









public ActionForward add(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
return mapping.findForward("add");
public ActionForward insert(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
if (isTokenValid(request, true)) {
// 表单不是重复提交正常执行
} else {
这时其实也就是两点,第一:你需要在请求中有这个令牌值,请求中的令牌值如何保存,其实就和我们平时在页面中保存一些信息是一样的,通过隐藏字段来保存,保存的形式如: 〈input type="hidden" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN" value="6aa35341f25184fd996c4c918255c3ae"〉,这个value是TokenProcessor类中的generateToken()获得的,是根据当前用户的session id和当前时间的long值来计算的。第二:在客户端提交后,我们要根据判断在请求中包含的值是否和服务器的令牌一致,因为服务器每次提交都会生成新的Token,所以,如果是重复提交,客户端的Token值和服务器端的Token值就会不一致。

posted @ 2008-06-03 13:47 lqx 阅读(347) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

[收藏]How to pass SOAP Attachments with JAX-RPC Web Service


posted @ 2008-05-29 10:16 lqx 阅读(203) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

[收藏]Which style of WSDL should I use?


A Web Services Description Language (WSDL) binding style can be RPC or document. The use can be encoded or literal. How do you determine which combination of style and use to use? The author describes the WSDL and SOAP messages for each combination to help you decide.


A WSDL document describes a Web service. A WSDL binding describes how the service is bound to a messaging protocol, particularly the SOAP messaging protocol. A WSDL SOAP binding can be either a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) style binding or a document style binding. A SOAP binding can also have an encoded use or a literal use. This gives you four style/use models:

  1. RPC/encoded
  2. RPC/literal
  3. Document/encoded
  4. Document/literal

Add to this collection a pattern which is commonly called the document/literal wrapped pattern and you have five binding styles to choose from when creating a WSDL file. Which one should you choose?

Before I go any further, let me clear up some confusion that many of us have stumbled over. The terminology here is very unfortunate: RPC versus document. These terms imply that the RPC style should be used for RPC programming models and that the document style should be used for document or messaging programming models. That is not the case at all. The style has nothing to do with a programming model. It merely dictates how to translate a WSDL binding to a SOAP message. Nothing more. You can use either style with any programming model.

Likewise, the terms encoded and literal are only meaningful for the WSDL-to-SOAP mapping, though, at least here, the traditional meanings of the words make a bit more sense.

For this discussion, let's start with the Java method in Listing 1 and apply the JAX-RPC Java-to-WSDL rules to it (see Resources for the JAX-RPC 1.1 specification).

Listing 1. Java method
public void myMethod(int x, float y);

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Take the method in Listing 1 and run it through your favorite Java-to-WSDL tool, specifying that you want it to generate RPC/encoded WSDL. You should end up with something like the WSDL snippet in Listing 2.

Listing 2. RPC/encoded WSDL for myMethod
<message name="myMethodRequest">
            <part name="x" type="xsd:int"/>
            <part name="y" type="xsd:float"/>
            <message name="empty"/>
            <portType name="PT">
            <operation name="myMethod">
            <input message="myMethodRequest"/>
            <output message="empty"/>
            <binding .../>
            <!-- I won't bother with the details, just assume it's RPC/encoded. -->

Now invoke this method with "5" as the value for parameter x and "5.0" for parameter y. That sends a SOAP message which looks something like Listing 3.

Listing 3. RPC/encoded SOAP message for myMethod
            <x xsi:type="xsd:int">5</x>
            <y xsi:type="xsd:float">5.0</y>

A note about prefixes and namespaces

For the most part, for brevity, I ignore namespaces and prefixes in the listings in this article. I do use a few prefixes that you can assume are defined with the following namespaces:

  • xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
  • xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  • xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

For a discussion about namespaces and the WSDL-to-SOAP mapping, see paper "Handle namespaces in SOAP messages you create by hand" (see Resources).

There are a number of things to notice about the WSDL and SOAP message for this RPC/encoded example:


  • The WSDL is about as straightforward as it's possible for WSDL to be.
  • The operation name appears in the message, so the receiver has an easy time dispatching this message to the implementation of the operation.


WS-I compliance

The various Web services specifications are sometimes inconsistent and unclear. The WS-I organization was formed to clear up the issues with the specs. It has defined a number of profiles which dictate how you should write your Web services to be interoperable. For more information on WS-I, see the WS-I links in Resources.

