1) Open Access to have all the tables ready. Please note: the tables must be all upper case, like CUST_PRM, not like cust_prm.
2) Select a table and right mouse click on it. Then a menu bar shows up. In the menu bar, select and click on the “Export” menu.
3) In the popped up File Selection window, select the value “ODBC Databases()” in the “Save As Type” field. Please see picture below:
4) Then in the “Export” dialog, the table name defaults to the same table name in Access. Do not change it. You simply click on OK button.
5) In the “Select Data Source” window, click on the “Machine Data Source” TAB. Then select your oracle database, such as “prm”. Then click on OK button.
6) Then in the “Oracle ODBC Driver Connect” window, type in the password and then click on OK button.
Wait until the data is replicated into Oracle.
7) Open a DOS prompt, and type “sqlplus u1/p1”. Here, u1 and p1 are my username/password of my PRM database. You should use your own database username and password.
8) After login into sqlplus, type “select * from TAB;”, you will see your table created.
9) In sqlplus, type command “desc CUST_PRM;”
10) In sqlplus, type command “select * from CUST_PRM;”
posted on 2006-03-04 22:17
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