2006.08.21 : The patient was in a blue funk when he was ill.
Funk 一字有不同的意思,可解作“惊恐”( in a state of great fear ),或是“因逃避困难而退缩的行为” ( avoid doing something because of the difficulty ) ,还有就是指“乡土爵士乐” ( funk )。
先看以下例句:“ Peter is in a blue funk about playing with Michael in the tennis tournament tomorrow.”句子当中的英文短语“In a blue funk”,究竟是什么么意思呢?
原来,“In a blue funk”有令人沮丧或泄气的意思。所以,以上例句的意思是“对于和迈克尔明天举行的网球淘汰赛,彼得显得十分担忧。”
与此相关的短语有“In a snit”,In a snit 是“担忧” ( worried ) 与“不安” ( upset ) 的意思,如:Anderson was in a snit when she lost her kitten.当安德森的小猫咪不见了的时候,她显得十分不安。