  • The type encoding info (such as xsi:type="xsd:int") is usually just overhead which degrades throughput performance.
  • You cannot easily validate this message since only the <x ...>5</x> and <y ...>5.0</y> lines contain things defined in a schema; the rest of the soap:body contents comes from WSDL definitions.
  • Although it is legal WSDL, RPC/encoded is not WS-I compliant.

Is there a way to keep the strengths and remove the weaknesses? Possibly. Let's look at the RPC/literal style.

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The RPC/literal WSDL for this method looks almost the same as the RPC/encoded WSDL (see Listing 4). The use in the binding is changed from encoded to literal. That's it.

Listing 4. RPC/literal WSDL for myMethod
<message name="myMethodRequest">
            <part name="x" type="xsd:int"/>
            <part name="y" type="xsd:float"/%gt;
            <message name="empty"/>
            <portType name="PT">
            <operation name="myMethod">
            <input message="myMethodRequest"/>
            <output message="empty"/>
            <binding .../>
            <!-- I won't bother with the details, just assume it's RPC/literal. -->

What about the SOAP message for RPC/literal (see Listing 5)? Here there is a bit more of a change. The type encodings have been removed.

Listing 5. RPC/literal SOAP message for myMethod

A note about xsi:type and literal use

Although in normal circumstances xsi:type does not appear in a literal WSDL's SOAP message, there are still cases when type information is necessary and it will appear -- in polymorphism, for instance. If the API expects a base type and an extension instance is sent, the type of that instance must be provided for proper deserialization of the object.

Here are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach:


  • The WSDL is still about as straightforward as it is possible for WSDL to be.
  • The operation name still appears in the message.
  • The type encoding info is eliminated.
  • RPC/literal is WS-I compliant.


  • You still cannot easily validate this message since only the <x ...>5</x> and <y ...>5.0</y> lines contain things defined in a schema; the rest of the soap:body contents comes from WSDL definitions.

What about the document styles? Do they help overcome this weakness?

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Nobody follows this style. It is not WS-I compliant. So let's move on.

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The WSDL for document/literal changes somewhat from the WSDL for RPC/literal. The differences are highlighted in bold in Listing 6.

Listing 6. Document/literal WSDL for myMethod
            <element name="xElement" type="xsd:int"/>
            <element name="yElement" type="xsd:float"/>
            <message name="myMethodRequest">
            <part name="x" element="xElement"/>
            <part name="y" element="yElement"/>
            <message name="empty"/>
            <portType name="PT">
            <operation name="myMethod">
            <input message="myMethodRequest"/>
            <output message="empty"/>
            <binding .../>
            <!-- I won't bother with the details, just assume it's document/literal. -->

The SOAP message for this WSDL is in Listing 7:

Listing 7. Document/literal SOAP message for myMethod

A note about the message part

I could have changed only the binding, as I did from RPC/encoded to RPC/literal. It would have been legal WSDL. However, the WS-I Basic Profile dictates that document/literal message parts refer to elements rather than types, so I'm complying with WS-I. (And using an element part here leads well into the discussion about the document/literal wrapped pattern.)

Here are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach:


  • There is no type encoding info.
  • You can finally validate this message with any XML validator. Everything within the soap:body is defined in a schema.
  • Document/literal is WS-I compliant, but with restrictions (see weaknesses).


  • The WSDL is getting a bit more complicated. This is a very minor weakness, however, since WSDL is not meant to be read by humans.
  • The operation name in the SOAP message is lost. Without the name, dispatching can be difficult, and sometimes impossible.
  • WS-I only allows one child of the soap:body in a SOAP message. As you can see in Listing 7, this example's soap:body has two children.

The document/literal style seems to have merely rearranged the strengths and weaknesses from the RPC/literal model. You can validate the message, but you lose the operation name. Is there anything you can do to improve upon this? Yes. It's called the document/literal wrapped pattern.

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Document/literal wrapped

Before I describe the rules for the document/literal wrapped pattern, let me show you the WSDL and the SOAP message in Listing 8 and Listing 9.

