.com, Bugsense.com 之类的工具。
阅读 Crash Report:这之前需要一个名为 AppName.app.dSYM 的文件。Xcode 中,Archive 一个项目之后,可以在 Organizer 的 Archives 分页中,找到所有项目的 Archvie 文件。
右键点击一个, Show Package Content,就能看到一个类似 AppName-3-19-12.app.PM.xcarchive 的文件,show in finder 这个文件,就能找到 .dSYM 文件。
在 Ternimal 中执行,若是 来自于 iphone 3G 的机器,就需要使用 armv6 代替 armv7.
atos -o AppName.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/AppName -arch armv7 0x0000b82
posted @
2012-03-18 13:56 lincode 阅读(994) |
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Apple 提供了一个地址方向解析的服务 MKReverseGeocoder,上传一个经纬度,返回一个详细的地理位置信息。但这个服务在中国不太稳定,时常不可用。
Google map 也提供了一个类似的服务,是访问一个 google map 的 api,这里试图封装了 google map 的服务。使使用 apple 和 google 的服务的接口基本一致,替换起来很容易。Google map 的这个服务在中国的状态比 apple 稍微好一些,但也有不稳定的时候。我猜想,apple 也许是使用 google 的服务封装了自己的 MKReverseGeocoder。若是如此,这里的尝试也就没有什么意义了。
DOUHttpRequest 是对 ASIHTTPRequest 的一个简单封装。这些代码可以 继承自 MKReverseGeocoder。这样,使用方法就和 MKReverseGeocoder 一样了。
static NSString* kGeoServerUrl = @"http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=%f,%f&sensor=true&language=en";
static NSString* kLatitudeUserInfoKey = @"latitudeUserInfoKey";
static NSString* kLongitudeUserInfoKey = @"longitudeUserInfoKey";
// It's tje solution for replacing MKReverseGeocoder that has problem in China.
- (void)startedReverseGeoderWithLatitude:(double)latitude longitude:(double)longitude {
NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:kGeoServerUrl, latitude, longitude];
DOUHttpRequest *req = [DOUHttpRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url] target:self];
NSNumber *lat = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:latitude];
NSNumber *lon = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:longitude];
req.userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:lat, kLatitudeUserInfoKey, lon, kLongitudeUserInfoKey, nil];
DOUService *service = [DOUService sharedInstance];
[service addRequest:req];
- (NSDictionary *)addressDictionary:(NSObject *)obj {
NSArray* ary = nil;
if (IS_INSTANCE_OF(obj, NSDictionary)) {
NSObject* data = [(NSDictionary*)obj objectForKey:@"results"];
if (IS_INSTANCE_OF(data, NSArray)) {
ary = (NSArray*)data;
NSDictionary *dic = [ary objectAtIndex:0];
NSArray *addressComps = [dic objectForKey:@"address_components"];
//NSString *streetNumber = @"";
NSString *route = @"";
NSString *locality = @"";
NSString *country = @"";
for (NSDictionary *comp in addressComps) {
NSArray *types = [comp objectForKey:@"types"];
NSString *type = [types objectAtIndex:0];
// if ([type isEqualToString:@"street_number"]) {
// streetNumber = [comp objectForKey:@"long_name"];
// }
if ([type isEqualToString:@"route"]) {
route = [comp objectForKey:@"long_name"];
if ([type isEqualToString:@"locality"]) {
locality = [comp objectForKey:@"long_name"];
if ([type isEqualToString:@"country"]) {
country = [comp objectForKey:@"long_name"];
NSDictionary *addressDic = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:route, kABPersonAddressStreetKey,
locality, kABPersonAddressCityKey,
country, kABPersonAddressCountryKey, nil];
return addressDic;
return nil;
- (void)requestFinished:(DOUHttpRequest *)req {
NSError *error = [req error];
if (!error) {
DebugLog(@"str:%@", [req responseString]);
NSObject *obj = [[req responseString] JSONValue];
NSDictionary *addressDic = [self addressDictionary:obj];
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
coordinate.latitude = [[req.userInfo objectForKey:kLatitudeUserInfoKey] doubleValue];
coordinate.longitude = [[req.userInfo objectForKey:kLongitudeUserInfoKey] doubleValue];
MKPlacemark *placemark = [[[MKPlacemark alloc] initWithCoordinate:coordinate
addressDictionary:addressDic] autorelease];
[self reverseGeocoder:nil didFindPlacemark:placemark];
- (void)requestFailed:(DOUHttpRequest *)req {
[self reverseGeocoder:nil didFailWithError:[req error]];
#pragma mark - MKReverseGeocoderDelegate
static NSString * const AppleLanguagesKey = @"AppleLanguages";
- (void)reverseGeocoder:(MKReverseGeocoder *)geocoder didFindPlacemark:(MKPlacemark *)placemark {
NSArray *array = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:AppleLanguagesKey];
NSString *currentLanguage = [array objectAtIndex:0];
// set current language as english
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"zh-Hans", nil]
NSString *local = [placemark.locality lowercaseString];
[AppContext sharedInstance].currentCityUid = local;
// reset current language
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:currentLanguage, nil]
- (void)reverseGeocoder:(MKReverseGeocoder *)geocoder didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
TraceLog(@"reverseGeocoder :%@", [error localizedDescription]);
posted @
2012-01-12 21:27 lincode 阅读(1362) |
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