Love is love, work is need.

Pay my all effort for a memorable life story.

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I know I’m stupid enough. I thought in past I do a lot bad thing and waste a lot of time doing so I’m here and feel sadly some time. But fun thing is I still can found things make me happy, a lots of time at least, I know, that means I still know what love is. If I keep my heart open and share my knowledge, I can get new friend that also simple in some area and kind to other like me, is that true or not?  Hehe, you judge it. Life is a gift, what I seeking for? This is a big question, a big subject for everybody, so some time I was tired for finding that question which never can be answered, and choose a best question that can make me simple and simple again.

This area is just a place that keeps my note and, as you see, puts my complaint. I’m the king here, but god is still over my head. So look out your mouth, my friend.

posted on 2008-09-11 21:27 Mai Qi 阅读(188) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

