删除 ActiveX 控件,请按照相应部分中的步骤操作。
Internet Explorer 3.0、3.01 和 3.02
- 单击“开始”,指向“设置”,单击“控制面板”,双击“添加/删除程序”,然后单击“安装/卸载”选项卡。
- 如果您要删除的 ActiveX 控件出现在安装的程序列表中,请单击该 ActiveX 控件,单击“添加/删除”,然后按照屏幕上的说明操作。如果该 ActiveX 控件没有出现在安装的程序列表中,则继续执行下一步。
- 单击“开始”,单击“运行”,在“打开”框中键入下列行,然后单击“确定”:
regsvr32 drive:\windows\occache\filename.ocx /u
注意:drive 是 Windows 文件夹所在的驱动器号,windows 是安装 Windows 的文件夹名,而 filename.ocx 是您想要删除的 ActiveX 控件。
注意:如果您不知道要删除的 ActiveX 控件 (.ocx) 的文件名,则可以通过查看安装或使用 ActiveX 控件的网页的超文本标记语言 (HTML) 源文件来确定该文件名。要查看一个网页的 HTML 源文件,请右键单击该网页的空白区域,然后单击“查看源文件”。
- 在 Windows 资源管理器或 Windows NT 资源管理器中,单击 Windows\Occache 文件夹中的 .ocx 文件,然后单击“文件”菜单上的“删除”。
Occache 是在 Internet Explorer 3.x 的所有版本中安装有 ActiveX 控件的文件夹的名称。Regsvr32.exe 文件是由 Internet Explorer 安装的,并且可用于注册和删除 ActiveX 控件的注册表项。
Internet Explorer 4.x 或更高版本(所有平台)
Internet Explorer 4.x 或更高版本,包括 Occache.dll 文件,该文件可用于使用“shell 文件夹”枚举、更新和安全地卸载 ActiveX 控件。
- 单击“开始”,指向“设置”,单击“控制面板”,双击“添加/删除程序”,然后单击“安装/卸载”选项卡。
- 如果您要删除的 ActiveX 控件出现在安装的程序列表中,请单击该 ActiveX 控件,单击“添加/删除”,然后按照屏幕上的说明操作。如果该 ActiveX 控件没有出现在安装的程序列表中,则继续执行下一步。
- 在 Windows 资源管理器或 Windows NT 资源管理器中,双击 Windows\Downloaded Program Files 文件夹或 Winnt\Downloaded Program Files 文件夹,右键单击您想要删除的 ActiveX 控件,然后单击“删除”。
- 在系统提示您是否删除该 ActiveX 控件后,单击“是”。
重要说明:如果您运行的是 Internet Explorer 4.0,则不应删除以下 ActiveX 控件:
- DirectAnimation Java Classes
- Internet Explorer Classes for Java
- Microsoft XML Parser for Java
- Win32 Classes
Internet Explorer 5.0 或更高版本不要求 Downloaded Program Files 文件中的这些组件。
删除 ActiveX 控件时出现的错误消息
在您尝试使用 Occache shell 文件夹删除一个 ActiveX 控件时,可能显示以下错误消息之一:
- 共享冲突 这些程序文件当前正由一个或多个程序使用。请关闭一些程序,然后重试。您可能需要重新启动 Windows。
- 组件删除 即将删除 Windows 系统 DLL:(<path\filename>)。是否删除?
