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posted @ 2009-01-17 17:42 pinuo 阅读(729) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-07-24 16:30 pinuo 阅读(154) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
<embed src="http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTE1ODk3Mjg=/v.swf" quality="high" width="480" height="400" align="center" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
posted @ 2008-04-15 21:53 pinuo 阅读(176) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Wizag的服务程序突然不工作了。读log看到数据库的错误:无法装载DLL xpstar.dll或该DLL所引用的某一DLL.原因:126(找不到指定的模块),是启动DTS时报的错误。

搜了很多地方,也推荐了很多方法,包括重新下载一个xpstar.dll 或是从其他地方拷贝一个。



posted @ 2008-03-28 20:23 pinuo 阅读(9683) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏

RESTful API Introduction

A RESTful Interface sends an HTTP GET or POST to call exposed methods on a network, and receives an XML document in return.

The MDP (MySpace Developer Platform) provides a RESTful API that allows server-to-server requests to expose user information for installed users.

This API permits modification of user data if the user has granted the required access to the application, and exposes communication functionality for friend activities, messaging, bulletins, and application notifications.

The MySpace RESTful API adheres to the principles of REST architecture, and supports all HTTP verbs - GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, and HEAD.

Response formats should be as robust as possible. Resources default to Plain Old XML, but this can be modified by using an extension on the resource such as .xml or .json.  


REST (Representational State Transfer) is a type of software architecture used on distributed hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web.

The MDP (MySpace Developer Platform) is based on REST principles and has the following functionality:

1.  Allows server-to-server requests to expose user information
     of installed users.

2.  Allows an application to modify a user's data if the user has
     granted appropriate permission to the application.

3.  Exposes communication functionality for friend activities,  
     messaging, bulletins, and application notifications.


REST architecture defines how the network resources are described and addressed, and a distinction is made between "high REST" and "low REST." The distinctions between the high REST and low REST architectures are described below.

High REST uses the four main HTTP verbs - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE - to manipulate resource representations. XML files serve as message carriers that insert meta data into HTTP headers.

Low REST is also known as "Plain Old XML" over HTTP or POX.  Low REST architecture uses only HTTP GETs to access all APIs, and conforms to the constraints of the HTTP GET and POST verbs associated with non-XML web architecture.

posted @ 2008-03-14 13:57 pinuo 阅读(225) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
I am an Inter fan of China, a postgraduate student of a University in the Northwest of China. I have been the fan of Inter for 12 years. Football was not as popular as it is now in China 12 years ago. I have to admit that one critical reason why I have deep feeling of Inter rather than AC Milan which was highly regarded by lots of my friends is because of Ronaldo. But I find my love did not pale when he move to Real Madrid, maybe I love Inter more. 

I always told my friends that I can share some special feelings, some character with Inter. We are persistent, working hard, and have a dream of great success, but I have to say we are less confident in a long time.

The most impressive moment in my memory is the game Inter lose to Juventus in 1998, also it is the worst moment I can remember. I felt being greatly hurt when the referee refused to give penalty when Ronaldo was obviously offended in penalty zone, which eventually lead to the losing of the champion of that season.

I will never hesitate to say Zanetti if I was asked to tell my favorite plays in Inter. He is the captain of Inter, and has been and will always be a captain in my heart. He is a real man, a nice man no matter on the pitch or off pitch. His performance on the pitch and his charity things all make him a model for the professional players, for the common people like me. I feel closer with him when hearing his regards to the Chinese Inter fans in this Chinese Spring Festival, it just like a conversion with him, so warm. I like him and his Argentina national team just like I love Inter. My favorite national teams are Argentina, Dutch and Italy.  It has always been my dream that Zanite captain the Argentina to win the World Cup in 2010. I cried when they had a draw with Sweden and stopped entering the next round in 2002. I was made angry when he was refused to German in 2006 because of some ridiculous reason. I hope I can see him in Beijing Olympic game. 

And another one is Roberto Baggio, he is an artist on the pitch, though he didn’t stay a long time in Inter, the picture that he is in Inter shirt is always set as my desktop of my computer and the icon of MSN.

One interesting thing is that my birthday is recorded as January 22 when I registered as a member in the official website of Inter, it was the day calculated by Chinese traditional calendar, and it should be March 8 when calculated in Gregorian calendar. I strongly apply to change my birthday to March 8 and then I can receive the present from Inter the day before the birthday of Inter :-) Is there anything greater than this?

The following is my birthday letters from Inter in the past several years. Now let me say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Inter!!


Hi pinuo,

Hi pinuo,

Hi pinuo, 


To receive the birthday letter has become part of my life, which told me I am one years older, and it is time to review what I have done last year and to make a plan for the next year.

I am always image what I will look like if I receive the shirt from Inter with Veri’s number 32. What my life will be, my work, my family. If I have a kid, I will show him(her or them :-) ) my shirt.

We have to work hard and show our courage especially when we are in adversity. My heart will be with you in the game against Liverpool at the Stadio Meazza. Beat them as we do in 1965. I have faith in you!!

posted @ 2008-03-09 16:17 pinuo 阅读(433) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