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  new Ajax.Updater(container, url, options);
// make a HTTP request to the specified URL and update the 'container' element.

Note: to only update a div on success, you may optionally substitute a property list for a simply element id (ie {success:’div_name’} instead of ‘div_name’)


Option Default value Description
asynchronous true Type of request
evalScripts false When set as “true”, scripts in requested url are evaluated
method ‘post’ Lets you decide whether to use Get or Post for the request to the server
contentType ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ Allows you to set the content-type sent to the server
encoding ‘UTF-8’ Allows you to determine the encoding type information given to the server
parameters ’’ Allows you to attach parameters to your AJAX request. Most common: parameters:Form.serialize(this)
postBody ’’ Specify data to post. Something like: postBody:’thisvar=true&thatvar=Howdy’ How does this differ from parameters?
username ’’
password ’’
requestHeaders ’’ Allows you to override the headers, see the Prototype AJAX options for details
onComplete ’’ Function to call on completion of request
onSuccess ’’ Function to call on successful completion of request
onFailure ’’ Function to call on failed request
onException ’’ Function to call on failed request (e.g. attempted cross-site request)
on + Status Code ’’ on404 etc. raise an event when given status code is encountered.
insertion None Instead of inserting the response in the existing content (possibly overwriting it) you can pass a valid Insertion object, such as Insertion.Top, Insertion.Bottom, Insertion.Before or Insertion.After.

Hint: If you have set evalScripts:true the script you call (the url parameter) must return a header of ‘Content-Type: text/javascript’ else the browser will not execute it.

posted on 2008-03-18 17:49 周锐 阅读(461) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: AjaxJavaScript

