李一颗@ Code

Simple is best.

2008年6月13日 #

Eclipse Can't Run Because She Is Not a Chinese.

When you set the default keyboard setting to non English for instance like Chinese IME MS-pinyin 2008 or whatever, you’ll get an  error like “Jvm terminated.Exit code = -1” and a lot other message (maybe the eclipse run environment setting?) pop upped when you try to run eclipse. Maybe  this is a bug about eclipse, and the solution in here is simply like your thought : get back using English as your default setting.

posted @ 2008-06-13 09:55 mai 阅读(321) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2008年1月23日 #

Newbie's Debian Road

     摘要: This is a stepped summary about my working environment 'debian etch'. I don't want just play with the OS, and I hate hard working, so the linux distributor I chosed must be stable ,easyly understood and simple configured. Based on those clauses, 'debian' is the best suit, except its uglily name. After 3 weeks' testing on my old hard disk, I thought "hmm, IT is!". Now I'm formal accept myself using this as my main OS. Followed is the tips I soloved by google, list here for reference.  阅读全文

posted @ 2008-01-23 20:51 mai 阅读(1270) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2008年1月17日 #

A Stupid Way to Reverse Chinese File

#	ReversFile.py [infile] [outfile]
#	A stupid way to reverse a chinese text file. just for fun.
#	If you wanna get the same result, maybe you should only slipt  
#	input text file to character list and '.reverse' it,
#         more simpler and clearer than this.
#Note::	This code have some problem about chinese quotation marks,
#	cause it's has differnet between left and right. 
#	So when it been reversed, the result may "unreadable":) Easy fixed but I ignored.
#	Also about 'Enter' key, ignored too.
#		writen by Mai 01/17/2008

# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
import sys

class revFileFont:
    def __init__(self,fileName,outFile):
        self.inFile = open(fileName,"r")
        self.outFileName = open(outFile,"w")

    def __readToList(self):
        for line in self.inFile:
        rangeList = len(self.readLines)
        for i in range(rangeList):
            rString = self.readLines[i]
            for xii in range(xi):
                if rString[xi-xii-1]!=u'\n':

    def DoIt(self):
	"""Reverse file and write it out."""
        for i in self.outList:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    argc = len(sys.argv)
    if argc <> 3:
	print 'Useage:',sys.argv[0],' [inFile]',' [outFile]'
    test = revFileFont(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2])
   #print test.outList

posted @ 2008-01-17 17:37 mai 阅读(190) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2008年1月7日 #


Ok, today is the first day here!

Are the zoudry blog post system worked ok?

For testing purpose only.


How about upload a picture?


damn it! can't works...

Where can I found a useful web host to post my picture so it can linked here? Any suggestion?

Using win live writer...



seemed works fine.

BUT,how to delete it from the blog?

Ok, got it!

posted @ 2008-01-07 10:00 mai 阅读(175) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
