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PV3D是一个开源的遵循MIT协议的使用AS3代码写成的3D引擎。这篇文章旨在教会各位如何使用PV3D完成一个HELLOWORD式的3D程序,同时也是这篇教程的最近更新。PV3D2.0 Alpha(也称GW)对于初学者来说使用PV3D最大的障碍在于如何安装PV3D,由于对版本控制软件不熟是造成无法完成PV3D安装的主要原因,第一部分的三节阐述了这个问题,但是不是这篇文章的主要内容,如果你对版本控制软件不熟悉的话,那么你可以看看这部分。

【笔者注:】安装PV3D完全没有必要使用版本控制软件,PV3D说白了就是一个FLEX的库,如果你知道如何在FLEX中使用和导入库,那么你完全没有必要使用版本控制软件,笔者的做法是到GOOGLE CODE网站去下载一个ZIP包,软后解压缩到一个文件夹,将该文件夹包含在我的项目的库目录中就可以了,至于说更新,那么重新下载一个就搞定了。



Papervision3D at the following link then skip to the “Foundation of Papervision3D” section:

·   Revision 435: /trunk/branches/GreatWhite/src

If you don’t know what to do with that link, then continue on reading the links in the first three sections.


First, you need to download Papervision3D using subversion. Follow the instructions at either of these sites:

·   How Can I Download Papervision3D?

·   Downloading Papervision3D Alpha Great White



·   如果使用的是Flash:

·   关于如何设置和修改源文件路径

·   如果使用的是FLEX

·   准备一个PV3D的项目

Document Class文件类

Create a document class to hold the required ActionScript:创建一个源文件

·    如果使用的是Flash:

·   使用AS3.0创建一个新的文档类

·   Using Flex: 如果使用的是FLEX

·   创建一个新的AS工程


·   创建一个PV3D项目


Foundation of Papervision3D PV3D基础


:每一个PV3D应用程序都至少要包含这四个类:Viewport3D, Scene3D, Camera3D/ BasicRenderEngine(可选),在我进行详细的讲解之前请先浏览一下下面的代码。


   import flash.display.Sprite;

   import org.papervision3d.cameras.Camera3D;

   import org.papervision3d.render.BasicRenderEngine;

   import org.papervision3d.scenes.Scene3D;

   import org.papervision3d.view.Viewport3D;

public class Main extends Sprite{

private var viewport:Viewport3D;

private var scene:Scene3D;

private var camera:Camera3D;

private var renderer:BasicRenderEngine;

public function Main(){



private function initPapervision3D():void{

= new Viewport3D();


= new Scene3D();

= new Camera3D();

= new BasicRenderEngine();

               renderer.renderScene(scene, camera, viewport);






private var viewport:Viewport3D = new Viewport3D();


作为参考我将视口的缺省属性列在下面,当然用户可以根据各自的喜好进行修改。在未来的文章中我们将讨论autoClipping autoCulling

Viewport3D(viewportWidth:Number = 640, viewportHeight:Number = 480

= false, interactive:Boolean = false

= true, autoCulling:Boolean = true)





private var scene:Scene3D = new Scene3D();



Papervision3D provides three cameras with varying functionalities:PV3D提供了3只能够镜头来适应你不同的需求

·   要求目标朝着而且永远朝着对象看,而不管他自己当前的位置

·   提供了自由的可以在空间任意角度方向观察的方法,例如yaw(), pitch(), roll()来调整镜头的角度,而moveForward(), moveBackward(); moveLeft(), moveRight(), moveUp(), moveDown()来调整镜头的位置,例如如果你要将镜头放置在直接朝向某人脸部的话那么你需要调用moveBackward(),虽然你一直盯着那个人的脸看,但是你离他越来越远。换个角度说,如果你把镜头放在那个人的头上,调用pitch()对着那个人看,然后再调用moveBackward(),这时虽然你在空中慢慢上升,但是你仍然朝着那个人看。

·   截镜头-能够像FreeCamera3D自由镜头那样移动,但是它只能渲染你所决定的近距离或者是远距离的物体。



private var renderer:BasicRenderEngine = new BasicRenderEngine();