如果您要尝试删除的 ActiveX 控件当前在内存中由 Internet Explorer 或“活动桌面”组件加载,则显示此错误消息。
- 关闭所有打开的 Internet Explorer 窗口。
- 禁用“活动桌面”。为此,请右键单击桌面上的空白区域,指向“活动桌面”,然后单击“查看网页”以清除该复选标记。
- 按照本文中前面部分的“Internet Explorer 4.0 或更高版本”部分中介绍的步骤,删除该 ActiveX 控件。
注意:您最好在删除 ActiveX 控件前重新启动 Windows。
仅当您要删除的 ActiveX 控件向已注册的 Occache 文件夹以外的文件夹(例如,Windows\System 或 Winnt\System32)安装文件时,该消息才出现在 4.01 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 之前的 Internet Explorer 4 版本中。Occache 不是总能确定这些文件是否正由其程序共享。
如果您确定消息中显示的一个或多个文件未由 Windows 或其他程序使用,请单击“是”。否则,单击“否”。
注意:在 Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 和更高版本中,Occache 不删除(或提示您删除)注册的 Occache 文件夹之外的相关文件。
支持多个 Occache 文件夹
Internet Explorer 4.0 和更高版本支持多个 Occache 文件夹。Occache 文件夹的列表位于以下注册表项中:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ActiveX Cache
默认情况下,Internet Explorer 4.0 和更高版本使用 Windows\Downloaded Program Files 或 Winnt\Downloaded Program Files 文件夹。如果是从 Internet Explorer 3.x 升级的,则 Occache 和 Downloaded Program Files 文件夹可能都存在。在此情况下,所有新的 ActiveX 控件都安装在 Downloaded Program Files 文件夹中,但以前安装的 ActiveX 控件仍在 Occache 文件夹中工作。当您在 Windows 资源管理器、Windows NT 资源管理器或“我的电脑”中打开 Occache 或 Downloaded Program Files 文件夹时,将显示所有 ActiveX 控件,而与该 ActiveX 控件的文件所在的文件夹无关。在此情况下,注册表项中将出现以下字符串值:
"1"="C:\\WINDOWS\\Downloaded Program Files"
有关 ActiveX 控件的其他信息,请参见 Microsoft 知识库中的以下文章:
154544 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/154544/LN/ ) ActiveX 技术说明
有关 Internet Explorer 在发生冲突(例如,如果文件已存在)时如何下载 ActiveX 控件的信息,请参见 Microsoft 知识库中的以下文章:
196150 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/196150/LN/ ) INFO:为什么会在代码下载期间创建 CONFLICT 目录
Web Page Printability With CSS
author: Martin
"mpot" Pot
date: 7 January 2005
This article describes how to use CSS media types to make your website
much more
An overview of CSS media types is given, and sample HTML and CSS code is
detailing how to implement CSS media types for improving printability.
Most webpages do not print very well, with large amounts of the printed
page being wasted with
banners, navigation menus, advertising, and other unnecessary content.
When attempting to print out the main text of a webpage, you often have
to resort to
copying the text into Word or another editor, and then printing it.
Some websites make use of a link at the bottom of the page, linking to a
"printable version"
of the same page. However, this requires additional effort on the part
of the web developer.
There is a much easier way to make your pages print better, and that's
via the use of
CSS media types.
For example, all content on
has been designed to be
When printing pages from this site
using a modern browser, elements such as the left menu column and the
right column (where used)
will be hidden, thus ensuring there's more room on the printed page for
the main content.
page as displayed on a 1024x768 screen
The image above shows how one of the pages on this website would be
displayed on a
computer screen, at a resolution of 1024x768.
printed page,
no print optimisation
printed page,
optimised for printing
The left image above shows how the same page will look when printed, if
all the page content is printed.
Notice how little room there is in the centre of the page for the main
The right image above shows the same page, but the navigation and other
content on the left and right
hand sides of the page is not printed. CSS media types have been used
to hide this content when
the page is printed.
CSS Media Types
The primary aim of the CSS media types is to allow the web-page author
to define different styles for
a page, depending on the media being used to display the page.
CSS 2.1 supports numerous media types, including
all (suitable for all devices),
screen (computer screens),
print (pages viewed on-screen in print-preview mode and printed
Other less-common media types are also supported, such as braille,
embossed, handheld, projection,
speech, etc, but we won't be discussing any of these.
CSS media types are defined using the rule in
your CSS style-sheet,
or in your in-line CSS style definitions.
For example, to define different font sizes for the
screen media types, as well as a common
line-height to be used for both,
the CSS definition is as follows:
@media print {
body { font-size: 10pt }
@media screen {
body { font-size: 13px }
@media screen, print {
body { line-height: 1.2 }
The CSS media types allow you to specify different CSS properties for
any element, so it will be
displayed differently on the screen than when printed.
For the purposes of this article, the only thing we're interested in is
to hide some page elements
when the page is printed.
Refer to the
2.1 Media Definitions
for more details on CSS media types.
Using CSS Media Types
The web pages on this website are all generated on-the-fly, using
server-side Perl templates.
All pages have a number of common elements, namely:
- a banner across the top
- navigation menu on the left side
- main content in the centre
- advertising and other content on the right side
- footer across the bottom
When someone prints out a page from this website, CSS media types are
used to hide a number
of elements on the page, including the navigation menu, advertising, and
the navigation content
in the footer.
