

Oracle DDL

-- ================================================================================
-- oracle SQL DDL Script File
-- ================================================================================

-- ===============================================================================
-- Generated by: tedia2sql -- v1.2.13b2
-- See http://tedia2sql.tigris.org/AUTHORS.html for tedia2sql author information
-- Target Database: oracle
-- Generated at: Sat Dec 18 19:48:40 2004
-- Input Files: TestERD.dia
-- ================================================================================

-- Generated SQL Constraints Drop statements
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Target Database: oracle
-- SQL Generator: tedia2sql -- v1.2.13b2
-- Generated at: Sat Dec 18 19:48:32 2004
-- Input Files: TestERD.dia

drop index idx_iimd5;
drop index idx_iiid;
drop index idx_siiid;
drop index idx_siips;
drop index idx_iclidnm;
drop index idx_uinm;
drop index idx_uiid;
drop index idx_uauiid;
drop index idx_uiruid;
drop index idx_acid;
drop index idx_usmd5;
alter table subImageInfo drop constraint fk_iisii ;
alter table imageCategoryList drop constraint fk_iiicl ;
alter table imageAttribute drop constraint fk_iiia ;
alter table userImageRating drop constraint fk_uiuir ;
alter table userAttribute drop constraint fk_uiua ;
alter table userSession drop constraint fk_uius ;
alter table imageAttribute drop constraint fk_iaac ;
alter table userAttribute drop constraint fk_acua ;

-- Generated Permissions Drops
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Target Database: oracle
-- SQL Generator: tedia2sql -- v1.2.13b2
-- Generated at: Sat Dec 18 19:48:32 2004
-- Input Files: TestERD.dia

revoke all on imageInfo from fmorg ;
revoke select on imageInfo from public ;
revoke all on subImageInfo from fmorg ;
revoke all on imageCategoryList from fmorg ;
revoke select on categoryNames from public ;
revoke all on categoryNames from fmorg ;
revoke all on imageAttribute from fmorg ;
revoke all on userInfo from fmorg ;
revoke all on userAttribute from fmorg ;
revoke all on userImageRating from fmorg ;
revoke all on attributeCategory from fmorg ;
revoke all on userSession from fmorg ;
revoke select on extremes from public ;
revoke all on extremes from fmorg ;

-- Special statements for oracle,postgres,db2:pre databases
-- statements to do BEFORE creating
-- the tables (schema)
drop sequence imageInfo_id;
create sequence imageInfo_id;

-- Generated SQL View Drop Statements
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Target Database: oracle
-- SQL Generator: tedia2sql -- v1.2.13b2
-- Generated at: Sat Dec 18 19:48:32 2004
-- Input Files: TestERD.dia

drop view ratings_view cascade constraints ;
drop view whorated_view cascade constraints ;
drop view users_view cascade constraints ;

-- Generated SQL Schema Drop statements
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Target Database: oracle
-- SQL Generator: tedia2sql -- v1.2.13b2
-- Generated at: Sat Dec 18 19:48:32 2004
-- Input Files: TestERD.dia

drop table imageInfo cascade constraints ;
drop table subImageInfo cascade constraints ;
drop table imageCategoryList cascade constraints ;
drop table categoryNames cascade constraints ;
drop table imageAttribute cascade constraints ;
drop table userInfo cascade constraints ;
drop table userAttribute cascade constraints ;
drop table userImageRating cascade constraints ;
drop table attributeCategory cascade constraints ;
drop table userSession cascade constraints ;
drop table extremes cascade constraints ;

-- Generated SQL Schema
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Target Database: oracle
-- SQL Generator: tedia2sql -- v1.2.13b2
-- Generated at: Sat Dec 18 19:48:32 2004
-- Input Files: TestERD.dia

-- imageInfo
create table imageInfo (
id numeric (18) not null,
insertionDate date default now() not null,
md5sum char (32) not null,
binaryType varchar (16) default 'jpg' null,
name varchar (64) not null,
locationList varchar (128) default '//imgserver.org',
description varchar (128) null,
constraint pk_ImageInfo primary key (id)
) ;

-- subImageInfo
create table subImageInfo (
imageInfo_id numeric (18) not null,
pixSize integer not null,
constraint pk_SubImageInfo primary key (imageInfo_id,pixSize)
) ;

-- imageCategoryList
create table imageCategoryList (
imageInfo_id numeric (18) not null,
name varchar (32) not null,
constraint pk_ImageCategoryList primary key (imageInfo_id,name)
) ;

-- categoryNames
create table categoryNames (
name varchar (32) not null,
constraint pk_CategoryNames primary key (name)
) ;

-- imageAttribute
create table imageAttribute (
imageInfo_id numeric (18) not null,
attributeCategory_id numeric (18) not null,
numValue numeric (8),
category numeric (4),
constraint pk_ImageAttribute primary key (imageInfo_id,attributeCategory_id)
) ;

-- userInfo
create table userInfo (
id numeric (18) not null,
insertionDate date,
md5sum char (32),
birthDate date,
gender char (1),
name varchar (32),
email varchar (96),
currentCategory varchar (32),
lastDebitDate date,
acctBalance numeric (10,2),
active integer,
constraint pk_UserInfo primary key (id)
) ;

-- userAttribute
create table userAttribute (
userInfo_id numeric (18) not null,
attributeCategory_id numeric (18) not null,
numValue numeric (5,4),
constraint pk_UserAttribute primary key (userInfo_id,attributeCategory_id)
) ;

