You have implemented your own graphical editor as a new eclipse plugin.
You are looking for a way to add zoom functions into the graphical
editor. It is very easy!
1. Add the action into the toolbar:
...in Class: ActionBarContributor...
...in Method: contributeToToolBar...
toolBarManager.add(new ZoomComboContributionItem(getPage()));
2. Connect the Zoom Manager with your edit part:
...in Class: YourEditor...
...in Method: configureGraphicalViewer...
ScalableFreeformRootEditPart rootEditPart= new ScalableFreeformRootEditPart();
ZoomManager manager = rootEditPart.getZoomManager();
IAction action = new ZoomInAction(manager);
action = new ZoomOutAction(manager);
//define the zoom possibilities
double[] zoomLevels = new double[] {0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,4.0};
...in Method: getAdapter...
if (type == ZoomManager.class)
return ((ScalableFreeformRootEditPart)
That's all! Now you have two buttons to zoom in and zoom out. And you
can see the zoom level in percent. With the example here
you can change zoom level from 25% to 400%.
There is an example of creating linked resources in code.
IProject project = workspace.getProject("Project");//assume this exists IFolder link = project.getFolder("Link"); IPath location = new Path("C:\TEMP\folder"); if (workspace.validateLinkLocation(location).isOK()) { link.createLink(location, IResource.NONE, null); } else { //invalid location, throw an exception or warn user }
This example will create a linked folder called "Link" that is located at "c:\temp\folder".
link.getFullPath() => "/Project/Link"
link.getLocation() => "c:\temp\folder"
link.getRawLocation() => "temp/folder"
link.isLinked() => "true"
IFile child = link.getFile("abc.txt");
child.getFullPath() => "/Project/Link/abc.txt"
child.getLocation() => "c:\temp\folder\abc.txt"
child.getRawLocation() => "c:\temp\folder\abc.txt"
child.isLinked() => "false"
Recently I had a problem in converting java.io.File to IFile for
external files. The external files sind the files which are not located
in the eclipse workspace. So they are not eclipse "resources" and can
not be converted into IFile instances. With the following code you can
solve this problem:
IEditorInput input= createEditorInput(selectedFile);
String editorId= getEditorId(selectedFile);
IWorkbenchPage page= fWindow.getActivePage();
try {
page.openEditor(input, editorId);
} catch (PartInitException e) {
This idea comes from
org.eclipse.ui.internal.editors.text.OpenExternalFileAction. In this
class you can also find the implementation for the methods
"createEditorInput" and "getEditorId".
In JDK 1.4 System.getenv() is deprecated. (In JDK 1.5 it is
un-deprected again.) The getProperty method is now the correspoding
method to get the variables. For example:
System.getProperty("java.class.path",""). But it doesn't work for user
defined environment variable. This problem can be solved by using the
following code:
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
* Environment class simulates the System.getenv() method which is deprecated
* on java 1.4.2
* @author v-josp
public class TestRoot
//result of all enviornment variables
private static BufferedReader commandResult;
String cmd = null;
String os = null;
//getting the OS name
os = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();
// according to OS set the command to execute
cmd = "cmd /c SET";
//execute the command and get the result in the form of InputStream
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
//parse the InputStream data
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream());
commandResult= new BufferedReader(isr);
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("OSEnvironment.class error: " + cmd + ":" + e);
* This method is used to get the path of the given enviornment variable. This
* method tries to simulates the System.getenv() which is deprecated on java 1.4.2
* @param String - name of the environment variable
* @param String - default value
* @return
public static String getenv(String envName,String defaultValue)
String line = null;
while ((line = commandResult.readLine()) != null)
return line.substring(line.indexOf(envName)+envName.length()+1);
return defaultValue;
catch (Exception e)
return defaultValue;
public static void main(String args[])
try { File currDir = new File ("."); System.out.println("Dir: " + currDir.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException ex){ // }
I will use one simple example to explain how to add context menu into
editor dynamically. "Dynamically" means the menu items will change
according to the selected object.
