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Posted on 2019-04-18 09:07 ouyida3 阅读(2255) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏


Flowable roadmap

Tijs Rademakers edited this page 21 days ago · 19 revisions

Flowable Engine Roadmap

How should I use this roadmap?

This is a description of features and tasks that the project has decided to prioritize. You can use this as a reference point to understand where the project is going, and also decide how you may be able to help, or understand any potential conflict with longer terms plans.

Just because a feature isn't listed here doesn't mean that a Pull Request will be refused or ignored. We always jump with joy when someone contributes code for new cool features we hadn't thought about or prioritized.

How can I help?

You can help by giving us your input on the items: use cases, edge case, and of course, code. Before doing a Pull Request for a feature, it's always best to discuss it on the Forums. This makes sure we're ready for it and can provide any guidance. Find out more on how you can  contribute.

How can I change the roadmap?

Talk to us on the Forums. Help us understand why your ideas on priorities or features are right. Talk to other community members through the forums - the more people that add their voices to what is good or cool to do, the better. We want Flowable to be as widely used as possible. Take a look at our Release History to see the type of changes that have happened in the past.

6.4.0 (Released October 2, 2018)

  • First version of process instance migration

  • JUnit 5 and Jupiter refactoring

  • Proof of concept of running Flowable on MongoDB

6.4.1 (Released January 14, 2019)

  • Second version of process instance migration covering more advanced use cases

  • CMMN Engine improved coverage and other new features

  • Add support for DMN 1.2 XML files in the DMN engine

  • Added more support for handling default tenant and tenant specific process / case / decision definitions

6.5.0 (Expected April / May 2019)

  • Enhanced version of process instance migration

  • Out-of-the-box support for message queues (including correlation)

  • Heatmaps to show the process path that is taken most often

  • Kubernetes support

6.6.0 (t.b.d)


