RESTful API Introduction
A RESTful Interface sends an HTTP GET or POST to call exposed methods on a network, and receives an XML document in return.
The MDP (MySpace Developer Platform) provides a RESTful API that allows server-to-server requests to expose user information for installed users.
This API permits modification of user data if the user has granted the required access to the application, and exposes communication functionality for friend activities, messaging, bulletins, and application notifications.
The MySpace RESTful API adheres to the principles of REST architecture, and supports all HTTP verbs - GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, and HEAD.
Response formats should be as robust as possible. Resources default to Plain Old XML, but this can be modified by using an extension on the resource such as .xml or .json.
REST (Representational State Transfer) is a type of software architecture used on distributed hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web.
The MDP (MySpace Developer Platform) is based on REST principles and has the following functionality:
1. Allows server-to-server requests to expose user information
of installed users.
2. Allows an application to modify a user's data if the user has
granted appropriate permission to the application.
3. Exposes communication functionality for friend activities,
messaging, bulletins, and application notifications.
REST architecture defines how the network resources are described and addressed, and a distinction is made between "high REST" and "low REST." The distinctions between the high REST and low REST architectures are described below.
High REST uses the four main HTTP verbs - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE - to manipulate resource representations. XML files serve as message carriers that insert meta data into HTTP headers.
Low REST is also known as "Plain Old XML" over HTTP or POX. Low REST architecture uses only HTTP GETs to access all APIs, and conforms to the constraints of the HTTP GET and POST verbs associated with non-XML web architecture.
刚开始写博客! 呵呵,主要是记录下自己的一些东西,期望和大家交流.
posted on 2008-03-14 13:57
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