There are three steps:
1. Define the action. Please read the following example code:
* What I want to realize is to provide a "copy" menu item in popup menu
* whenever the user selects the object "Example".
public class CopyExampleAction extends org.eclipse.gef.ui.actions.SelectionAction
private static final String
public static final String
COPY = "COPY"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Request request;
public CopyExampleAction(IWorkbenchPart part) {
request = new Request(COPY_REQUEST);
setText("copy Example");
protected boolean calculateEnabled() {
return canPerformAction();
private boolean canPerformAction() {
if (getSelectedObjects().isEmpty())
return false;
List parts = getSelectedObjects();
for (int i=0; i<parts.size(); i++){
Object o = parts.get(i);
if (!(o instanceof EditPart))
return false;
EditPart part = (EditPart)o;
// This
menu item will only be activated if an object of Typ "Example" is
if (!(part.getModel() instanceof Example))
return false;
return true;
// What happened for this action is defined by the edit part of this object.
private Command getCommand() {
List editparts = getSelectedObjects();
CompoundCommand cc = new CompoundCommand();
cc.setDebugLabel("Copy Example");//$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i=0; i < editparts.size(); i++) {
EditPart part = (EditPart)editparts.get(i);
return cc;
public void run() {
2. Implement the action. In this
step you will decide what will exactly happen after the user clicked
this menu item. As you have already seen from the code in the step 1,
the command for this action is defined in edit part for the object
So the next you will do is to complete the ExampleEditPolicy for ExampleEditPart.
public class ExampleEditPolicy extends ComponentEditPolicy{
private static final String
public Command getCommand(Request request) {
if (COPY_REQUEST.equals(request.getType()))
return getCopyExampleCommand();
return super.getCommand(request);
protected Command getCopyExampleCommand(){
// The implementation of CopyExampleCommand is simple, will not be explained here.
CopyExampleCommand command = new CopyExampleCommand();
return command;
3. Add the action into Context Menu.
There is always a class to provider the context menu, the next step is to add this defined action into the context menu.
public class ExampleContextMenuProvider extends ContextMenuProvider {
private ActionRegistry actionRegistry;
public ExampleContextMenuProvider(EditPartViewer viewer, ActionRegistry registry) {
public void buildContextMenu(IMenuManager manager) {
IAction action;
action = getActionRegistry().getAction(CopyExampleAction.COPY);
if (action.isEnabled())
manager.appendToGroup(GEFActionConstants.GROUP_REST, action);
private ActionRegistry getActionRegistry() {
return actionRegistry;
private void setActionRegistry(ActionRegistry registry) {
actionRegistry = registry;
4. Add the action into editor. There is a method "createActions" in editor. Add the action in it. That's all.
protected void createActions() {
ActionRegistry registry = getActionRegistry();
IAction action;
action = new CopyExampleAction(this);
In this section I want to show the steps to define your own
documentation plug-in to integrate your online documentation with
1. Create the help content as HTML files and store them in your plug-in
directory. Normally we use doc in the name. If there are too many
files, you can creat a ZIP file named doc.zip.
2. Decliare the HELP Table of Contents in your plug-in using the
org.eclipse.help.toc extension point and specify the table of content
<extension point = "org.eclipse.help.toc">
<toc file ="DialogTOC.xml"/>
<toc file ="MoreTOC.xml"/>
<toc file ="TestTOC.xml"
primary = "true"
extradir = "lab">
The table of the contents will be
described by one or more XML files. In this example, TestTOC.xml is the
primary table of contents file, which describes the structure and order
of the other files by linking them together.
Example: TestTOC.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?NLS TYPE="org.eclipse.help.toc"?>
<toc label="JDG2E: Help Example TOC">
<link toc="DialogTOC.xml" />
<anchor id="moreLabs" />
3. Create the table of contents files by linking the topic together.
Example: MoreTOC.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?NLS TYPE="org.eclipse.help.toc"?>
<toc link_to="TestToc.xml#moreLabs"
label="More interesting labs">
<topic label="JDT Main Topic" href="html/maintopic.html">
<topic label="JDT Sub Topic" href="html/subtopic.html"/>
<topic label="Extra Topic" href="lab/doc1/info1.html">
<topic label="Using the extradir attrib" href="lab/doc2/info2.html"/>
In addition, you can invove the
Eclipse Help system form any Java program indenpendent from Eclipse.
This is called "standalone" mode. To do that, you simply use the
Platform Runtime Binary version of Eclipse as opposed to the SDK and
inovke the main methode in the class
org.eclipse.help.internal.standalone.StandaloneHelp. Of course you
should pass the location of the plugins directory,which includes the
online contents, as a paramter.
(The example used is taken from the book "The Java TM Developer's Guide to Eclipse".)
摘要: To create a viewer in SWT is not a simple task. These are steps that will be described:
1. Identify the input.
2. Create the viewer.
3. Create a content provider.
4. Create a label provide... 阅读全文