

SVN Service


SVN Service Wrapper for Windows

This is my Win32 Service wrapper for SVN. Source is included, and its in the public domain. No need to copyright this stuff.

Usage instructions:

  SVNService -?                               to display this list
  SVNService -install <svnserve parameters>   to install the service
  SVNService -setup <svnserve parameters>     to change command line parameters for svnserve
  SVNService -remove                          to remove the service
  SVNService -debug                           to run as a console app for debugging


  SVNService -install -d -r c:\svnrepo
  SVNService -setup -d -r c:\otherplace\svnrepo


  Make sure you place SVNService.exe in the same directory as svnserve.exe

Special thanks go to Craig Link at Microsoft for creating the initial service.c.

-Magnus Norddahl

posted on 2006-03-17 10:43 martin xus 阅读(194) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