int rc; int db_connection; char *server = ""; // 数据库的ip地址 char *user = "root"; // 数据库访问用户名 char *password = "123456"; // 密码 char *database = "t3db"; // 数据库名称 int port = 3306; // 访问端口 int unix_socket = NULL; int flags = 0; char** result_row; int query_result; char szSql[256]; int MySqlInit() { rc = lr_load_dll("libmysql.dll"); db_connection = mysql_init(NULL); if (db_connection == NULL) { lr_error_message("Insufficient memory"); lr_abort(); } if(rc!=0) { lr_error_message("Load MySql.dll Error!"); lr_abort(); } rc = mysql_real_connect(db_connection,server, user, password, database, port, unix_socket, flags); if(rc == NULL) { lr_error_message("connect mysql error! %s",mysql_error(db_connection)); mysql_close(db_connection); lr_abort(); } return rc; } int MySqlUnit() { // 释放MySQL资源 mysql_close(db_connection); return 0; } int InsertValue(char* query) { rc = mysql_query(db_connection,query); if (rc != 0) { lr_error_message("%s", mysql_error(db_connection)); } query = NULL; return rc; } int MySqlQuery(char* szSql) { rc = mysql_query(db_connection,szSql); if(rc != 0) { lr_error_message("%s",lr_eval_string("?")); lr_error_message("%s", mysql_error(db_connection)); szSql = NULL; return -1; } query_result = mysql_use_result(db_connection); if (query_result == NULL) { lr_error_message("%s", mysql_error(db_connection)); mysql_free_result(query_result); szSql = NULL; return -2; } result_row = (char **)mysql_fetch_row(query_result); if (result_row == NULL) { lr_error_message("Did not expect the result set to be empty"); mysql_free_result(query_result); szSql = NULL; return -3; } mysql_free_result(query_result); szSql = NULL; return 0; } |