李一颗@ Code

Simple is best.

2008年1月17日 #

Eclipse Can't Run Because She Is Not a Chinese.

When you set the default keyboard setting to non English for instance like Chinese IME MS-pinyin 2008 or whatever, you’ll get an  error like “Jvm terminated.Exit code = -1” and a lot other message (maybe the eclipse run environment setting?) pop upped when you try to run eclipse. Maybe  this is a bug about eclipse, and the solution in here is simply like your thought : get back using English as your default setting.

posted @ 2008-06-13 09:55 mai 阅读(321) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Newbie's Debian Road

     摘要: This is a stepped summary about my working environment 'debian etch'. I don't want just play with the OS, and I hate hard working, so the linux distributor I chosed must be stable ,easyly understood and simple configured. Based on those clauses, 'debian' is the best suit, except its uglily name. After 3 weeks' testing on my old hard disk, I thought "hmm, IT is!". Now I'm formal accept myself using this as my main OS. Followed is the tips I soloved by google, list here for reference.  阅读全文

posted @ 2008-01-23 20:51 mai 阅读(1270) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

A Stupid Way to Reverse Chinese File

#	ReversFile.py [infile] [outfile]
#	A stupid way to reverse a chinese text file. just for fun.
#	If you wanna get the same result, maybe you should only slipt  
#	input text file to character list and '.reverse' it,
#         more simpler and clearer than this.
#Note::	This code have some problem about chinese quotation marks,
#	cause it's has differnet between left and right. 
#	So when it been reversed, the result may "unreadable":) Easy fixed but I ignored.
#	Also about 'Enter' key, ignored too.
#		writen by Mai 01/17/2008

# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
import sys

class revFileFont:
    def __init__(self,fileName,outFile):
        self.inFile = open(fileName,"r")
        self.outFileName = open(outFile,"w")

    def __readToList(self):
        for line in self.inFile:
        rangeList = len(self.readLines)
        for i in range(rangeList):
            rString = self.readLines[i]
            for xii in range(xi):
                if rString[xi-xii-1]!=u'\n':

    def DoIt(self):
	"""Reverse file and write it out."""
        for i in self.outList:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    argc = len(sys.argv)
    if argc <> 3:
	print 'Useage:',sys.argv[0],' [inFile]',' [outFile]'
    test = revFileFont(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2])
   #print test.outList

posted @ 2008-01-17 17:37 mai 阅读(189) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