//Usually within an Event.ENTER_FRAME handler so the scene

in each frame
renderer.renderScene( scene, camera, 

viewport );



//A snippet of multiple scenes, cameras, and viewport handled by one 

renderer renderer.renderScene( scene, camera, viewport );

renderer.renderScene( scene2, camera2, viewport2 );


3D Objects3D物体

3D Coordinates3D坐标





·   • x = 10; //也就是场景中心右方10个单位

·   • x = -10; //场景中心左方10个单位

·   • y = -10; //场景中心下方10个单位

·   • z = -10; //场景中心前方(离镜头近)10个单位





var plane:Plane = new Plane();



平面缺省使用了线帧材料(在以后的文章里讨论)并且宽和高都是500,因此上面的代码会创建一个放置在场景中心的(000DE 宽和高都是500面对着镜头的平面,代码如下:

SegmentsW segmentsH,以及“段”数目,宽,高,更多数量的端避免了平面在旋转的时候扭曲等错误,下面的例子展示了SW,SH两个属性分别为43时候的情况


Plane( material:MaterialObject3D=null, width:Number=0,

=0, segmentsW:Number=0, segmentsH:Number=0

=null )



最后一个可选的属性参数,initObject同样能够存储3D对象的x, y, z, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ,属性,在创建了3D对象之后你可以直接设置这个值,下面的例子快速的展现了这一点



var m:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial();

//width and height

var w:Number 
= 800;

var h:Number 
= 800;

//segmentsW and segmentsH

var sW:Number 
= 1;

var sH:Number 
= 1;

var initObject:Object 
= new Object();

= 100;

= 30;

= 20;

//Option #1 using initObject可选1使用initObject

var plane:Plane 
= new Plane(m, w, h, sW, sH, initObject);


//Option #2 setting properties directly可选2直接设置

var plane:Plane 
= new Plane(m, w, h, sW, sH, initObject);

= 100;

= 30;

= 20;




material.doubleSided = true;




var sphere:Sphere = new Sphere();



球体的缺省参数和平面很相似,球体初始化的时候只需要一个半径参数,这一点和平面是不同的,【BLUR,BLUR BLUR球体的俄数学知识介绍 译者注】缺省参数如下:

Sphere( material:MaterialObject3D=null, radius:Number=100

int=8, segmentsH:int=6,

=null )



Cone( material:MaterialObject3D=null, radius:Number=100

=100, segmentsW:int=8, segmentsH:int=6,

=null )

Cylinder( material:MaterialObject3D
=null, radius:Number=100,

=100, segmentsW:int=8, segmentsH:int=6,


=null )





var frontMaterial:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial();

var backMaterial:WireframeMaterial 
= new WireframeMaterial();

var leftMaterial:WireframeMaterial 
= new WireframeMaterial();

var rightMaterial:WireframeMaterial 
= new WireframeMaterial();

var topMaterial:WireframeMaterial 
= new WireframeMaterial();

var bottomMaterial:WireframeMaterial 
= new WireframeMaterial();

var materialsList:MaterialsList 
= new MaterialsList();







var cube:Cube 
= new Cube(materialsList);




Cube( materials:MaterialsList, width:Number=500, depth:Number=500,

height:Number=500, segmentsS:int=1, segmentsT:int=1, segmentsH:int=1,

insideFaces:int=0, excludeFaces:int=0, initObject:Object=null )


·   • segmentS -段径向的数目(如果是平面的话就是和宽垂直)默认为1

·   • segmentsT -. 段纵向的数量(如果是平面的话就是和厚度垂直),缺省和sS一样

·   • segmentsH -水平方向的段数量(平面的话就是和高垂直)缺省和sS一样


·   • Cube.NONE

·   • Cube.FRONT

·   • Cube.BACK

·   • Cube.LEFT

·   • Cube.RIGHT

·   • Cube.TOP

·   • Cube.BOTTOM

·   • Cube.ALL


var insideFaces:int = Cube.TOP;

var cube:Material = new Cube(m, w, d, h, sS, sT, sH, insideFaces);


var insideFaces:int = Cube.LEFT + Cube.RIGHT + Cube.BOTTOM;

var cube:Material = new Cube(m, w, d, h, sS, sT, sH, insideFaces);


var insideFaces:int = Cube.ALL - Cube.FRONT;

var cube:Material = new Cube(m, w, d, h, sS, sT, sH, insideFaces);




