经过三四个晚上的奋斗,Chemtoolkits(CTK)部分功能和界面已经完成。等下面找个时间备案一下,就可以发布到服务器上面了,敬请关注!目前网站的主要辅助性的功能已经加入,比如新闻、文章、留言以及其他信息内容。化学信息学方面的目前只整合了里宾斯基五规则计算,以及比较流行的OSIRIS Property Explorer (LogP, 溶解度、成药可能性预测)小工具。先把截图发两个上来吧!
OSIRIS Property Explorer 界面
下面将会加入分子描述符(Molecular Descriptor)计算,包括以下描述符:
apol |
bpol |
H-acceptors |
H-Donors |
Ionization Potential |
Amino Acid Count |
Carbon Types |
Chi Chain Indices |
Chi Cluster Indices |
Chi Path Indices |
Chi Path-Cluster Indices |
Eccentric Connectivity Index |
Fragment Complexity |
Kier & Hall SMARTS |
Kier and Hall kappa molecular shape indices |
Molecular Distance Edge |
Moreau-Broto Autocorrelation (charge) descriptors |
Moreau-Broto Autocorrelation (mass) descriptors |
Moreau-Broto Autocorrelation (polarizability) desc |
Petitjean Number |
Topological Polar Surface Area |
Vertex adjacency information magnitude |
Weighted path descriptors |
Wiener Numbers |
Zagreb Index |
Gravitational Index |
Length Over Breadth |
Moments of Inertia |
Petitjean Shape Indices |
ALogP |
Aromatic Atoms Count |
Aromatic Bonds Count |
Bond Count |
Atom Count |
Largest Chain |
Largest Pi System |
Lipinski's Rule of Five |
Longest Aliphatic Chain |
Molecular Weight |
Rotatable Bonds Count |
XLogP |
posted on 2011-04-09 17:16
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