Listing 8. Document/literal wrapped WSDL for myMethod
            <element name="myMethod">
            <element name="x" type="xsd:int"/>
            <element name="y" type="xsd:float"/>
            <element name="myMethodResponse">
            <message name="myMethodRequest">
            <part name="parameters" element="myMethod"/>
            <message name="empty">
            <part name="parameters" element="myMethodResponse"/>
            <portType name="PT">
            <operation name="myMethod">
            <input message="myMethodRequest"/>
            <output message="empty"/>
            <binding .../>
            <!-- I won't bother with the details, just assume it's document/literal. -->

The WSDL schema now has a wrapper around the parameters (see Listing 9).

Listing 9. Document/literal wrapped SOAP message for myMethod

Notice that this SOAP message looks remarkably like the RPC/literal SOAP message in Listing 5. You might say it looks exactly like the RPC/literal SOAP message, but there's a subtle difference. In the RPC/literal SOAP message, the <myMethod> child of <soap:body> was the name of the operation. In the document/literal wrapped SOAP message, the <myMethod> clause is the name of the wrapper element which the single input message's part refers to. It just so happens that one of the characteristics of the wrapped pattern is that the name of the input element is the same as the name of the operation. This pattern is a sly way of putting the operation name back into the SOAP message.

These are the basic characteristics of the document/literal wrapped pattern:

  • The input message has a single part.
  • The part is an element.
  • The element has the same name as the operation.
  • The element's complex type has no attributes.

Here are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach:


  • There is no type encoding info.
  • Everything that appears in the soap:body is defined by the schema, so you can easily validate this message.
  • Once again, you have the method name in the SOAP message.
  • Document/literal is WS-I compliant, and the wrapped pattern meets the WS-I restriction that the SOAP message's soap:body has only one child.


  • The WSDL is even more complicated.

As you can see, there is still a weakness with the document/literal wrapped pattern, but it's minor and far outweighed by the strengths.

RPC/literal wrapped?

From a WSDL point of view, there's no reason the wrapped pattern is tied only to document/literal bindings. It could just as easily be applied to an RPC/literal binding. But this would be rather silly. The SOAP message would contain a myMethod element for the operation and a child myMethod element for the element name. Also, even though it's legal WSDL, an RPC/literal part should be a type; an element part is not WS-I compliant.

Where is doc/lit wrapped defined?

This wrapped style originates from Microsoft®. There is no specification that defines this style; so while this style is a good thing, unfortunately, the only choice right now, in order to interoperate with Microsoft's and other's implementations, is to make educated guesses as to how it works based on the output of the Microsoft WSDL generator. This pattern has been around for awhile, and the industry has done a good job of understanding it, but while the pattern is fairly obvious in this example, there are corner cases in which the proper thing to do is not particularly clear. Our best hope is that an independent group like the WS-I organization will help stabilize and standardize this in the future.

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Why not use document/literal wrapped all the time?

So far, this article has given the impression that the document/literal wrapped style is the best approach. Very often that's true. But there are still cases where you'd be better off using another style.

Reasons to use document/literal non-wrapped

If you have overloaded operations, you cannot use the document/literal wrapped style.

Imagine that, along with the method you've been using all along, you have the additional method in Listing 10.

Listing 10. Problem methods for document/literal wrapped
public void myMethod(int x, float y);
            public void myMethod(int x);

A note about overloaded operations

WSDL 2.0 will not allow overloaded operations. This is unfortunate for languages like the Java language which do allow them. Specs like JAX-RPC will have to define a name mangling scheme to map overloaded methods to WSDL. WSDL 2.0 merely moves the problem from the WSDL-to-SOAP mapping to the WSDL-to-language mapping.

WSDL allows overloaded operations. But when you add the wrapped pattern to WSDL, you require an element to have the same name as the operation, and you cannot have two elements with the same name in XML. So you must use the document/literal, non-wrapped style or one of the RPC styles.

Reasons to use RPC/literal

Since the document/literal, non-wrapped style doesn't provide the operation name, there are cases where you'll need to use one of the RPC styles. For instance, say you have the set of methods in Listing 11.

Listing 11. Problem methods for document/literal non-wrapped
public void myMethod(int x, float y);
            public void myMethod(int x);
            public void someOtherMethod(int x, float y);

Now assume that your server receives the document/literal SOAP message that you saw back in Listing 7. Which method should the server dispatch to? All you know for sure is that it's not myMethod(int x) because the message has two parameters and this method requires one. It could be either of the other two methods. With the document/literal style, you have no way to know which one.

