

I am using JAXB and I have a large set of data which i have to marshal into a xml.Since marshalling the whole thing into xml in a single step will be using most of the memory , i want to split it into parts and write to the xml file incremently

For example if my generated output xml should be like this:

I would like to write the <employee> sections separately into a file instead of writing the whole thing together.I am retrieving the employee details from the database and converting to xml.There are almost 8 lakh records.So marshalling the whole thing in single step will use up my memory.How can i do it?????

Use Stax API (XMLStreamWriter) as the underlying XML processing thing;
write <Employees> tag using that, and then pass XMLStreamWriter to
JAXB Marshaller, marshall employee by employee.
This is the pattern I use; similarly works well with unmarshalling.
Not sure if this is in FAQ or not, but it probably should be. 

posted on 2013-04-12 19:18 paulwong 阅读(270) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: J2SE

