For eclipse quick fix. There are lots of articles introduce how to add a marker but no reference to how to implement the Proposal .
Now i will give the solution:
First. Add the marker. It's the sample one:
1. Declare the marker extension point : org.eclipse.core.resources.markers, //Here should be clear: there are some args should be declared in xml file. which will be used in your code.
and implement the IMarkerResolutionGenerator2 interface. //Generate the generator.
2. User IResource.createMarker(....) API to create the marker. // Here will give your delcared marker type.
3. Your editor must have a configure file which extends from SourceViewerConfiguration. There is a important API for our quick fix function is: getQuickAssistAssistant();
4. So you should implement the IQuickAssistAssistant, ( I extends from JavaCorrectionAssistant the in my code) and regesit it at step 4.
5. The class implement the IQuickAssistAssistant which will set a IQuickAssistProcessor instance for execute qiuck fix. API is setQuickAssistProcessor();
6. in IQuickAssistAssistant interface the most important API is computeQuickAssistProposals(IQuickAssistInvocationContext). which will be return ICompletionProposal[] this API is used to finish your business.
7. So some body will ask that when we will use the eclipse extension point : org.eclipse.ui.ide.markerResolution
Now. see the ICompletionProposal[] return type at step 6? There have a implement class called MarkerResolutionProposal(), Let 's say it's constructor
public MarkerResolutionProposal(IMarkerResolution resolution, IMarker marker)
See here the org.eclipse.ui.ide.markerResolution extension point is used here. but the MarkerResolutionProposal seems only used in java syntax.
So if your have another grammer. please new a interface to extends from ICompletionProposal.
8. The details implement will be finished in class which implement IMarkerResolution. at run() API
If i have some time i will update some class diagram for this function.
posted on 2009-06-09 20:46
Daniel 阅读(436)
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