Instead of the document/literal message, assume that the server receives an RPC/literal message such as the one in Listing 5. With this message it's fairly easy for a server to decide which method to dispatch to. You know the operation name is myMethod, and you know you have two parameters, so it must be myMethod(int x, float y).

Reasons to use RPC/encoded

The primary reason to prefer the RPC/encoded style is for data graphs. Imagine that you have a binary tree whose nodes are defined in Listing 12.

Listing 12. Binary tree node schema
<complexType name="Node">
            <element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
            <element name="left" type="Node" xsd:nillable="true"/>
            <element name="right" type="Node" xsd:nillable="true"/>

With this node definition, you could construct a tree whose root node -- A -- points to node B through both its left and right links (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Encoded tree.
Encoded tree

The standard way to send data graphs is to use the href tag, which is part of the RPC/encoded style (Listing 13).

Listing 13. The RPC/encoded binary tree
            <left href="12345"/>
            <right href="12345"/>
            <B id="12345">
            <left xsi:nil="true"/>
            <right xsi:nil="true"/>

Under any literal style, the href attribute is not available, so the graph linkage is lost (see Listing 14 and Figure 2). You still have a root node, A, which points to a node B to the left and another node B to the right. These B nodes are equal, but they are not the same node. Data have been duplicated instead of being referenced twice.

Listing 14. The literal binary tree
            <left xsi:nil="true"/>
            <right xsi:nil="true"/>
            <left xsi:nil="true"/>
            <right xsi:nil="true"/>

Figure 2. Literal tree
Literal tree

There are various ways you can do graphs in literal styles, but there are no standard ways; so anything you might do would probably not interoperate with the service on the other end of the wire.

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SOAP response messages

So far I have been discussing request messages. But what about response messages? What do they look like? By now it should be clear to you what the response message looks like for a document/literal message. The contents of the soap:body are fully defined by a schema, so all you have to do is look at the schema to know what the response message looks like. For instance, see Listing 15 for the response for the WSDL in Listing 8.

Listing 15. document/literal wrapped response SOAP message for myMethod

But what is the child of the soap:body for the RPC style responses? The WSDL 1.1 specification is not clear. But WS-I comes to the rescue. WS-I's Basic Profile dictates that in the RPC/literal response message, the name of the child of soap:body is "... the corresponding wsdl:operation name suffixed with the string 'Response'." Surprise! That's exactly what the conventional wrapped pattern's response element is called. So Listing 15 applies to the RPC/literal message as well as the document/literal wrapped message. (Since RPC/encoded is not WS-I compliant, the WS-I Basic Profile doesn't mention what an RPC/encoded response looks like, but you can assume the same convention applies here that applies everywhere else.) So the contents of response messages are not so mysterious after all.

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There are four binding styles (there are really five, but document/encoded is meaningless). While each style has its place, under most situations the best style is document/literal wrapped.


About the author


Russell Butek is an SOA and Web services consultant for IBM. He has been one of the developers of IBM WebSphere Web services engine. He has also been a member the JAX-RPC Java Specification Request (JSR) expert group. He was involved in the implementation of Apache's AXIS SOAP engine, driving AXIS 1.0 to comply with JAX-RPC 1.0.

posted @ 2008-05-27 17:19 lqx 阅读(270) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Axis 中使用WSDL文件的详细介绍  

     <deployment>:告诉Axis Engine这是一个部署描述文件。一个部署描述文件可以表示一个完整的engine配置或者将要部署到一个活动active的一部分组件。


·            <parameter> : 用来设置Axis的各种属性,参考Global Axis Configuration,可以配置任意数量的参数元素.

·            <role> : 设置一个SOAP actor/role URIengine可以对它进行识别。这允许指向这个roleSOAP headers成功的被engine处理。任意数量.

·            <requestFlow> : 全局的请求Handlers。在调用实际的服务之前调用.

·            <responseFlow> : 全局响应Handlers,在调用完实际的服务后,还没有返回到客户端之前调用

         <requestFlow [name="name"] [type="type"] >可以放置任意多个<handler> or <chain><requestFlow>中,但是可能只有一个<requestFlow>. 

         <responseFlow [name="name"] [type="type"] >可以放置任意多个<handler> or <chain>< responseFlow >中,但是可能只有一个< responseFlow >. 