Loading Collada Files into Papervision3D

Testing Kinematics with Papervision3D Collada

DCC Tutorials

Enough Talk, Let’s See Code!谈的够多了,看看代码吧



package {

    import flash.display.Sprite;


    import org.papervision3d.cameras.Camera3D;

    import org.papervision3d.materials.WireframeMaterial;

    import org.papervision3d.materials.utils.MaterialsList;

    import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Cube;

    import org.papervision3d.render.BasicRenderEngine;

    import org.papervision3d.scenes.Scene3D;

    import org.papervision3d.view.Viewport3D;

    [SWF ( width 
= '640', height = '480', backgroundColor = '#ffffff',

= '31' ) ]

public class RotatingCubeExample extends Sprite {

private var viewport:Viewport3D;

private var scene:Scene3D;

private var camera:Camera3D;

private var renderer:BasicRenderEngine;

private var cube:Cube;

public function RotatingCubeExample(){





private function initPapervision3D():void{

= new Viewport3D();


= new Scene3D();

= new Camera3D();

= new BasicRenderEngine();


private function createCube():void{

          var allM:WireframeMaterial 
= new WireframeMaterial();

          var m:MaterialsList 
= new MaterialsList();


//width, depth, height

          var w:Number 
= 300;

          var d:Number 
= 500;

          var h:Number 
= 700;

//segments S, T, and H

          var sS:
int = 2;

          var sT:
int = 3;

          var sH:
int = 4;

= new Cube(m, w, d, h, sS, sT, sH);



private function beginRender():void{

//calls the render function every frame

          addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render);


private function render(e:Event):void{

//rotates around the vertical axis


//rotates around the lateral axis


          renderer.renderScene(scene, camera, viewport);






·   1.你恰当的导入了所有的类吗?

·   2.你将场景加入容器了吗?

·   3.你将所有的对象都加入到了场景里吗?

·   4.你渲染了你的场景吗?
renderer.renderScene(scene, camera, viewport);

Just Getting Started仅仅是开始




·   Core team

·   Carlos Ulloa

·   John Grden

·   Ralph Hauwert

·   Tim Knip

·   Andy Zupko

·   Committer team

·   Mr.doob

·   De'Angelo Richardson

·   Tink

·   Seb-Lee Delisle

·   Contributors

·   Patrick Pietens

·   Ron Valstar


源文档 <>






Papervision3D is an open-source, MIT licensed 3D engine written in ActionScript 3.0 for Flash. This article will teach you how to set up your first Papervision3D application with the most recent revision as of this writing, Papervision3D 2.0 Alpha, otherwise known as “Great White.” The great barrier for beginners is usually “installing” Papervision3D as they are unfamiliar with subversion, classpaths, and documents classes. The first three sections address these issues with off-site tutorials as that process is not within the scope of this article. So if you’re familiar with the subversion process and setting up an ActionScript 3.0 project, check out Papervision3D at the following link then skip to the “Foundation of Papervision3D” section:

·   Revision 435: /trunk/branches/GreatWhite/src

If you don’t know what to do with that link, then continue on reading the links in the first three sections.


First, you need to download Papervision3D using subversion. Follow the instructions at either of these sites:

·   How Can I Download Papervision3D?

·   Downloading Papervision3D Alpha Great White


Set up a classpath that points to the Great White “src” directory:

·   Using Flash:

·   About Setting and Modifying the Classpath

·   Using Flex:

·   Preparing a Papervision3D Project

Document Class

Create a document class to hold the required ActionScript:

·   Using Flash:

·   Creating a Document Class with ActionScript 3.0

·   Using Flex:

·   New -> ActionScript Project”

·   Using FlashDevelop:

·   Preparing a Papervision3D Project


Foundation of Papervision3D

I’ll keep the code as simple as I can for those of you new to ActionScript 3.0, but I will assume you have a basic understanding of importing classes, declaring/instantiating variables, and writing/calling methods. If not, O’Reilly’s “Essential ActionScript 3.0” is a great place to start. When I instantiate objects in code snippets, I’ll assume you understand you need to import the relevant classes.

