For example, the statement

Employee e;
Class cl = e.getClass();

System.out.println(e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getName());

Employee Harry Hacker

String className = "java.util.Date";
Class cl = Class.forName(className);



Class cl1 = Date.class; // if you import java.util.*;
Class cl2 = int.class;
Class cl3 = Double[].class;


String s = "java.util.Date";
Object m = Class.forName(s).newInstance();

Using Reflection to Analyze the Capabilities of Classes
Here is a brief overview of the most important parts of the reflection mechanism for letting you examine the structure of a class.

java.lang.Class 1.0

static Class forName(String className)
returns the Class object representing the class with name className.

Object newInstance()
returns a new instance of this class.

java.lang.reflect.Constructor 1.1

Object newInstance(Object[] args)
constructs a new instance of the constructor's declaring class.

 the parameters supplied to the constructor. See the section on reflection for more information on how to supply parameters.

java.lang.Throwable 1.0

void printStackTrace()
prints the Throwable object and the stack trace to the standard error stream.


Here is a brief overview of the most important parts of the reflection mechanism for letting you examine the structure of a class.


All you have to do is have the appropriate method in the Modifier class work on the integer that getModifiers returns. You can also use the Modifier.toString method to print the modifiers.

java.lang.reflect包中Field,Method和Constructor这3个类,分别用来描述一个类的Field,Method和Constructor。这3个类都有一个名为getName的方法,用来获得项目的名字。Field类有个getType()方法,又返回一个Class对象,描述这个字段的类型。Method和Constructor类都有获得参数类型的方法,Method类得到了返回类型。3个类都有返回类型为Integer的getModifiers方法,获得修饰,例如public或者static等。还可以使用java.lang.reflect包中的Modifier类来分析getModifiers的Integer类型返回值。使用Modifier类的isPublic,isPrivate,isFinal方法来获知一个方法或者构造函数是否是public, private, or final。你所需要做的是使用合适的方法对getModifiers返回的整型值进行操作。也可以使用Modifier.toString()方法来打印修饰符。

Class类的getFields, getMethods, getConstructors方法获得公共fields,methods和constructors的数组。也包含了超类的公共成员。getdeclaredFields,geTDeclaredMethods和geTDeclaredConstructors方法可以获得Class类中声明的所有的fields,方法和构造函数。包含了private和protected成员,但是不包含超类中的成员。


class java.lang.Double extends java.lang.Number
   public java.lang.Double(java.lang.String);
   public java.lang.Double(double);
   public int hashCode();
   public int compareTo(java.lang.Object);
   public int compareTo(java.lang.Double);
   public boolean equals(java.lang.Object);
   public java.lang.String toString();
   public static java.lang.String toString(double);
   public static java.lang.Double valueOf(java.lang.String);
   public static boolean isNaN(double);
   public boolean isNaN();
   public static boolean isInfinite(double);
   public boolean isInfinite();
   public byte byteValue();
   public short shortValue();
   public int intValue();
   public long longValue();
   public float floatValue();
   public double doubleValue();
   public static double parseDouble(java.lang.String);
   public static native long doubleToLongBits(double);
   public static native long doubleToRawLongBits(double);
   public static native double longBitsToDouble(long);

   public static final double POSITIVE_INFINITY;
   public static final double NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
   public static final double NaN;
   public static final double MAX_VALUE;
   public static final double MIN_VALUE;
   public static final java.lang.Class TYPE;
   private double value;
   private static final long serialVersionUID;

Example 5-5.

import  java.util. * ;
import  java.lang.reflect. * ;

public   class  ReflectionTest {
public   static   void  main(String[] args) {
//  read class name from command-line args or user input
        String name;
if  (args.length  >   0 )
=  args[ 0 ];
else  {
            Scanner in 
=   new  Scanner(;
" Enter class name (e.g. java.util.Date):  " );

try  {
//  print class name and superclass name (if != Object)
            Class cl  =  Class.forName(name);
            Class supercl 
=  cl.getSuperclass();
" class  "   +  name);
if  (supercl  !=   null   &&  supercl  !=  Object. class )
"  extends  "   +  supercl.getName());

