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create unique index stusno on student(sno); --创建索引

create clustered index stuname on student(sname);-- 创建聚簇索引

drop index student.stuname; -- 删除索引

alter table student add constraint PK1_ID primary key(sno);--修改表的sno为主键


create table student (

sno char(5) not null unique,

sname char(20) unique,
ssex  char(1),

sage int,
sdept char(15));

drop table student;


ALTER TABLE student DROP CONSTRAINT unique  --没有解决

alter table student drop CONSTRAINT sname ;

create table WoolAdminName
ID int identity(1,1) not null,
AdminName varchar(30) not null,
pwd varchar(30) not null
alter table WoolAdminName
add constraint PK_ID primary key(ID)
insert into WoolAdminName values('admin','admin')

create table course(

cno char(5) not null  primary key,

sname char(20) ,

cpno char(5) not null,

ccredit int );

create table sc(

cno char(5),

sno char(5),

grade int,

primary key(sno,cno)

select * from student;
insert into student values('1','ren','m',20,'信息工程');
insert into student values('2','xi','w',18,'公共管理');
insert into student values('3','hai','m',22,'管理科学');
insert into student values('4','hui','w','19','信息工程');

select sname 姓名, 40-sage 年龄 from student;

select sname 姓名, sage 年龄 from student where sage >=20;

select sname 姓名, sage 年龄 from student group by sage having  max(sage) ;

use test1;

alter table student drop unique(sname);

select sname,'Year of Birth:',2007-sage birthday,lower(sdept) from student;

select * from student;

select ssex from student;

select distinct ssex from student;


select * from student where sage =22;

select * from student where sage <>22;

select * from student where sage !=22;


select * from student where sage>21;

select * from student where sage !>21;

select * from student where sage not > 21;
--上边的形式不对 应改成下边的形式

select * from student where not sage  > 21;


select * from student where sage between 19 and 21;-- between and

select * from student where sage not between 19 and 21;--not between and

select * from student where sage in (19,20,21);-- in

select * from student where sage not in (19,20,21);-- not in

select * from student where sname like 'h\_i'escape '\';   -- like

select * from student where sname not like 'h%'; -- not like

select * from student where sname is null;  -- is null

select * from student where sname is not null; -- is not null

select * from student where sname like 'h%' and sage>20;--and

select * from student where sname like '%i' or sage<20;-- or

select * from student where sage in (19,20,21)order by sage desc;-- order by

select * from student order by sdept desc,sage desc;--系按降序排列,同系中的按年龄降序排列

select count(*) from student; -- 统计元组个数

select count(*) from student where sage>20; -- 有条件统计元组个数

select  count(distinct ssex) from student;-- 统计一列中 不重复的值的个数

select  count(ssex) from student;--统计一列中值的个数

select sum(sage) from student;-- 计算一列值的总和(此列必为数值型)

select avg(sage) from student; -- 计算一列值的平均值

select max(sage) from student; -- 求一列值的最大值

select min(sage) from student; -- 求一列值的最小值

select sno from sc group by sno having count(*)>=2;

FROM dbo.course INNER JOIN
      dbo.sc ON dbo.course.cno = dbo.sc.cno INNER JOIN
      dbo.student ON dbo.sc.sno = dbo.student.sno

select student.*,sc.* from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno;--等值连接

select student.*,sc.* from student,sc;--广义笛卡尔积

select student.sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept,cno,grade from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno;


select first.cno,second.cpno from course first,course second where first.cpno=second.cno;

SELECT p1.pub_id,p2.pub_id,p1.pr_info
FROM pub_info AS p1 INNER  pub_info AS p2
ON DATALENGTH(p1.pr_info)=DATALENGTH(p2.pr_info)


--join_type 指出连接类型,可分为三种:内连接、外连接和交叉连接。内连接(INNER JOIN)使用比
--和全外连接(FULL OUTER JOIN或FULL JOIN)三种。与内连接不同的是,外连接不只列出与连接条件相匹
--交叉连接(CROSS JOIN)没有WHERE 子句,它返回连接表中所有数据行的笛卡尔积,其结果集合中的
--连接操作中的ON (join_condition) 子句指出连接条件,它由被连接表中的列和比较运算符、逻辑


select student.sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept,cno,grade from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno *;--错误的写法

-- 右外连接
select student.sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept,cno,grade from student right join sc on student.sno=sc.sno ;

SELECT a.*,b.* FROM luntan LEFT JOIN usertable as b
ON a.username=b.username


use test1;
select sno, sname from student  where sno in (
 select sno from sc where cno in

  (select cno from course where sname='数据结构')

select student.sno,student.sname from student, sc, course

 where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=course.cno and course.sname='数据结构';

select sname,sage,sdept from student where sage<any(select sage from student where sdept='信息工程');

select sname,sage,sdept from student where sage<all(select sage from student where sdept='信息工程');


select sname from student where exists (select * from sc where sno=student.sno and cno='1');

select sname from student where not exists (select * from sc where sno=student.sno and cno='1');

select * from course;

insert into course values('1','语文','2','');

insert into course values('2','数学','2','');

insert into course values('3','英语','2','');

insert into course values('4','c语言','2','');

insert into course values('5','数据结构','2','');

select * from sc;

insert into sc values('1','1','');

insert into sc values('1','2','');

insert into sc values('2','2','');

insert into sc values('2','1','');

insert into sc values('3','3','');

insert into sc values('5','3','');


posted on 2007-08-22 15:05 源自有缘 阅读(733) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