Every Papervision3D application requires four classes: Viewport3D, Scene3D, Camera3D (or alternatives), and BasicRenderEngine (or alternative). Glance at the following typical set up of a Papervision3D project before I dive into a full explanation:


   import flash.display.Sprite;

   import org.papervision3d.cameras.Camera3D;

   import org.papervision3d.render.BasicRenderEngine;

   import org.papervision3d.scenes.Scene3D;

   import org.papervision3d.view.Viewport3D;

   public class Main extends Sprite{

        private var viewport:Viewport3D;

        private var scene:Scene3D;

        private var camera:Camera3D;

        private var renderer:BasicRenderEngine;

        public function Main(){



        private function initPapervision3D():void{

               viewport = new Viewport3D();


               scene = new Scene3D();

               camera = new Camera3D();

               renderer = new BasicRenderEngine();

               renderer.renderScene(scene, camera, viewport);





Think of a Viewport3D as a window to the world of Papervision3D. Windows allow you to see outside, but they serve no other function. You can position a window on the wall or change its width and height, but that’s really about it. The same is true with Viewport3D. You can change the “x”, “y”, “width”, and “height” of the Viewport3D, but its only true functionality is to let you look at the 3d scene inside of it. To use a viewport, create it then add it to the stage.

private var viewport:Viewport3D = new Viewport3D();


For reference, the default parameters of Viewport3D, which you can adjust to your liking, are as follows. I’ll cover interactive, autoClipping, and autoCulling in a future article:

Viewport3D(viewportWidth:Number = 640, viewportHeight:Number = 480,

autoScaleToStage:Boolean = false, interactive:Boolean = false,

autoClipping:Boolean = true, autoCulling:Boolean = true)


To continue with the window metaphor, a Scene3D would hold everything you could see looking through the window: the ground, the sky, and everything in-between. Yet the Scene3D is still just empty 3D space. You have to add the ground, the sky, the trees, etc., by adding 3d objects to your Scene3D. A scene3D is created as follows:

private var scene:Scene3D = new Scene3D();


A window and an outside world are pretty worthless if there’s no one there to witness their beauty. Luckily for you, the developers of Papervision3D created cameras to capture all the action. A Camera3D allows you to set the x, y, and z coordinates from where you want to capture the action. Imagine a first-person shooter or flight simulator. You move your character around and the surrounding area adjusts to your current position. The same idea applies to Camera3D movement: you move the camera and the entire Scene3D adjusts to its current position.

Papervision3D provides three cameras with varying functionalities:

·   • Camera3D- requires a target to “look at” and will always “look at” that target regardless of position

·   • FreeCamera3D- moves freely through 3D space in every angle and direction. Includes methods such as yaw(), pitch(), and roll() to adjust the camera’s viewing angle as well as moveForward(), moveBackward(); moveLeft(), moveRight(), moveUp(), and moveDown() to adjust the camera’s position based on its viewing angle. For example, if you position the camera looking straight at someone’s face then call moveBackward(), you will move farther and farther back from that person’s face while still looking straight their face. On the other hand, if you position the camera above the person, pitch() the camera to look straight down at their hair, and then call the same moveBackward() method, you will lift the camera higher into the sky while continuing to look at the person’s hair.

·   • FrustumCamera3D- moves like FreeCamera3D, but only renders the objects within a field of view, far distance, and near distance that you determine.


In the world of Papervision3D, you’re God. That means you get to decide when the world exists. Without the BasicRenderEngine class rendering your world, it just won’t exist. So you can start and stop the engine as you please. The BasicRenderEngine renders a Scene3D from the Camera3D position through the Viewport3D that you choose:

private var renderer:BasicRenderEngine = new BasicRenderEngine();

//Usually within an Event.ENTER_FRAME handler so the scene

renders in each frame
renderer.renderScene( scene, camera,

viewport );

Even if you have multiple scenes, viewports, or cameras, you still only need one BasicRenderEngine to handle all of the rendering:

//A snippet of multiple scenes, cameras, and viewport handled by one

renderer renderer.renderScene( scene, camera, viewport );

renderer.renderScene( scene2, camera2, viewport2 );

3D Objects

3D Coordinates

Before diving into creating objects, let’s take a look at how objects are positioned in 3D space as opposed to traditional Flash projects.

