13.13.2 Delphi Web Services样例程序
为了使读者朋友对Web Services程序的开发过程有一个较清晰的认识,这里作者用Delphi给大家做一个简单样例程序。服务端用来提供对外服务接口,只有服务端运行后,其提供的服务接口才能被其他应用所调用,这里我们把调用其服务接口的程序统一叫客户端。
首先,选择“SOAP Server Application”选项,如图13-110所示。
单击【OK】按钮,则弹出图13-111所示对话框信息,我们选择 “ISAPI/NSAPI Dynamic Link Library”,单击【OK】按钮,弹出确认对话框,如图13-112所示,单击【Yes】按钮。

图13-110 New Items对话框 图13-111 New SOAP Server Application对话框 图13-112 Confirm对话框

图13-113 Confirm对话框 图13-114 WebModule1对话框(对应单元文件为main.pas)
{ SOAP WebModule } unit main; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, HTTPApp, InvokeRegistry, WSDLIntf, TypInfo, WebServExp, WSDLBind, XMLSchema, WSDLPub, SOAPPasInv, SOAPHTTPPasInv, SOAPHTTPDisp, WebBrokerSOAP; type TWebModule1 = class(TWebModule) HTTPSoapDispatcher1: THTTPSoapDispatcher; HTTPSoapPascalInvoker1: THTTPSoapPascalInvoker; WSDLHTMLPublish1: TWSDLHTMLPublish; procedure WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var WebModule1: TWebModule1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); begin WSDLHTMLPublish1.ServiceInfo(Sender, Request, Response, Handled); end; end. |
unit MyHelloImpl; interface uses InvokeRegistry, Types, XSBuiltIns, MyHelloIntf; type { TMyHello } TMyHello = class(TInvokableClass, IMyHello) public function Welcome(name: string): string; stdcall; end; implementation function TMyHello.Welcome(name: string): string; begin result := '欢迎' + name + '同学!' ; end;
initialization { Invokable classes must be registered } InvRegistry.RegisterInvokableClass(TMyHello); end. |
unit MyHelloIntf; interface uses InvokeRegistry, Types, XSBuiltIns; type TEnumTest = (etNone, etAFew, etSome, etAlot); TDoubleArray = array of Double; TMyEmployee = class(TRemotable) private FLastName: AnsiString; FFirstName: AnsiString; FSalary: Double; published property LastName: AnsiString read FLastName write FLastName; property FirstName: AnsiString read FFirstName write FFirstName; property Salary: Double read FSalary write FSalary; end; { Invokable interfaces must derive from IInvokable } IMyHello = interface(IInvokable) ['{F80D3129-3B13-49A7-8CCF-3DC3B120BA15}'] { Methods of Invokable interface must not use the default } { calling convention; stdcall is recommended } function Welcome(name: string): string; stdcall; end; implementation initialization { Invokable interfaces must be registered } InvRegistry.RegisterInterface(TypeInfo(IMyHello)); end. |

图13-115 样例演示-服务端(对应单元文件为u_main.pas)
unit u_main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, SUIButton, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, SUIForm, IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge; type TForm1 = class(TForm) sfrm1: TsuiForm; lbl1: TLabel; btn1: TsuiButton; procedure btn1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure sfrm1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } ser: TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses main, MyHelloImpl, MyHelloIntf; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin close; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ser:=TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(self); ser.DefaultPort:=5678; ser.Active:=true; ser.RegisterWebModuleClass(TWebModule1); end; end. |
program Server; uses Forms, u_main in 'u_main.pas' {Form1}, main in 'main.pas' {WebModule1: TWebModule}, MyHelloImpl in 'MyHelloImpl.pas', MyHelloIntf in 'MyHelloIntf.pas'; {$R *.res} begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.CreateForm(TWebModule1, WebModule1); Application.Run; end. |
图13-116 “样例演示-服务端”小程序 图13-117 服务接口相关信息
13-118 样例演示-客户端
应用“WSDL Import Wizard”工具引入接口,如图13-119和图13-120所示。

图13-119 “New Items-WSDL Importer”对话框 图13-120 “WSDL Import Wizard”对话框
// ************************************************************************ // // The types declared in this file were generated from data read from the // WSDL File described below: // WSDL : http://localhost:5678/wsdl/IMyHello // Encoding : utf-8 // Version : 1.0 // (2012-11-11 下午 02:02:42 - // ************************************************************************ // unit IMyHello1; interface uses InvokeRegistry, SOAPHTTPClient, Types, XSBuiltIns; type // ************************************************************************ // // The following types, referred to in the WSDL document are not being represented // in this file. They are either aliases[@] of other types represented or were referred // to but never[!] declared in the document. The types from the latter category // typically map to predefined/known XML or Borland types; however, they could also // indicate incorrect WSDL documents that failed to declare or import a schema type. // ************************************************************************ // // !:string - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema // ************************************************************************ // // Namespace : urn:MyHelloIntf-IMyHello // soapAction: urn:MyHelloIntf-IMyHello#Welcome // transport : http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http // style : rpc // binding : IMyHellobinding // service : IMyHelloservice // port : IMyHelloPort // URL : http://localhost:5678/soap/IMyHello< // ************************************************************************ // IMyHello = interface(IInvokable) ['{FEDC3D83-ACE9-0403-6D1D-C1B54AA0B54C}'] function Welcome(const name: WideString): WideString; stdcall; end; function GetIMyHello(UseWSDL: Boolean = System.False; Addr: string = ''; HTTPRIO: THTTPRIO = nil): IMyHello; implementation function GetIMyHello(UseWSDL: Boolean; Addr: string; HTTPRIO: THTTPRIO): IMyHello; const defWSDL = 'http://localhost:5678/wsdl/IMyHello'; defURL = 'http://localhost:5678/soap/IMyHello'; defSvc = 'IMyHelloservice'; defPrt = 'IMyHelloPort'; var RIO: THTTPRIO; begin Result := nil; if (Addr = '') then begin if UseWSDL then Addr := defWSDL else Addr := defURL; end; if HTTPRIO = nil then RIO := THTTPRIO.Create(nil) else RIO := HTTPRIO; try Result := (RIO as IMyHello); if UseWSDL then begin RIO.WSDLLocation := Addr; RIO.Service := defSvc; RIO.Port := defPrt; end else RIO.URL := Addr; finally if (Result = nil) and (HTTPRIO = nil) then RIO.Free; end; end; initialization InvRegistry.RegisterInterface(TypeInfo(IMyHello), 'urn:MyHelloIntf-IMyHello', 'utf-8'); InvRegistry.RegisterDefaultSOAPAction(TypeInfo(IMyHello), 'urn:MyHelloIntf-IMyHello#Welcome'); end. |
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, SUIButton, ExtCtrls, SUIForm, StdCtrls, SUIEdit; type TForm1 = class(TForm) sfrm1: TsuiForm; btn1: TsuiButton; lbl1: TLabel; edt1: TsuiEdit; btn2: TsuiButton; lbl2: TLabel; lbl3: TLabel; procedure btn1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btn2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses IMyHello1; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: IMyHello; begin I := GetIMyHello; if Trim(edt1.Text) <> '' then begin lbl2.Caption := I.Welcome(edt1.Text); I := nil; end else begin Application.MessageBox('请输入姓名!', '系统信息', 0); Exit; end; end; procedure TForm1.btn2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; end. |
在Delphi IDE环境,单击“F9”运行客户端程序,将弹出图13-121所示对话框。
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