-- userImageRating
create table userImageRating (
userInfo_id numeric (18) not null,
imageInfo_id numeric (15) not null,
rating integer,
constraint pk_UserImageRating primary key (userInfo_id,imageInfo_id)
) ;

-- attributeCategory
create table attributeCategory (
id numeric (18) not null,
attributeDesc varchar (128),
constraint pk_AttributeCategory primary key (id)
) ;

-- userSession
create table userSession (
userInfo_id numeric (18) not null,
md5sum char (32) not null,
insertionDate date,
expireDate date,
ipAddress varchar (24),
constraint pk_UserSession primary key (userInfo_id,md5sum)
) ;

-- extremes
create table extremes (
name varchar (32) not null,
colName varchar (64),
minVal numeric (15),
maxVal numeric (15),
constraint pk_Extremes primary key (name)
) ;

-- Generated SQL Views
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Target Database: oracle
-- SQL Generator: tedia2sql -- v1.2.13b2
-- Generated at: Sat Dec 18 19:48:32 2004
-- Input Files: TestERD.dia

-- ratings_view
create view ratings_view as
select b.name, c.md5sum, a.rating
from userImageRating a,
userImageRating z,
userInfo b,
imageInfo c
where (((a.userInfo_id = b.id)
and (a.imageInfo_id = c.id)
and (a.userInfo_id = z.userInfo_id))
and (a.userInfo_id <> z.userInfo_id))
order by c.md5sum,b.name,a.rating

-- whorated_view
create view whorated_view as
select a.name, count (*) as numRatings
from userInfo a,
userImageRating b
where (a.id = b.userInfo_id)
group by a.name

-- users_view
create view users_view as
select id, birthDate, name ||'<'|| email ||'>' as whoIsThis, currentCategory, acctBalance, active
from userInfo
order by userInfo.name

-- Special statements for oracle,postgres,db2:post databases
-- statements to do AFTER creating
-- the tables (schema)
--drop trigger . . . .
--create trigger . . . .

-- Generated Permissions
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Target Database: oracle
-- SQL Generator: tedia2sql -- v1.2.13b2
-- Generated at: Sat Dec 18 19:48:32 2004
-- Input Files: TestERD.dia

grant all on imageInfo to fmorg ;
grant select on imageInfo to public ;
grant all on subImageInfo to fmorg ;
grant all on imageCategoryList to fmorg ;
grant select on categoryNames to public ;
grant all on categoryNames to fmorg ;
grant all on imageAttribute to fmorg ;
grant all on userInfo to fmorg ;
grant all on userAttribute to fmorg ;
grant all on userImageRating to fmorg ;
grant all on attributeCategory to fmorg ;
grant all on userSession to fmorg ;
grant select on extremes to public ;
grant all on extremes to fmorg ;

-- Generated SQL Insert statements
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Target Database: oracle
-- SQL Generator: tedia2sql -- v1.2.13b2
-- Generated at: Sat Dec 18 19:48:32 2004
-- Input Files: TestERD.dia

-- inserts for categoryNames
insert into categoryNames values ( 'Buildings' ) ;
insert into categoryNames values ( 'Landscapes' ) ;
insert into categoryNames values ( 'Nudes' ) ;
insert into categoryNames values ( 'Life Studies' ) ;
insert into categoryNames values ( 'Portraits' ) ;
insert into categoryNames values ( 'Abstracts' ) ;

-- inserts for attributeCategory
insert into attributeCategory values ( 1,'Blurriness' ) ;
insert into attributeCategory values ( 2,'Contrastiness' ) ;
insert into attributeCategory values ( 3,'Saturation' ) ;
insert into attributeCategory values ( 4,'Size' ) ;
insert into attributeCategory values ( 5,'Relevence' ) ;

-- Generated SQL Constraints
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Target Database: oracle
-- SQL Generator: tedia2sql -- v1.2.13b2
-- Generated at: Sat Dec 18 19:48:32 2004
-- Input Files: TestERD.dia

create unique index idx_iimd5 on imageInfo (md5sum) ;
create index idx_iiid on imageInfo (id) ;
create index idx_siiid on subImageInfo (imageInfo_id) ;
create index idx_siips on subImageInfo (pixSize) ;
create index idx_iclidnm on imageCategoryList (imageInfo_id,name) ;
create unique index idx_uinm on userInfo (name,md5sum) ;
create index idx_uiid on userInfo (id) ;
create index idx_uauiid on userAttribute (userInfo_id) ;
create index idx_uiruid on userImageRating (userInfo_id) ;
create index idx_acid on attributeCategory (id) ;
create index idx_usmd5 on userSession (md5sum) ;
alter table subImageInfo add constraint fk_iisii
foreign key (imageInfo_id)
references imageInfo (id) ;
alter table imageCategoryList add constraint fk_iiicl
foreign key (imageinfo_id)
references imageInfo (id) ;
alter table imageAttribute add constraint fk_iiia
foreign key (imageInfo_id)
references imageInfo (id) ;
alter table userImageRating add constraint fk_uiuir
foreign key (userInfo_id)
references userInfo (id) on delete cascade ;
alter table userAttribute add constraint fk_uiua
foreign key (userInfo_id)
references userInfo (id) on delete cascade ;
alter table userSession add constraint fk_uius
foreign key (userInfo_id)
references userInfo (id) on delete cascade ;
alter table imageAttribute add constraint fk_iaac
foreign key (attributeCategory_id)
references attributeCategory (id) ;
alter table userAttribute add constraint fk_acua
foreign key (attributeCategory_id)
references attributeCategory (id) ;

-- oracle requires a special 'quit' command

posted on 2008-11-12 14:14 Lucky 阅读(527) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Database