In Flash, you position an object on the stage based on x:0 and y:0 being in the upper-left corner. Increasing x moves an object to the right and increasing y moves an object down. Conversely, in Papervison3D x:0, y:0, and z:0 are in the center (not the upper-left) of the Scene3D. Since the Camera3D defaults to x:0, y:0, z:-1000 and points at the origin (x:0, y:0, z:0), increasing x moves the object right, increasing y moves the object up, and increasing z moves the object toward the horizon.

Also, remember the amount of movement you will see is based on how close the camera is to the 3d object. The closer the camera the more objects will appear to move. You cannot rely on pixels like you can in a traditional two dimensional Flash project. Consider the following examples based on the default camera position:

·   • x = 10; //means 10 units right of Scene3D’s center

·   • x = -10; //means 10 units left of Scene3D’s center

·   • y = -10; //means 10 units below Scene3D’s center

·   • z = -10; //means 10 units closer to the camera from Scene3D’s center (remember Camera3D defaults to z:-1000 so moving from 0 to -10 brings the object closer to -1000.)

If you’re the type of person who must understand how 3D coordinates are possible within in a 2D Flash Player, put on your math hat and read up on quarterions:

Even if you don’t understand the math involved in those articles, you probably understand that 3D objects are made up groups of 3D coordinates. These 3D coordinates (also known as vertices) form triangles. The triangles form a polygon mesh or, in layman’s terms, a 3D object.

On a side note, Papervision3D uses the Painter’s Algorithm to sort the visibility of those triangles. The Painter’s Algorithm evaluates the sorting quickly (ideal for Flash Player), but can fail if triangles overlap. You typically resolve this issue by creating more segments in your 3D object to give less chance that the triangles overlap.


I consider Planes to be the most useful 3D objects for most Papervision3D projects, especially if the project is interactive. Oddly enough, a Plane does not technically qualify as a 3D object as it has no depth. A Plane is simply two triangles stuck together to form a rectangle. Remember, the Scene3D holds all of your 3D objects. So to use a plane, create it then add it to the Scene3D.

var plane:Plane = new Plane();


A Plane defaults to a WireFrameMaterial (discussed in a later article) with a width of 500 and height of 500. So using the above code will result in a wireframe Plane centered at x:0, y:0, and z:0 with a width and height of 500 facing the camera (assuming the camera is in its default position discussed earlier). When you pass a material with an image inside it, the Plane will default to the width and height of the bitmap of that image. The parameters available for a Plane are as follows:

Plane( material:MaterialObject3D=null, width:Number=0,

height:Number=0, segmentsW:Number=0, segmentsH:Number=0,

initObject:Object=null )

Material, width, and height are pretty self-explanatory. SegmentsW and segmentsH set the number of segments in the width and height of the Plane respectively. Multiple segments help to avoid the distortion of an image when the Plane starts rotating as well as the depth sorting of the triangles as mentioned earlier. The screenshot below demonstrates a Plane with four segmentsW and three segmentsH.

Be wary when creating many Planes as each additional width or height segment you create tacks on two more triangles (essentially forming another rectangle inside the Plane to give the plane more detail). The number of triangles Flash Player can handle varies depending on your application, but generally try and keep the triangle count below 2000.

