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On Pilgrimage

----Be dedicated to those who walk in darkness with extraordinary daring and strong determination.


 You are now engaged in the enterprise you choose and on the process of pilgrimage. Do not falter. Probably there will be missteps along the way, but all these steps will help to foster your sound judgment; perhaps there will be turning and twist along the way, but you will finally make the right choice under the guidance of your inner faith; perhaps there will be huge gulf lying ahead, then you will stride over with tremendous courage.

 After running to the end of a road, there is another end lying ahead in wait for you; after climbing a great hill, you will find there are more hills to climb. You may have a moment’s rest to steal the view of glorious vista along the way and spend a short while in retrospection, but do not linger, for the long pilgrimage is not yet ended.

 At first everything is work, sweat and darkness, you have no idea when you would reach the light, or even if you will. But do persist and finally you will be rewarded. Sure you will see a clink of light and then the clink will get bigger and the sun will come pouring in and all is bright then.

Do remember that you are not alone in the pilgrimage, for there are thousands of others who have set their foot on the same road as you, heading for the Mecca!

Thriving in adversity, with a sober mind, you will always find the right way.
posted on 2005-06-27 00:13 穿山甲 阅读(260) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

