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TWaver 2.0 发布,附在线demo 截图

Posted on 2008-03-27 18:34 oathleo 阅读(1089) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: TWaver

TWaver 2.0 released

SERVA Software announced TWaver 2.0 now available for production use. TWaver 2.0 delivers two new product branches, TWaver Web and TWaver GIS. With the solutions, developers can extend their OSS application to Web and GIS without extra effort.

-TWaver Web, a Web solution for OSS developers to present network topology in browser based on the latest web technologies.

-TWaver GIS, a Geographic Information System solution for OSS developers to present telecommunication networks on GIS technology. TWaver GIS enables OSS developers to integrate network topology data and location-based data into analysis and management.

-TWaver Java, includes the enhanced Chart components for creating professional graphs and charts in Java for OSS developers. There are many interesting Chart libraries on the market, but the big benefit of TWaver Chart is, it makes embedding graphs in TWaver MVC framework.
Online Demo (Java Web Start)
Online Demo (Java Applet)
Online Web Demo (SVG) 

For more information about TWaver 2.0, please visite the website http://www.servasoftware.com.