     <handler [name="name"] type="type">位于顶层元素<deployment> or <undeployment>, or inside a <chain>, <requestFlow>, or <responseFlow>. 用于定义Handler,并定义handler的类型。"Type" 可以是已经定义的Handler或者是"java:class.name"形式的QName。可选的"name"属性允许将这个Handler的定义在其他部署描述部分中引用。可以包含任意数量的<parameter name="name" value="value">元素

     <service name="name" provider="provider" >部署/卸载一个Axis服务。这是最复杂的一个WSDD标签。Options可能通过以下元素来指定: <parameter name="name" value="value"/>, 一些常用的包括:·   className : 后台实现的类 allowedMethods : 每个provider可以决定那些方法允许web services访问


   Java RPC Provider (provider="java:RPC") 默认情况下所有的public方法都可以web service方式提供Java MsgProvder (provider="java:MSG") 为了更进一步的限制上面的方法,allowedMethods选项用于指定一个以空格分隔的方法名,只有这些方法可以通过web service访问。也可以将这个值指定为”*”表示所有的方法都可以访问。同时operation元素用来更进一步的定义被提供的方法,但是它不能决定方法的可见性. 注意,发布任何web service都有安全含义.

·        allowedRoles : 都好分离的允许访问服务的角色列表。注意,这些是安全角色,和SOAP角色相反。安全角色控制访问,SOAP角色控制哪些SOAPheaders会被处理。

·        extraClasses : 指定一个空格或者都好分离的类名称列表,这些类的名字应该被包含在WSDL文档的类型定义部分。当服务接口引用一个基类的时候,或者希望WSDL文件包含其他类的XML Schema类型定义的时候,这个参数很有用。

    如果希望为服务定义handler,可以在<service>元素中添加<requestFlow><responseFlow>子元素。他们的语义和<chain>元素中的定义时一样的。也就是说,它们可以包含<handler> and <chain> 元素,根据指定的顺序被调用.



<service name="test">

     <parameter name="className" value="test.Implementation"/>

     <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>



     <requestFlow> <!-- Run these before processing the request -->

           <handler type="java:MyHandlerClass"/>"

           <handler type="somethingIDefinedPreviously"/>




<operation name="method"> </operation>  

<chain name="name"><subelement/>...</chain>


<chain name="myChain">
    <handler type="java:org.apache.axis.handlers.LogHandler"/>



<handler name="logger" type="java:org.apache.axis.handlers.LogHandler"/>
    <chain name="myChain"/>
         <handler type="logger"/>


<transport name="name">

     定义了一个服务器端的传输。当一个输入请求到达的时候,服务器传输被调用。服务器传输可能定义<requestFlow> and/or <responseFlow> 元素来指定handlers/chains,在请求和响应被处理的时候被调用,这个功能和service元素中的功能一样。典型的传输请求响应handler实现了关于传输的功能。例如转换协议headers等等

     对于任何种类的传输,经常是指HTTP传输,当特定的查询字符串传递到servlet的时候用户可能允许Axis servlets执行任意的动作,以plug-in的方式。 (参考Axis Servlet Query String Plug-ins).当查询字符串handler的类名被指导后,用户可以通过在<transport>中添加合适的<parameter>来启用它(插件)

<transport name="http">
     <parameter name="useDefaultQueryStrings" value="false" />
     <parameter name="qs.name" value="class.name" />



   <parameter>元素的name属性必须加上前缀qs来表示这个元素定义了一个查询字符串handlervalue属性值相实现了org.apache.axis.transport.http.QSHandler 接口的类。默认情况下,Axis提供了三个Axis servlet查询字符串handlers (?list, ?method, and ?wsdl). 查看Axis服务器配置文件来了解它们的定义。如果不希望使用默认的handlers,就设置"useDefaultQueryStrings" false。默认会被设置成true.

       <transport name="name" pivot="handler type" >

     定义了一个客户端的传输,当发送SOAP消息的时候来调用。"pivot"属性指定一个Handler来作为实际的传输sender,例如HTTPSender。请求和响应流和服务器端的设置相同. <typeMapping qname="ns:localName" classname="classname" serializer="classname" deserializer="classname"/> 每个typeMapping将一个XML qualified名字和一个Java类进行映射,使用一个序列器和反序列器。 

<beanMapping qname="ns:localName" classname="classname">讲话的类型映射,使用一个预定义的序列器/反序列器来编码/解码JavaBeans 

      <documentation><service>, <operation> 或者操作的<parameter>中使用。.是文档说明,生成wsdl<wsdl:document>元素.

