



Currently there's quite a debate raging over the relative merits of Groovy and JRuby as scripting languages running on the Java virtual machine. Curious minds want to know - which of these languages will win this upcoming language war? People want to know which language to pick for a project, or which language to commit to learn.

Perhaps the first thing to point out is that it's perhaps rather unfair to see this as a race between these particular two horses. Scripting has been available on the JVM for a long time. Jython, a Java implementation of Python, has been around for several years. There's plenty of other, more obscure languages, which I daren't mention for fear of offending all the ones I miss out.

JRuby has got a lot of attention due to the attention of the Ruby language generally - attention particularly ignited by the interest around Rails. We've seen a sharp spike of interest around Ruby and Rails work at ThoughtWorks, and JRuby adds an extra dimension since it allows people to deploy Rails applications using their existing Java infrastructure.

Groovy gets its attention because it, more than any other language, is designed to work seamlessly with the JVM, and got a lot of attention from an early JSR.

Personally I'd dropped Groovy from my radar a couple of years ago when its development seemed to bog down. With its 1.0 release and further interesting positive vibes from some of my colleagues I've started to pay attention again.

Lets begin by talking about similarities. Both JRuby and Groovy (and indeed Jython) are modern OO scripting languages. They combine the well-chosen terseness of scripting languages with good solid structures for building larger programs. As such they are suitable both for classical scripting and for writing larger programs. Both are comfortable with dynamic type checking, although Groovy does offer some static facilities too. Both support Closures which are an important feature for the greater expressiveness that people want from this kind of language.

The biggest difference between them is their broader platform philosophy. Groovy is designed to be a scripting language for Java. As much as possible its syntax tries to match the equivalent in Java. (Including such ugly things as the default fall-through in switch statements.) It also works with Java's class library directly, although it dynamically adds many methods to Java's classes, vital in order to make use of things like closures.

JRuby, however, is a Java implementation of the Ruby platform. Ruby can run directly on mainstream operating systems with a C runtime, and is starting to run on .NET's CLR. When you program in JRuby you primarily use Ruby's libraries which are implemented in Java, and may also use Java's libraries at your discretion. If you stick to Ruby's libraries, or at least wrap any foreign elements, you can run Ruby programs on the C, Java, or (in time) .NET runtimes. So you can use JRuby to both run Ruby programs on the JVM and as a language for scripting the JVM.

One of the big differences between JRuby and Jython is around the libraries. One of the tricky aspects of porting this kind of scripting language to the JVM is that these languages are usually closely intertwined with libraries implemented in C. Porting these libraries to Java involves rewriting the libraries in Java. Jython didn't do much of this, as a result many Python apps can't run in Jython. However the JRuby implementers decided from early on that their goal was to run Rails apps, as a result many libraries including all the Ruby standard libraries needed to be ported.

The fact that JRuby is a Ruby platform on the JVM means that in JRuby you have two kinds of objects - JRuby objects and Java objects. Although there are ways for the two to talk to each other and to convert there is a difference. There are times when you need to know whether you're dealing with a Java string or a JRuby string. With Groovy you don't have that boundary, there are just Java objects.

It's too early, or rather too difficult, to say if one language will win out. Both are pretty young, only just finding their feet on the JVM. On a more personal level, your choice has a lot to do with what you expect to do with it. If you are only interested in running on the JVM, then Groovy could well be the easier choice. You are working directly with Java's library and object model, and the syntax requires less getting used to. A strong reason to prefer Ruby is the fact that it lives in multiple implementations. Ruby is a tool you can use in a lot of other places. As a long time Rubyist, there's not much incentive for me personally to get heavily into Groovy, even though I actually like the language a lot from what I've seen of it.

Rails is an important factor. The Java world is hardly lacking in web frameworks, but Rails is widely liked by those who've used it. I've not got many reports yet about Grails (the Groovy knock-off) so can't give a firm opinion on that. But I can imagine that the ability to deploy web apps with Rails could be a major factor in making JRuby popular. Something else to look at is the growth of RSpec as a new spin on testing environments.

With any platform it's as important to consider the people involved in the community as much as any technical factors. Good people can overcome technical weaknesses quickly and a vibrant community is a potent source for big innovations. RubyPeople have formed a particularly strong community, which has already spawned things like Rails, Rake, and Rspec.

Will either matter to Java? After all Jython's been around for a long time without making a huge impact on the JVM. Tool support is frankly pathetic for any of these languages when you compare it to what you have for Java at the moment.

I think we're actually at an inflection point with Java. Until recently the Java cry was One VM and OneLanguage. (As opposed to the CLR which was one VM and many languages, providing they're C# or VB.) This seems to be changing as people realize the limitations of Java and begin to seek out different capabilities. It's likely the future will see multiple languages closely integrated within the JVM.