The last optional parameter, initObject, can store the initial x, y, z, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, and “extra” parameters. Alternatively, you can directly set the listed properties after instantiating your Plane. A quick example will explain nicely:

var m:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial();

//width and height

var w:Number = 800;

var h:Number = 800;

//segmentsW and segmentsH

var sW:Number = 1;

var sH:Number = 1;

var initObject:Object = new Object();

initObject.x = 100;

initObject.rotationY = 30;

initObject.scaleZ = 20;

//Option #1 using initObject

var plane:Plane = new Plane(m, w, h, sW, sH, initObject);


//Option #2 setting properties directly

var plane:Plane = new Plane(m, w, h, sW, sH, initObject);

plane.x = 100;

plane.rotationY = 30;

plane.scaleZ = 20;


One final note about Planes: if you spin a Plane, you’ll notice the plane will disappear once you look at the other side. If you want to have a texture on both sides of the Plane, you will need to enable the “doubleSided” property of your material you pass into your Plane.

material.doubleSided = true;


You create a Sphere very similarly to the way you create a Plane:

var sphere:Sphere = new Sphere();


A Sphere’s default parameters closely resemble a Plane’s parameters as well. The Sphere just takes a radius parameter instead of width and height. If you think back to high school, you will probably recall the radius being the distance from the center of the circle to the outer edge. As opposed to the simplicity of width and height of a Plane, the Sphere now uses the radius to calculate the distance between the center and the edges to create groups of three vertices that make groups of triangles that make the Sphere. Pretty neat, huh? The default parameters are as follows:

Sphere( material:MaterialObject3D=null, radius:Number=100,

segmentsW:int=8, segmentsH:int=6,

initObject:Object=null )

For brevity’s sake, a Cone and a Cylinder can be created similarly with the following default parameters:

Cone( material:MaterialObject3D=null, radius:Number=100,

height:Number=100, segmentsW:int=8, segmentsH:int=6,

initObject:Object=null )

Cylinder( material:MaterialObject3D=null, radius:Number=100,

height:Number=100, segmentsW:int=8, segmentsH:int=6,


initObject:Object=null )


What do you get when you take six Planes and organize them into the shape of a box? A Cube!

By now you should be getting the hang of creating 3D objects, but the Cube throws in a curve ball by requiring a MaterialsList (discussed in a later article). You will probably get the gist of how to use a MaterialsList by reading how to create a Cube:

var frontMaterial:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial();

var backMaterial:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial();

var leftMaterial:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial();

var rightMaterial:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial();

var topMaterial:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial();

var bottomMaterial:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial();

var materialsList:MaterialsList = new MaterialsList();

materialsList.addMaterial(frontMaterial, "front");

materialsList.addMaterial(backMaterial, "back");

materialsList.addMaterial(leftMaterial, "left");

materialsList.addMaterial(rightMaterial, "right");

materialsList.addMaterial(topMaterial, "top");

materialsList.addMaterial(bottomMaterial, "bottom");

var cube:Cube = new Cube(materialsList);


The Cube faces forward when rendered meaning, with the camera in the default z:-1000 looking at x:0, y:0, z:0 position, you will be looking directly at the back of the Cube. Without any perspective, it will look exactly like a Plane. You can easily set any of the Cube’s rotation properties to see the full effect (the earlier Cube image was rotated slightly to show perspective). Now let’s cover the default parameters of a cube:

Cube( materials:MaterialsList, width:Number=500, depth:Number=500,

height:Number=500, segmentsS:int=1, segmentsT:int=1, segmentsH:int=1,

insideFaces:int=0, excludeFaces:int=0, initObject:Object=null )

The segments require a little explaining, yet function in the same fashion as Plane’s segments:

·   • segmentS - Number of segments sagitally (plane perpendicular to width). Defaults to 1.

·   • segmentsT - Number of segments transversally (plane perpendicular to depth). Defaults to segmentsS.

·   • segmentsH - Number of segments horizontally (plane perpendicular to height). Defaults to segmentsS.

