A frequently asked question is how best to display dates and numbers
using a specified format. There are a number of approaches for this,
the most naive of which would be to add a method to your action class
to do the formatting for you. This method would take in a Date (or
subclass) object as a parameter, and return a formatted String.
That approach however suffers from a number of flaws. For example,
it is not i18n aware. The date format specified is rigid, and will not
adapt to different locales easily (assuming you're not using a default
formatter that is). It also clutters up your actions with code that has
nothing to do with the action itself.
Instead, the recommended approach is to use Java's built-in date formatting features via use of the s:text tag.
The s:text tag should be used for all i18n values. It will look up
the properties file for your action, and from that select the value for
the key that you specify. This is best illustrated in an example:
<!-- display the number of items in a cart -->
<s:text name="'cart.items'" value0="cartItems" />
The above tag will work as follows. value0 will result in a call to getCartItems() on your action class. The cart.items
name is escaped, so it is treated as a literal key into the actions'
properties file. Your MyAction.properties file will contain the
cart.items=You have {0} items in your cart.
Normal Java MessageFormat behaviour will correctly substitute {0} with the value obtained from getCartItems.
Needless to say, this can get a lot more elaborate, with the ability
to specify both date and number formatting. Let us consider another
example. The goal here is to display a greeting to the user, as well as
the date of their last visit.
<s:text name="'last.visit'" value0="userName" value1="lastVisit(userName)" />
MyAction.java contains:
public String getUserName() { ... };
public Date getLastVisit(String userName) { ... };
Your MyAction.properties file will then contain:
last.visit=Welcome back {0}, your last visit was at {1,date,HH:mm dd-MM-yyyy}
As you can see, this is a very powerful mechanism and allows you to
easily display numbers and dates using any formatting rules that Java
Samuel说:在Struts2里,每个Action都可以对应一个资源文件,用s:text也是不错地。就是教条了点,比如设定数字是money方式显示的话在中国自然用¥,在美国自然是$,但这里,必须显式地写两份资源文件里:一份美国:format.money = {0,number,$##0.00},另一份中国:format.money = {0,number,¥##0.00}
value0 interface deprecated
The examples above pass in the values as:
<s:text name="'text.message'" value0="userName"/>
These values should now (>2.1.7?) be passed as params:
<s:text name="'text.message'"> <s:param value="'userName'"/> </s:text>
Some message format examples
Here are some examples of formatting in the properties file:
format.date = {0,date,MM/dd/yy} format.time = {0,date,MM/dd/yy ha} format.percent = {0,number,##0.00'%'} format.money = {0,number,$##0.00}