<operation name="echoString" >
      <documentation>This operation echoes a string</documentation>  

     <parameter name="param">
             <documentation>a string</documentation>


服务默认的是通过server-config.wsdd文件中的值来进行配置的。但是熟练的Axis用户可以写自己的配置handler,这样就可以将配置数据保存在LDAP服务器,数据库或者远程的web service等等。查看源代码来了解如何实现。也可以在web.xml文件中使自动的获取配置信息。但是Axis不推荐这样使用,因为最好将配置信息放在一个位置。



    <parameter name="adminPassword" value="admin"/>

    <parameter name="axis.servicesPath" value="/services/"/>

    <parameter name="attachments.Directory" value="c:"temp"attachments"/>

    <parameter name="sendMultiRefs" value="true"/>

    <parameter name="sendXsiTypes" value="true"/>

    <parameter name="attachments.implementation" value="org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl"/>

    <parameter name="sendXMLDeclaration" value="true"/>

    <parameter name="enable2DArrayEncoding" value="true"/>

    <parameter name="dotNetSoapEncFix" value="false"/>



<service name="MyServiceName"






  <parameter name="className" value="org.apache.mystuff.MyService"/>

 <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="method1 method2 method3"/>

 <parameter name="wsdlTargetNamespace" value="http://mystuff.apache.org/MyService"/>

 <parameter name="wsdlServiceElement" value="MyService"/>

 <parameter name="wsdlServicePort" value="MyServicePort"/>

 <parameter name="wsdlPortType" value="MyPort"/>

 <parameter name="wsdlSoapActionMode" value="NONE|DEFAULT|OPERATION"/>

  <parameter name="SingleSOAPVersion" value="1.1|1.2/>

  <documentation>Service level info</documentation>





 <operation ... />

 <typeMapping ... />

 <beanMapping ... />



<operation name="GetQuote"






    <documentation>Operation level documentation here</documentation>

    <parameter name="ticker" type="tns:string"/>

    <fault name="InvalidTickerFaultMessage"








posted @ 2008-05-27 17:18 lqx 阅读(1041) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Web Services和其他的技术的比较


posted @ 2008-05-27 10:25 lqx 阅读(236) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


     摘要: WSDL <definitions      name="HelloWorld"      targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/HelloWorld"      xmlns="http:...  阅读全文

posted @ 2008-05-26 11:09 lqx 阅读(1534) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

[收藏]XML Namespace、elementFormDefault、请问Schema中elementFormDefault="qualified"是起什么作用呀?

一个 XML schema 中 elementFormDefault="?" 这一属性用来指示 XML Schema 处理程序把这个 XML schema 中定义的元素或者类型放到哪个命名空间。



当elementFormDefault="qualified" 时,所有全局元素的子元素将被以缺省方式放到目标命名空间,连同全局元素或者类型将被放到目标命名空间;而当elementFormDefault="unqualified" 时,所有全局元素的子元素将被以缺省方式放到无名命名空间。而属性的命名空间类似地由attributeFormDefault="?"来指明。

需要明白的是,elementFormDefault="?" 是有作用域的,并且是被继承的,除非在子定义中覆盖父定义。


1.定义了目标命名空间, 全局elementFormDefault=“unqualified”。这时除了全局元素或者类型将归于目标命名空间外,局部元素将归于无名命名空间。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="aaaa" elementFormDefault="unqualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
 <xs:element name="c">
    <xs:element name="c1" type="xs:double"/>
    <xs:element name="c2" type="xs:string"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<n:c xmlns:n="aaaa" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="aaaa unqualified.xsd">

2. 定义了目标命名空间, 全局elementFormDefault=“qualified”。这时全局元素或者类型将归于目标命名空间,局部元素将以缺省方式归于目标命名空间。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="aaaa" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
 <xs:element name="c">
    <xs:element name="c1" type="xs:double"/>
    <xs:element name="c2" type="xs:string"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<c xmlns="aaaa" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="aaaa qualified.xsd">

