Data Export on Source Server
1. Open Windchil Shell and login to SQL Plus as user OB80
2. Execute the following SQL statement:
select * from nls_database_parameters t where t.parameter in ('NLS_LANGUAGE', 'NLS_TERRITORY', 'NLS_CHARACTERSET');
The result in the testing system is:
3. Exit SQL Plus
4. Execute the following command:
5. Execute the following command to export TrueOrders data:
exp ob80/ob80 file=epcit.dmp log=epcit_exp.log compress=y;
Please make sure Export terminated successfully without warning.
6. TrueOrders data is exported to epcit.dmp located under the directory in which you run the export command (in this case, it’s D:\ptc\Windchill_8.0\db\sql).
7. Copy epcit.dmp to a directory on target server (e.g., D:\ptc\Windchill_8.0\db\sql).
Data Import on Source Server
1. Open Windchil Shell and login to SQL Plus as SYSDBA
2. Drop user OB80
drop user ob80 cascade;
The user ob80 is dropped, including all the objects (table, index, view, procedure...) belong to ob80. It may take several minutes.
3. Re-create user OB80
Enter value for user: ob80
Enter value for temporary_tablespace: temp
Enter value for userdata_tablespace: users
4. Repeat Steps 2, 3, 4 from the Data Export phase
5. From the directory where you put the epcit.dmp (e.g., D:\ptc\Windchill_8.0\db\sql), execute the following command to import TrueOrders data:
imp ob80/ob80 file=epcit.dmp log=epcit_imp.log full=y commit=y;
Please make sure Import terminated successfully without warning.
6. Data migration completes.
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