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Monday, 04 September 2006 15:02:58
[FOTO Monday, 04 September 2006 15:02:58] MILAN Giacinto Facchetti was born in Treviglio, Bergamo province on 18 July 1942. A gifted all-round sportsman in his youth, he played football for his local team and achieved good results in athletics championships. At the age of sixteen he was already a promising young player courted by Bergamo-based side Atalanta and Inter. Facchetti chose the Milanese Nerazzurri, and would go on to become a legend.

Facchetti made his Italian top-flight debut on 21 May 1961 at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome. Inter beat Roma 2-0. The following Sunday in Milan he scored the first of his 59 goals for Inter in a match against Napoli. It was Helenio Herrera, coach of the legendary Great Inter side of all time, who combined Facchetti's attacking and defending abilities and invented the role of the modern full-back.

In his playing career Facchetti won 4 Italian league titles, 2 European Cups, 2 Intercontinental Cups and a Coppa Italia. He collected a total of 476 Serie A appearances for Inter. His international career was just as extraordinary. Facchetti earned 94 Italy caps (70 as captain), won the 1968 European championship with Italy in 1968 and captained the Azzurri against Brazil in the World Cup final in Mexico in 1970.

After his playing career Facchetti took up various managerial positions at Inter, including technical director, board member, worldwide ambassador and vice president. On 30 January 2004 Massimo Moratti handed him the highest office: Facchetti was the first player in Inter's history to become president. Under his administration, Inter won a Scudetto, two Italian Cups and two Italian Super Cups.

An icon of world football, Facchetti held a number of institutional roles within FIFA and UEFA along with the great champions who have written the history of the sport.
posted @ 2008-03-02 21:07 pinuo 阅读(176) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
Monday, 04 September 2006 19:17:20
[FOTO Monday, 04 September 2006 19:17:20]

Dear Cipe,

I didn't manage to tell you what I wanted to for fear of making you understand that time was inexorable and the illness terrible.
I am sorry, but I think I should thank you most of all for the patience you have always had with me. For your eyes that smiled, until the end, at the enthusiasm or the irony with which I tried to overcome the difficult times with you.
A few days ago you spoke to me with hardly any voice left - and with the expression of someone who loves you - about Inter, projecting your thoughts towards a future beyond our possibilities, humble, ignorant and human.
A few months ago I asked you, half joking and half serious, why we never managed to have a referee as a friend, so we could feel protected at least once. And you, with an expression that was both soft and severe, replied to me that I couldn't ask you this because you weren't capable.
Fantastic. Your great dignity wasn't capable of it, your natural honesty wasn't capable of it. Neither was the sportsmanship that remained intact since your first day at Inter, with Herrera who mistakenly called you Cipelletti, and since then all of us have called you Cipe. Gentle, intelligent, courageous, reserved, far from every vulgar reaction.
Thank you again for having honoured Inter, and with her, all of us.

Massimo Moratti

posted @ 2008-03-02 21:06 pinuo 阅读(177) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

大家可能听说过,Google 革命性的发明是它名为 “Page Rank” 的网页排名算法,这项技术彻底解决了搜索结果排序的问题。其实最先试图给互联网上的众多网站排序的并不是 GoogleYahoo公司最初第一个用目录分类的方式让用户通过互联网检索信息,但由于当时计算机容量和速度的限制,当时的 Yahoo和同时代的其它搜索引擎都存在一个共同的问题:收录的网页太少,而且只能对网页中常见内容相关的实际用词进行索引。那时,用户很难找到很相关信息。我记得 1999 年以前查找一篇论文,要换好几个搜索引擎。后来 DEC 公司开发了 AltaVista 搜索引擎,只用一台 ALPHA 服务器,却收录了比以往引擎都多的网页,而且对里面的每个词进行索引。AltaVista 虽然让用户搜索到大量结果,但大部分结果却与查询不太相关,有时找想看的网页需要翻好几页。所以最初的 AltaVista 在一定程度上解决了覆盖率的问题,但不能很好地对结果进行排序。

“Page Rank” (网页排名)是怎么回事呢?其实简单说就是民主表决。打个比方,假如我们要找李开复博士,有一百个人举手说自己是李开复。那么谁是真的呢?也许有好几个真的,但即使如此谁又是大家真正想找的呢?:-) 如果大家都说在 Google 公司的那个是真的,那么他就是真的。

在互联网上,如果一个网页被很多其它网页所链接,说明它受到普遍的承认和信赖,那么它的排名就高。这就是 Page Rank 的核心思想。当然 Google Page Rank 算法实际上要复杂得多。比如说,对来自不同网页的链接对待不同,本身网页排名高的链接更可靠,于是给这些链接予较大的权重。Page Rank 考虑了这个因素,可是现在问题又来了,计算搜索结果的网页排名过程中需要用到网页本身的排名,这不成了先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题了吗?

的两个创始人拉里佩奇Larry Page )和谢尔盖布林 (Sergey Brin) 把这个问题变成了一个二维矩阵相乘的问题,并且用迭代的方法解决了这个问题。他们先假定所有网页的排名是相同的,并且根据这个初始值,算出各个网页的第一次迭代排名,然后再根据第一次迭代排名算出第二次的排名。他们两人从理论上证明了不论初始值如何选取,这种算法都保证了网页排名的估计值能收敛到他们的真实值。值得一提的事,这种算法是完全没有任何人工干预的。

理论问题解决了,又遇到实际问题。因为互联网上网页的数量是巨大的,上面提到的二维矩阵从理论上讲有网页数目平方之多个元素。如果我们假定有十亿个网页,那么这个矩阵就有一百亿亿个元素。这样大的矩阵相乘,计算量是非常大的。拉里和谢尔盖两人利用稀疏矩阵计算的技巧,大大的简化了计算量,并实现了这个网页排名算法。今天 Google 的工程师把这个算法移植到并行的计算机中,进一步缩短了计算时间,使网页更新的周期比以前短了许多。

我来 Google 后,拉里 (Larry) 在和我们几个新员工座谈时,讲起他当年和谢尔盖(Sergey) 是怎么想到网页排名算法的。他说:"当时我们觉得整个互联网就像一张大的图Graph),每个网站就像一个节点,而每个网页的链接就像一个弧。我想,互联网可以用一个图或者矩阵描述,我也许可以用这个发现做个博士论文。" 他和谢尔盖就这样发明了 Page Rank 的算法。


今天,Google 搜索引擎比最初复杂、完善了许多。但是网页排名在 Google 所有算法中依然是至关重要的。在学术界, 这个算法被公认为是文献检索中最大的贡献之一,并且被很多大学引入了信息检索课程 (Information Retrieval) 的教程。

posted @ 2008-03-02 19:54 pinuo 阅读(185) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
     摘要:   数学之美 数学之美系列一 -- 统计语言模型 2006年4月3日上午 08:15:00 发表者: 吴军, Google 研究员 前言 也许大家不相信,数学是解决信息检索和自然语言处理的最好工具。它能非常清晰地描述这些领域的实际问题并且给出漂亮的解决办法。每当人们应用数学工具解决一个语言问题时,总会感叹数学之美。我们希望利用 Google 中文黑板报这块园地,介绍一...  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-03-02 19:50 pinuo 阅读(111) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
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