There are plenty of people who dislike the hype around Rails and Ruby. But even if you dislike Ruby, the hype has led to a resurgence of interest in new languages. I doubt if the interest in Groovy would be anywhere near as great as it is if it wasn't for this hype, nor would Jython be awaking from its slumbers. The ruby/rails hype has also generated interest in other exotic JVM languages. The really nice thing here is that the JRuby people have been encouraging their dynamic rivals - recognizing that the point here is to encourage multi-lingual inter-operability and innovation.

posted @ 2007-11-29 09:34 朱雀 阅读(405) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

以前很困惑用Java 写的程序如何做成windows 服务,这里有一篇讲如何将tomact 程序做成windows 服务的,可以参考下

2:设置CLASS_PATH 为CLASS_PATH=.;C:"java"jdk1.5.0_06"lib"dt.jar;C:"java"jdk1.5.0_06"lib"tools.jar;%CATALINA_HOME%"bin"bootstrap.jar


4:添加服务命令:service.bat install Tomcat5
   运行完命令后就可以在服务中看到 Apache Tomcat5 然后可以自行改为手动或自动启动。
    tomcat5 //IS//Tomcat5 --DisplayName="Apache Tomcat 5"  --Install="C:"Program Files"Tomcat"bin"tomcat5.exe" --Jvm=auto --StartMode=jvm --StopMode=jvm --StartClass=org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap --StartParams=start --StopClass=org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap --StopParams=stop

5:移除服务命令:tomcat5 //DS//Tomcat5

posted @ 2007-11-27 10:11 朱雀 阅读(872) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

一些有关GWT 和 Spring 可以整合在一起的文章




posted @ 2007-11-14 21:23 朱雀 阅读(1281) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏




posted @ 2007-10-26 21:21 朱雀 阅读(764) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

Java 历代版本记

JDK 1.1.4 Sparkler 宝石 1997-09-12
JDK 1.1.5 Pumpkin 南瓜 1997-12-13
JDK 1.1.6 Abigail 阿比盖尔--女子名 1998-04-24
JDK 1.1.7 Brutus 布鲁图--古罗马政治家和将军 1998-09-28
JDK 1.1.8 Chelsea 切尔西--城市名 1999-04-08

J2SE 1.2 Playground 运动场 1998-12-04
J2SE 1.2.1 none 无 1999-03-30
J2SE 1.2.2 Cricket 蟋蟀 1999-07-08

J2SE 1.3 Kestrel 美洲红隼 2000-05-08
J2SE 1.3.1 Ladybird 瓢虫 2001-05-17

J2SE 1.4.0 Merlin 灰背隼 2002-02-13
J2SE 1.4.1 grasshopper 蚱蜢 2002-09-16
J2SE 1.4.2 Mantis 螳螂 2003-06-26

J2SE 5.0 (1.5.0) Tiger 老虎 2004-10

J2SE 6.0 (Beta) Mustang 野马 2006-04

posted @ 2007-10-03 11:45 朱雀 阅读(253) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏






posted @ 2007-09-24 11:40 朱雀 阅读(2719) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏


1、看来当前Web 开发工程师大都注重考察Ajax的知识,尤其是有关XMLHttpRequest和浏览器相关这一块,所以要是下一次应聘这个职位,我可是要好好准备一下的,还有有关JavaScript的一些内容,这些东西都在考察的范围之内。


posted @ 2007-09-16 17:47 朱雀 阅读(193) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

总结一下Spring MVC 中Validator 的使用

今天使用到Spring 验证的模块(Validator),稍微研究了一下,觉得不仅仅是书上讲的那么简单,在此总结下

介绍下Spring Validator 接口必须实现的方法
1、public boolean support(Class clazz);这个方法是要验证提交表单时对应的那个缓存数据的类(通常由Hibernate生成),这通常由代码编写者设定,一般不会有错
2、public void validate(Object target, Errors errors);注意,这里返回的反而不是boolean,这是因为Spring 在处理无法提交的表单使用的机制是例外机制,他会送出一个Errors,包装了对应的信息。通常使用的方法是由类ValidationUtils 提供的,该类提供了验证的几个方法,并包装了错误。这里包装后的错误会出现在Controller 中的BindException 中,可以用getMessage() 方法来得到信息,不过这个信息很原始,可以利用适当的字符串处理机制处理一下。

其实这里有一个更好的方法,就是混合使用<spring:bind>标签,这个标签可以把对应提交的form 对象和表单中相关名称的字段绑定,而且可以通过它的子属性打印出错误信息例如你可以嵌入<c:out value="status.errorMessage" />这样就会把该字段验证时失败的信息显示出来,非常容易和好用,建议大家可以使用  

当Validator 接口实现完毕后,要在配置servlet 的xml 文件中将对应的Controller 的validator 属性设置为你的Validator 接口实现类,这样,系统就会自动对你需要验证的模块进行验证了。

如果你还想锦上添花的话,不但可以使用Spring MVC 的验证机制,还可以用JavaScript 写一段富客户端的验证机制


posted @ 2007-08-30 20:47 朱雀 阅读(5528) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏





posted @ 2007-08-17 17:21 朱雀 阅读(592) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

利用Spring Web MVC框架架构MIS系统的心得,Controller与Service相配合

Spring Web MVC是Spring框架自带的一个Web框架,它很好的结合了Spring本身的IoC和AOP的功能。是利用Spring开发Web系统的不二选择。
经过思考,结合重构的思想。我想到一个解决方案,这个解决方案是面向接口的,可以很方便的解决上述问题。基本思想是对应数据库中每个表,对其封装成一个 Service,而这个Service实现了一些通用的接口方法,对应模块的多个Controller都可以调用这个Service接口中的方法。这就把 Controller和Service从原来的紧耦合变成了松耦合的模式,增加了可复用性。

posted @ 2007-08-17 17:19 朱雀 阅读(686) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

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