1.Suppose i have 50 records in a matrix and using mapping i want to send only those records to BW which are selected.. how can we do this?
format 1:
<data jsxid="jsxroot">
<record jsxtext="Jame Paulis" jsxid="1" office="1018" status="Interview" experience="3" longivity="1" ></record>
<record jsxtext="James" jsxid="2" office="1019" status="GD" experience="3" longivity="2" ></record>
format 2:<data>
<status>Group Discussion</status>
var nodeValueExp = objDoc.selectSingleNode("//record[ID='1']/experience").getValue();The following XSL will produce the output you wanted in format 2:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:element name="data">
<xsl:for-each select="//record">
<xsl:element name="record">
<xsl:for-each select="@*">
<xsl:when test="name()='jsxid'"><xsl:element name="ID"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:element></xsl:when>
<xsl:when test="name()='jsxtext'"></xsl:when>
<xsl:otherwise><xsl:element name="{name()}"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:element></xsl:otherwise>
You can use this XPath for format1:
3.Is there a way to select items in a Select by pressing keys? For example I have a alphabetized list of States. I want to be able to press 'A' 4 times to move from Alabama, to Alaska, to Arizona, to Arkansas. Then I want to be able to press tab and move on to a zip code field. This should leave Arkansas selected.
This is the normal behavior for a simple html select box and I want to stick to what people are familiar with.
function handleKeyPress(objSelect,objEvent) {
//resolve the key the pressed;only listen for numbers and letters
var intKey = objEvent.keyCode();
var strKey = String.fromCharCode(intKey);
if(strKey.search(/[a-z0-9]/i) == -1) return true;
var objKey = new RegExp(strKey,"i");
//get list of options for the select
var objXML = objSelect.getXML();
var objTextNodes = objSelect.getXML().selectNodes("//record[@jsxtext]");
//query the select box to see if the same key was pressed before; if so begin searching at he correct index
var objState = objSelect.custom_index || {};
objState[strKey] = (objState[strKey] != null) ? objState[strKey] : 0;
var intIndex = (objState[strKey] < objTextNodes.getLength()) ? objState[strKey] : 0;
jsx3.log("index: " + objState[strKey]);
objState[strKey] = 0;
return true;
function handleKeyPress(objSelect,objEvent) {
//resolve the key the pressed;only listen for numbers and letters
var intKey = objEvent.keyCode();
var strKey = String.fromCharCode(intKey);
if(strKey.search(/[a-z0-9]/i) == -1) return true;
var objKey = new RegExp(strKey,"i");
//get list of options for the select
var objXML = objSelect.getXML();
var objTextNodes = objSelect.getXML().selectNodes("//record[@jsxtext]");
//query the select box to see if the same key was pressed before; if so begin searching at he correct index
var objState = objSelect.custom_index || {};
objState[strKey] = (objState[strKey] != null) ? objState[strKey] : 0;
var intIndex = (objState[strKey] < objTextNodes.getLength()) ? objState[strKey] : 0;
jsx3.log("index: " + objState[strKey]);
//loop to find the next item in the list that begins with the given key
for(var i=intIndex;i<objTextNodes.getLength();i++) {
if(objTextNodes.getItem(i).getAttribute("jsxtext").search(objKey) == 0) {
objSelect.custom_index = {};
objSelect.custom_index[strKey] = i+1;
return false;
//loop from 0 to current index to find the first item in the list that begins with the given key.(wrap around)
//following was added by dlehman
for(var i=0;i<intIndex;i++) {
if(objTextNodes.getItem(i).getAttribute("jsxtext").search(objKey) == 0) {
objSelect.custom_index = {};
objSelect.custom_index[strKey] = i+1;
return false;
objState[strKey] = 0;
return true;
posted on 2007-03-27 12:03
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