Posted on 2009-03-18 22:10
logicgate 阅读(198)
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1. Create the database "catadb" which is to be used as the recovery catalog. This catalog can serve more than one databases.
2. Create tablespace "rman_ts" on database "catadb".
3. Create the user "rman_user" who owns the catalog data, with its default tablespace set to "rman_ts". And then grant the "recovery_catalog_owner" role it.
SQL> create user rman_user identified by password default tablespace rman_ts quota unlimited on rman_ts;
SQL> grant recovery_catalog_owner to rman_user;
4. Create catalog in RMAN
C:\>rman catalog rman/rman@catadb
RMAN> create catalog;
5. Connect to the target database and register it in the newly created catalog.
C:\>rman target sys/password@targetdb catalog rman_user/password@catadb
RMAN> register database;