" \n{\n " );
" } " );
catch  (ClassNotFoundException e) {
0 );

     * Prints all constructors of a class
@param  cl
     *            a class
public   static   void  printConstructors(Class cl)
        Constructor[] constructors 
=  cl.getDeclaredConstructors();
for  (Constructor c : constructors)
           String name 
=  c.getName();
"     "   +  Modifier.toString(c.getModifiers()));
"   "   +  name  +   " ( " );
//  print parameter types
           Class[] paramTypes  =  c.getParameterTypes();
for  ( int  j  =   0 ; j  <  paramTypes.length; j ++ )
if  (j  >   0 ) System.out.print( " " );
" ); " );

     * Prints all methods of a class
@param  cl
     *            a class
public   static   void  printMethods(Class cl)
        Method[] methods 
=  cl.getDeclaredMethods();
for  (Method m : methods)
           Class retType 
=  m.getReturnType();
           String name 
=  m.getName();
//  print modifiers, return type and method name
           System.out.print( "     "   +  Modifier.toString(m.getModifiers()));
"   "   +  retType.getName()  +   "   "   +  name  +   " ( " );
//  print parameter types
           Class[] paramTypes  =  m.getParameterTypes();
for  ( int  j  =   0 ; j  <  paramTypes.length; j ++ )
if  (j  >   0 ) System.out.print( " " );
" ); " );

     * Prints all fields of a class
@param  cl
     *            a class
public   static   void  printFields(Class cl)
        Field[] fields 
=  cl.getDeclaredFields();

for  (Field f : fields)
          Class type 
=  f.getType();
          String name 
=  f.getName();
"     "   +  Modifier.toString(f.getModifiers()));
"   "   +  type.getName()  +   "   "   +  name  +   " ; " );


java.lang.Class 1.0

Field[] getFields() 1.1
Field[] getDeclaredFields() 1.1
The getFields method returns an array containing Field objects for the public fields of this class or its superclasses. The geTDeclaredField method returns an array of Field objects for all fields of this class. The methods return an array of length 0 if there are no such fields or if the Class object represents a primitive or array type.

Method[] getMethods() 1.1
Method[] getDeclaredMethods() 1.1
return an array containing Method objects: getMethods returns public methods and includes inherited methods; getdeclaredMethods returns all methods of this class or interface but does not include inherited methods.

Constructor[] getConstructors() 1.1
Constructor[] getDeclaredConstructors() 1.1
return an array containing Constructor objects that give you all the public constructors (for getConstructors) or all constructors (for getdeclaredConstructors) of the class represented by this Class object.

java.lang.reflect.Field 1.1
java.lang.reflect.Method 1.1
java.lang.reflect.Constructor 1.1

Class getDeclaringClass()
returns the Class object for the class that defines this constructor, method, or field.

Class[] getExceptionTypes() (in Constructor and Method classes)

returns an array of Class objects that represent the types of the exceptions thrown by the method.

int getModifiers()

returns an integer that describes the modifiers of this constructor, method, or field. Use the methods in the Modifier class to analyze the return value.

String getName()

returns a string that is the name of the constructor, method, or field.

Class[] getParameterTypes() (in Constructor and Method classes)

returns an array of Class objects that represent the types of the parameters.

Class getReturnType() (in Method classes)

returns a Class object that represents the return type.

java.lang.reflect.Modifier 1.1

static String toString(int modifiers)
returns a string with the modifiers that correspond to the bits set in modifiers.

static boolean isAbstract(int modifiers)
static boolean isFinal(int modifiers)
static boolean isInterface(int modifiers)
static boolean isNative(int modifiers)
static boolean isPrivate(int modifiers)
static boolean isProtected(int modifiers)
static boolean isPublic(int modifiers)
static boolean isStatic(int modifiers)
static boolean isStrict(int modifiers)
static boolean isSynchronized(int modifiers)
static boolean isVolatile(int modifiers)
These methods test the bit in the modifiers value that corresponds to the modifier in the method name.


posted on 2006-07-31 16:58 knowhow 阅读(872) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java基础知识