3. 定义了目标命名空间, 全局elementFormDefault=“unqualified”。这时全局元素(c)或者类型将归于目标命名空间。局部元素(c1,c2)以缺省方式归于无名命名空间。局部元素(c3)在局部定义中使用form=“qualified”覆盖全局设定的 unqualified,这使得c3归于目标命名空间(如果它有子元素,子元素将以缺省方式归于目标命名空间)。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="aaaa" elementFormDefault="unqualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
 <xs:element name="c">
    <xs:element name="c1" type="xs:double"/>
    <xs:element name="c2" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="c3" type="xs:integer" form="qualified"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<n:c xmlns:n="aaaa" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="aaaa qualified2.xsd">


posted @ 2008-05-23 17:52 lqx 阅读(831) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏




未提交读(Read Uncommitted):允许脏读,也就是可能读取到其他会话中未提交事务修改的数据 
提交读(Read Committed):只能读取到已经提交的数据。Oracle等多数数据库默认都是该级别 
可重复读(Repeated Read):可重复读。在同一个事务内的查询都是事务开始时刻一致的,InnoDB默认级别。在SQL标准中,该隔离级别消除了不可重复读,但是还存在幻象读 

mysql> SELECT @@global.tx_isolation;
| @@global.tx_isolation |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT @@tx_isolation;
| @@tx_isolation  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> set global transaction isolation level read committed;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> set session transaction isolation level read committed;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

InnoDB的可重复读隔离级别和其他数据库的可重复读是有区别的,不会造成幻象读(phantom read),所谓幻象读,就是同一个事务内,多次select,可以读取到其他session insert并已经commit的数据。下面是一个小的测试,证明InnoDB的可重复读隔离级别不会造成幻象读。测试涉及两个session,分别为session 1和session 2,隔离级别都是repeateable read,关闭autocommit

mysql> select @@tx_isolation;
| @@tx_isolation  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> set autocommit=off;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
session 1 创建表并插入测试数据

mysql> create table test(i int) engine=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into test values(1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
session 2 查询,没有数据,正常,session1没有提交,不允许脏读

mysql> select * from test;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
session 1 提交事务

mysql> commit;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
session 2 查询,还是没有数据,没有产生幻象读

mysql> select * from test;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select version();
| version()               |
| 5.0.37-community-nt-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


posted @ 2008-05-23 14:39 lqx 阅读(230) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

[收藏]sql 语句的执行过程

第1章 SQL语句处理的过程  在调整之前我们需要了解一些背景知识,只有知道这些背景知识,我们才能更好的去调整sql语句。
  · 查询语句处理
  · DML语句处理(insert, update, delete)
  · DDL 语句处理(create .. , drop .. , alter .. , )
  · 事务控制(commit, rollback)

  SQL 语句的执行过程(SQL Statement Execution)

   图3-1 概要的列出了处理和运行一个sql语句的需要各个重要阶段。在某些情况下,Oracle运行sql的过程可能与下面列出的各个阶段的顺序有所不同。如DEFINE阶段可能在FETCH阶段之前,这主要依赖你如何书写代码。


  图 3-1 SQL语句处理的各个阶段


SET salary = 1.10 * salary WHERE department_id = :var_department_id; var_department_id是程序变量,里面包含部门号,我们要修改该部门的职员的工资。当这个SQL语句执行时,使用该变量的值。

  · 第1步: Create a Cursor 创建游标
  · 第2步: Parse the Statement 分析语句
  · 第5步: Bind Any Variables 绑定变量
  · 第7步: Run the Statement 运行语句
  · 第9步: Close the Cursor 关闭游标

  · 第6步: Parallelize the Statement 并行执行语句

  如果是查询语句,则需要以下几个额外的步骤,如图 3所示:
  · 第3步: Describe Results of a Query 描述查询的结果集
  · 第4步: Define Output of a Query 定义查询的输出数据
  · 第8步: Fetch Rows of a Query 取查询出来的行


  第1步: 创建游标(Create a Cursor)


  第2步:分析语句(Parse the Statement)


l 翻译SQL语句,验证它是合法的语句,即书写正确
l 实现数据字典的查找,以验证是否符合表和列的定义
l 在所要求的对象上获取语法分析锁,使得在语句的语法分析过程中不改变这些对象的定义
l 验证为存取所涉及的模式对象所需的权限是否满足
l 决定此语句最佳的执行计划
l 将它装入共享SQL区
l 对分布的语句来说,把语句的全部或部分路由到包含所涉及数据的远程节点



  语法分析阶段包含了不管此语句将执行多少次,而只需分析一次的处理要求。Oracle只对每个SQL语句翻译一次,在以后再次执行该语句时,只要该语句还在共享SQL区中,就可以避免对该语句重新进行语法分析,也就是此时可以直接使用其对应的执行计划对数据进行存取。这主要是通过绑定变量(bind variable)实现的,也就是我们常说的共享SQL,后面会给出共享SQL的概念。




UPDATE table SET x = y WHERE...

