#!/usr/bin/env python #encoding:utf-8 ################################### # function: analysis the log in the 'die' to JSON , and #output the data to the MongoDB. # data: 2014/3/31 #History: 1.0 ################################### import os import pymongo def connect_mongodb(): servers="mongodb://localhost:27017" conn = pymongo.Connection(servers) print conn.database_names() db = conn.my_mongodb #连接库 return db def str_process(string,db): d={} if string == '\n': return string2=str(string) print '-----'+string string2=string2.split(' ') print '---------------' print string2 for i in string2: print i print '------------' string2[3].split('\n') d['projectcode']=string2[0] d['pagename']=string2[1] d['pageview']=string2[2] d['bytes']=string2[3][:-1] db.user.insert(d) def file_process(source_file,db): string2='' f=open(source_file,'r') print 'file name :'+source_file while True: string2=f.readline() if string2 == '': break string2=str_process(string2,db) print string2 def get_dir_list(dir): #input the dir ,will output the all filename dat0=[] for i in os.listdir(dir): dat0.append(i) return dat0 def all_file_process(): dir_file_name='' dir_list=[] dir_file_name=raw_input('please input the dir name:') dir_list=get_dir_list(dir_file_name) print dir_list db=connect_mongodb() for i in dir_list: if str(i) != 'log_file_process.py': file_process(str(i),db) all_file_process() |