To provide a working demonstration of how CSS media types can be used in
this way, a demonstration
web page was coded, using tables to define the banner area across the
top of the page, with
a column down the left-hand side for the navigation menu, a column down
the right-hand side
for other content, and a footer across the bottom of the page.
This layout is one of the most commonly used page layouts on the
internet at the present - hence
my choice to use it as an example.
the example page
Firstly, we define the CSS styles for the page:
<style type="text/css">
@media print {
.noprint { display: none; }
Note that the CSS styles can also be defined using a separate CSS file,
but example page has the CSS
defined in-line for simplicity (and to keep the example to a single
The above CSS definition is defining a style called
and will only
be applied to printed content. Setting the
property to
none means any content using this CSS style
will not be displayed
when printed, but will be displayed for all other media types.
There are a number of components on this page that we don't want
printed, namely the columns on the
left-hand side and on the right-hand side.
noprint style is applied to the table
cells holding this content,
thus ensuring they won't be visible when the page is printed.
<table border='1' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' width='100%' >
<tr height='60'><td colspan='3'>
banner place-holder
<tr><td width='150' valign='top' class='noprint'>
left-side content place-holder
<b>main content</b>
</td><td width='150' valign='top' class='noprint'>
right-side content place-holder
</td></tr><tr><td colspan='3'>
footer content place-holder
This will result in the columns on the left and right-hand sides being
hidden when the page
is printed, thus providing more space on the printed page for the
content itself.
Note that this style needs to be applied to the table cells themselves,
and not just to the content
in these table cells, else the (empty) cells will still show up on the
printed copy.
Testing Your CSS
The easiest way to test CSS styles for print media is to use a web
browser which has print preview
The print preview will give you a fairly accurate representation of how
the page will look
when it is printed, and is a much more efficient way to test your media
styles, rather than
actually printing out pages on a printer.
Most popular web browsers should support print preview functionality.
browser has print preview functionality, although it lacks any
zoom/unzoom capabilities.
As an alternative to using print preview, you can print the web page to a
PDF file.
There are numerous (costly, freeware, and anywhere in between) software
packages for
doing this.
I recommend using the freeware and open-source
which is
a Windows printer driver which allows you to create PDFs from any
Windows application, just by
selecting the PDFCreator driver as the virtual printer from that
Also be sure to use the
Validation Service to
check your CSS definitions.
The user was running Office 2007 and getting this error. After doing some research, we came across a few possible solutions. In this post, I’ll list them out here.
Method 1 – Unregister Text Converter
Basically, in Windows XP SP2 and above and Windows Server 2003 SP1 and above, if you have a plain text file or another kind of file that is not a Microsoft Word file, but has a .doc extension, you will get this error.
This can also happen if you are opening a really old document created by Word for Windows 6.0 or Word 97 documents. In this case, you can disable the mswrd632 converter so you don’t get this error. The files will then be opened by the Microsoft Office text converters.
You can unregister this converter by going to Start, then run and typing regedit. Then navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Text Converters\Import\MSWord6.wpc

Right-click on the MSWord6.wpc key in the left hand pane and choose Delete. If you have a Word 97 document, you should still be able to open it in Word 2003 or 2007. However, you will not be able to open these files in WordPad anymore. You’ll get an error like:
Cannot load Word for Windows 6.0 files
If you really have to use WordPad to open Word 6.0/95 files, you can re-enable the Word 6.0/95 for Windows and Macintosh to RFT converter. Open the registry and go to the following keys:
For 32-bit versions of Windows
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Applets\Wordpad
For Microsoft Windows on Windows 64 (WOW) mode
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Applets\Wordpad
If the Wordpad key is not there in the left-hand pane, create it. After that, create a new DWORD value in the right-pane called AllowConversion and give it a value of 1.
Method 2 – Copy the MSWrd632.wpc File
The other way to solve this issue is to copy the MSWrd632.wpc file from another computer to the computer having problems.
The only issue with this is that it is less secure and makes your computer vulnerable to a possible security hack, so don’t do this unless you really have to or that computer is not connected to the Internet.
You can usually find this file in the following path:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv\
That’s about it! If you are still having this problem, post a comment here and I’ll try to help! Enjoy!