The insideFaces parameter determines which faces will be rendered on the inside of the Cube. This is useful if you want to have the camera inside of the Cube for the illusion of being trapped in a room. To set the faces you want to include, use the following static public variables of Cube:

·   • Cube.NONE

·   • Cube.FRONT

·   • Cube.BACK

·   • Cube.LEFT

·   • Cube.RIGHT

·   • Cube.TOP

·   • Cube.BOTTOM

·   • Cube.ALL

Simply create an insideFaces integer that describes which faces you want to see on the inside and pass it as a parameter where appropriate. For example, if you want just the top of the inside of the Cube to be rendered, write the following:

var insideFaces:int = Cube.TOP;

var cube:Material = new Cube(m, w, d, h, sS, sT, sH, insideFaces);

For just the left, right, and bottom face:

var insideFaces:int = Cube.LEFT + Cube.RIGHT + Cube.BOTTOM;

var cube:Material = new Cube(m, w, d, h, sS, sT, sH, insideFaces);

For all the faces except the front face:

var insideFaces:int = Cube.ALL - Cube.FRONT;

var cube:Material = new Cube(m, w, d, h, sS, sT, sH, insideFaces);

The next parameter, excludeFaces, works exactly the same way, but excludes the faces you don’t want. Think of it like taking the lid of a shoebox.


This is where Papervision3D gets really exciting: you create a model in your preferred 3D modeling program (3ds max, Maya, Blender, Swift3D, etc.), export it as a Collada file, and load it using the Papervision3D DAE class. Unfortunately, this topic deserves an article unto itself, but here are a few demos to get you on the right track:

Loading Collada Files into Papervision3D

Testing Kinematics with Papervision3D Collada

DCC Tutorials

Enough Talk, Let’s See Code!

I bet you’re anxious to start tickling the keyboard to see if it laughs out a working Papervision3D project. So let’s make a Cube and spin it using the Cube yaw() and pitch() methods (Don’t fret, I’ll cover the details of yaw, pitch, roll, etc. in future articles):

package {

    import flash.display.Sprite;


    import org.papervision3d.cameras.Camera3D;

    import org.papervision3d.materials.WireframeMaterial;

    import org.papervision3d.materials.utils.MaterialsList;

    import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Cube;

    import org.papervision3d.render.BasicRenderEngine;

    import org.papervision3d.scenes.Scene3D;

    import org.papervision3d.view.Viewport3D;

    [SWF ( width = '640', height = '480', backgroundColor = '#ffffff',

frameRate = '31' ) ]

    public class RotatingCubeExample extends Sprite {

       private var viewport:Viewport3D;

       private var scene:Scene3D;

       private var camera:Camera3D;

       private var renderer:BasicRenderEngine;

       private var cube:Cube;

       public function RotatingCubeExample(){





       private function initPapervision3D():void{

          viewport = new Viewport3D();


          scene = new Scene3D();

          camera = new Camera3D();

          renderer = new BasicRenderEngine();


       private function createCube():void{

          var allM:WireframeMaterial = new WireframeMaterial();

          var m:MaterialsList = new MaterialsList();

          m.addMaterial(allM, "all");

          //width, depth, height

          var w:Number = 300;

          var d:Number = 500;

          var h:Number = 700;

          //segments S, T, and H

          var sS:int = 2;

          var sT:int = 3;

          var sH:int = 4;

          cube = new Cube(m, w, d, h, sS, sT, sH);



       private function beginRender():void{

          //calls the render function every frame

          addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render);


       private function render(e:Event):void{

          //rotates around the vertical axis


          //rotates around the lateral axis


          renderer.renderScene(scene, camera, viewport);




Common Mistakes: Help! I Don’t See Anything!

·   1. Did you properly import the Papervision3D classes?

·   2. Did you “addChild()” your viewport?

·   3. Did you “scene.addChild()” your 3D Object?

·   4. Did you render your scene?
renderer.renderScene(scene, camera, viewport);

Just Getting Started

I hope you realize that this article barely touched the tip of the Papervision3D iceberg. The next article will cover the materials (sometimes known as textures) so you can make your 3D objects look nice and pretty.


I’d like to thank all of the members of the Papervision3D team, everyone who has ever helped anyone on the Papervision3D mailing list, and the community for making such a wonderful open-source product:

·   Core team

·   Carlos Ulloa

·   John Grden

·   Ralph Hauwert

·   Tim Knip

·   Andy Zupko

·   Committer team

·   Mr.doob

·   De'Angelo Richardson

·   Tink

·   Seb-Lee Delisle

·   Contributors

·   Patrick Pietens

·   Ron Valstar


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