· 要求读一致性
· 可能使用回滚段作中间处理
· 可能要求SQL语句处理描述、定义和取数据阶段

  第3步: 描述查询结果(Describe Results of a Query)


  第4步: 定义查询的输出数据(Define Output of a Query)


  第5步: 绑定变量(Bind Any Variables)

  此时,Oracle知道了SQL语句的意思,但仍没有足够的信息用于执行该语句。Oracle 需要得到在语句中列出的所有变量的值。在该例中,Oracle需要得到对department_id列进行限定的值。得到这个值的过程就叫绑定变量(binding variables)

  此过程称之为将变量值捆绑进来。程序必须指出可以找到该数值的变量名(该变量被称为捆绑变量,变量名实质上是一个内存地址,相当于指针)。应用的最终用户可能并没有发觉他们正在指定捆绑变量,因为Oracle 的程序可能只是简单地指示他们输入新的值,其实这一切都在程序中自动做了。因为你指定了变量名,在你再次执行之前无须重新捆绑变量。你可以改变绑定变量的值,而Oracle在每次执行时,仅仅使用内存地址来查找此值。如果Oracle 需要实现自动数据类型转换的话(除非它们是隐含的或缺省的),你还必须对每个值指定数据类型和长度。关于这些信息可以参考oracle的相关文档,如Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide

  第6步: 并行执行语句(Parallelize the Statement )

  ORACLE 可以在SELECTs, INSERTs, UPDATEs, MERGEs, DELETEs语句中执行相应并行查询操作,对于某些DDL操作,如创建索引、用子查询创建表、在分区表上的操作,也可以执行并行操作。并行化可以导致多个服务器进程(oracle server processes)为同一个SQL语句工作,使该SQL语句可以快速完成,但是会耗费更多的资源,所以除非很有必要,否则不要使用并行查询。

  第7步: 执行语句(Run the Statement)

  到了现在这个时候,Oracle拥有所有需要的信息与资源,因此可以真正运行SQL语句了。如果该语句为SELECT查询或INSERT语句,则不需要锁定任何行,因为没有数据需要被改变。然而,如果语句为UPDATE或DELETE语句,则该语句影响的所有行都被锁定,防止该用户提交或回滚之前,别的用户对这些数据进行修改。这保证了数据的一致性。对于某些语句,你可以指定执行的次数,这称为批处理(array processing)。指定执行N次,则绑定变量与定义变量被定义为大小为N的数组的开始位置,这种方法可以减少网络开销,也是优化的技巧之一。

  第8步: 取出查询的行(Fetch Rows of a Query)


  第9步: 关闭游标(Close the Cursor)


  DDL语句的处理(DDL Statement Processing)


  事务控制(Control of Transactions)

  · 在事务开始和结束的这段时间内,所有被引用表中的数据都应该在一致的状态(或可以被回溯到一致的状态)
  · 事务应该只包含可以对数据进行一致更改(one consistent change to the data)的SQL语句




posted @ 2008-05-17 16:56 lqx 阅读(610) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



一個頁面A.asp上含有iframe src="b.asp",在B.asp的頁面上有一個會員登入表單,要傳送到C.asp的頁面進行驗證和轉向到會員簡歷頁面。

2、假如會員已登入,那麼在A頁面的iframe中顯示的是會員基本信息(佈局同上),並有退出按鈕,在另外一頁D.asp完成清空session功能。 當按下「退出」後,是否可以在B轉到D.asp頁面清空session值後,返回時能夠重整A頁面,使A顯現IFRAME內的是登入界面?

<form target="_top">

' 清空Session 的操作

把 iframe 的內容尺寸設置的比 iframe 外尺寸小即可。就是說,定義 iframe 的 src 頁內容讓它的尺寸小於 A 頁上 iframe 元素的的尺寸。







posted @ 2008-05-08 00:13 lqx 阅读(574) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

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