posts - 431,  comments - 344,  trackbacks - 0
  2. 提供包含待审核的节点和响应的RSS feed,方便管理者随时得知网站的最新状况,快速做出反应。
  3. The AdminRSS module creates RSS feeds for the administrative information for Drupal websites.
    These feeds are protected with a keystring that must be set in admin/settings/adminrss page.
    The resulting pages can then be read at:
    adminrss/node/keystring - RSS feed for unapproved nodes
    adminrss/comment/keystring - RSS feed for unapproved comments
    This can be most useful if you are managing a number of different drupal websites and rather than visiting each one to see if there are comments/nodes that need to be approved you can use an RSS reader to find out.
    Thanks to Fredrik Jonsson and Gabor Hojtsy for their modules adminblock and commentrss which were heavily cribbed from to develop this module.
posted on 2007-12-19 11:48 周锐 阅读(267) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: PHP

