Database Profiling
MongoDB Profiler is a db profiling system that can help identify inefficient
or slow queries and operations.
Levels of profiles available are:
Level | Setting |
0 | Off. & No profiling |
1 | On & only includes slow operations |
2 | On & Includes all operations |
We can enable it by setting the Profile level value using the following
command in mongo shell :
By default, mongod records slow queries to its log, as defined by slowOpThresholdMs.
Enabling database profiler puts negative impact on MongoDB’s performance.
It’s better to enable it for specific intervals & minimal on Production Servers.
We can enable profiling on a mongod basis but This setting will not propagate
across a replica set and sharded cluster.
We can view the output in the system.profile collection in mongo shell using show profile command, or using following:
db.system.profile.find( { millis : { $gt : 200 } } )
Command returns operations that took longer than 200 ms. Similarly we
can change the values as per our need.
Enabling profile for an entire mongod instance.
For the purpose of development in testing, we can enable database profiling/settings for an
entire mongod instance. The profiling level will be applied to all databases.
We can't enable the profiling settings on a mongos instance. To enable the profiling in
shard clusters, we have to enable/start profiling for each mongod instance in cluster.
Query for the recent 10 entries
db.system.profile.find().limit(10).sort( { ts : 1 } ).pretty()
Collection with the slowest queries(No. Of queries){key: {ns: true}, initial: {count: 0}, reduce: function(obj,prev){ prev.count++;}})
Collection with the slowest queries(No. Of millis spent){key: {ns: true}, initial: {millis: 0}, reduce: function(obj, prev){ prev.millis += obj.millis;}})
Most recent slow query
db.system.profile.find().sort({$natural: -1}).limit(1)
Single slowest query(Right now)
db.system.profile.find().sort({millis: -1}).limit(1)