


今天发现服务器上Tomcat 8080端口起不来,老提示端口已经被占用。


ps -aux | grep tomcat


使用命令:netstat –apn

查看所有的进程和端口使用情况。发现下面的进程列表,其中最后一栏是PID/Program name 



进一步使用命令:ps -aux | grep java,或者直接:ps -aux | grep pid 查看



方法二:直接使用 netstat   -anp   |   grep  portno
即:netstat –apn | grep 8080

posted @ 2014-10-13 11:52 paulwong 阅读(340) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Spring Boot

 Spring Boot 在 Spring 生态中的位置:

Spring Boot in Context

posted @ 2014-10-11 20:34 paulwong 阅读(505) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


     摘要: 一、 安装tracker_server1、安装libevent卸载原有的lineventyum -y remove libeventwget xvf libevent1.4.12-stable.tar.gzcd libevent./conf...  阅读全文

posted @ 2014-10-11 18:32 paulwong 阅读(5764) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


软件大全-1段: 提取密码:jgag
软件大全-2段: 提取密码:nfy2
Adobe CC合集: 提取密码:esrb
苹果字体大全: 提取密码:6urk
苹果入门教程: 提取密码:k75v
苹果游戏大全: 提取密码:vycn

posted @ 2014-10-02 11:31 paulwong 阅读(988) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


     摘要:   Logstash是一个完全开源的工具,他可以对你的日志进行收集、分析,并将其存储供以后使用(如,搜索),您可以使用它。说到搜索,logstash带有一个web界面,搜索和展示所有日志。kibana 也是一个开源和免费的工具,他可以帮助您汇总、分析和搜索重要数据日志并提供友好的web界面。他可以为 Logstash 和 ElasticSearch 提供的日志分析的 Web 界面说到这里...  阅读全文

posted @ 2014-09-30 13:14 paulwong 阅读(8568) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

linux系统:"ping: unknown host"

"ping: unknown host"

如果某台Linux服务器ping不通域名, 如下提示:

# ping
ping: unknown host

如果确定网络没问题的情况下, 可以通过如下步骤寻找解决办法:

1) 确定设置了域名服务器, 没有的话, 建议设置Google的公共DNS服务, 它应该不会出问题的

# cat /etc/resolv.conf

2) 确保网关已设置

# grep GATEWAY /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg*

如果未设置, 则通过如下方式增加网关:

# route add default gw

或者手工编写/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg*文件后, 重启network服务:

# service network restart

3) 确保可用dns解析

# grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts: files dns

如果以上哪个有问题, 修正后, 再测试, 应该就没问题了:

#ping -c 3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=50 time=9.51 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=8.45 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=8.97 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 8.450/8.977/9.511/0.446 ms, pipe 2 

posted @ 2014-09-30 13:01 paulwong 阅读(749) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


0. 简介

1. 基础知识
1.1. 介绍
1.2. 安装
1.3. Hello World
1.4. 配置语法

2. 输入插件(Input)
2.1. 标准输入(Stdin)
2.2. 读取文件(File)
2.3. 读取网络数据(TCP)
2.4. 读取 Syslog 数据
2.5. 读取 Redis 数据

3. 编码插件(Codec)
3.1. 采用 JSON 编码
3.2. 合并多行数据(Multiline)

4. 过滤器插件(Filter)
4.1. Grok 正则捕获
4.2. 时间处理(Date)
4.3. 数据修改(Mutate)
4.4. GeoIP 查询归类
4.5. UserAgent 匹配归类
4.6. Key-Value 切分
4.7. 随心所欲的 Ruby 处理
4.8. 数值统计(Metrics)

5. 输出插件(Output)
5.1. 标准输出(Stdout)
5.2. 保存成文件(File)
5.3. 保存进 Elasticsearch
5.4. 输出到 Redis
5.5. 输出到 Statsd
5.6. 报警到 Nagios
5.7. 发送邮件(Email)
5.8. 调用命令执行(Exec)

6. 尚未进入官方库的常用插件
6.1. Kafka
6.2. HDFS
6.3. Scribe

7. 深入了解
7.1. 自己写一个插件
7.2. 为什么用 JRuby? 能用 MRI 运
7.3. 其他类似项目

posted @ 2014-09-30 11:24 paulwong 阅读(3718) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


  1. What types of documents would you need for QA, QC, and Testing?
  2. What did you include in a test plan?
  3. Describe any bug you remember.
  4. What is the purpose of the testing?
  5. What do you like (not like) in this job?
  6. What is quality assurance?
  7. What is the difference between QA and testing?
  8. How do you scope, organize, and execute a test project?
  9. What is the role of QA in a development project?
  10. What is the role of QA in a company that produces software?
  11. Define quality for me as you understand it
  12. Describe to me the difference between validation and verification.
  13. Describe to me what you see as a process. Not a particular process, just the basics of having a process.
  14. Describe to me when you would consider employing a failure mode and effect analysis.
  15. Describe to me the Software Development Life Cycle as you would define it.
  16. What are the properties of a good requirement?
  17. How do you differentiate the roles of Quality Assurance Manager and Project Manager?
  18. Tell me about any quality efforts you have overseen or implemented. Describe some of the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
  19. How do you deal with environments that are hostile to quality change efforts?
  20. In general, how do you see automation fitting into the overall process of testing?
    How do you promote the concept of phase containment and defect prevention?
  21. If you come onboard, give me a general idea of what your first overall tasks will be as far as starting a quality effort.
  22. What kinds of testing have you done?
  23. Have you ever created a test plan?
  24. Have you ever written test cases or did you just execute those written by others?
  25. What did your base your test cases?
  26. How do you determine what to test?
  27. How do you decide when you have ‘tested enough?’
  28. How do you test if you have minimal or no documentation about the product?
  29. Describe me to the basic elements you put in a defect report?
  30. How do you perform regression testing?
  31. At what stage of the life cycle does testing begin in your opinion?
  32. How do you analyze your test results? What metrics do you try to provide?
  33. Realising you won’t be able to test everything – how do you decide what to test first?
  34. Where do you get your expected results?
  35. If automating – what is your process for determining what to automate and in what order?
  36. In the past, I have been asked to verbally start mapping out a test plan for a common situation, such as an ATM. The 36 interviewer might say, “Just thinking out loud, if you were tasked to test an ATM, what items might you test plan 37 include?” These type questions are not meant to be answered conclusively, but it is a good way for the interviewer to see 38 how you approach the task.
  37. If you’re given a program that will average student grades, what kinds of inputs would you use?
  38. Tell me about the best bug you ever found.
  39. What made you pick testing over another career?
  40. What is the exact difference between Integration & System testing, give me examples with your project.
  41. How did you go about testing a project?
  42. When should testing start in a project? Why?
  43. How do you go about testing a web application?
  44. Difference between Black & White box testing
  45. What is Configuration management? Tools used?
  46. What do you plan to become after say 2-5yrs (Ex: QA Manager, Why?)
  47. Would you like to work in a team or alone, why?
  48. Give me 5 strong & weak points of yours.

posted @ 2014-09-23 10:37 paulwong 阅读(293) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2014-09-22 22:32 paulwong 阅读(531) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

ElasticSearch 管理和监控 Elastic HQ

ElasticHQ 是一个具有良好体验、直观和功能强大的 ElasticSearch 的管理和监控工具。提供实时监控、全集群管理、搜索和查询,无需额外软件安装。

posted @ 2014-09-14 18:31 paulwong 阅读(975) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

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