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 Don't Repeat Yourself
座右铭:you can lose your money, you can spent all of it, and if you work hard you get it all back. But if you waste your time, you're never gonna get it back.

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package com.founder.common.utils;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

public class ThumbnailUtil {
 private static int width;
 private static int height;
 private static int scaleWidth;
 static double support = (double) 3.0;
 static double PI = (double) 3.14159265358978;
 static double[] contrib;
 static double[] normContrib;
 static double[] tmpContrib;
 static int startContrib, stopContrib;
 static int nDots;
 static int nHalfDots;

 public static void saveImage(String fromFileStr, String saveToFileStr, int formatWidth, int formatHeight) throws Exception {
  File saveFile = new File(saveToFileStr);
  File fromFile = new File(fromFileStr);
  saveImage(fromFile, saveFile, formatWidth, formatHeight);
 public static void saveImage(File fromFile  , File saveFile, int formatWidth, int formatHeight) throws Exception {
  BufferedImage srcImage;
  srcImage =; // construct image
  int imageWidth = srcImage.getWidth(null);
  int imageHeight = srcImage.getHeight(null);
  int changeToWidth = 0;
  int changeToHeight = 0;
  if (formatWidth > 0 && formatHeight > 0) {
   changeToWidth = formatWidth;
   changeToHeight = formatHeight;
  } else {
   if (imageWidth > 0 && imageHeight > 0) {
    if (imageWidth / imageHeight >= formatWidth / formatHeight) {
     if (imageWidth > formatWidth) {
      changeToWidth = formatWidth;
      changeToHeight = (imageHeight * formatWidth) / imageWidth;
     } else {
      changeToWidth = imageWidth;
      changeToHeight = imageHeight;
    } else {
     if (imageHeight > formatHeight) {
      changeToHeight = formatHeight;
      changeToWidth = (imageWidth * formatHeight) / imageHeight;
     } else {
      changeToWidth = imageWidth;
      changeToHeight = imageHeight;
  srcImage = imageZoomOut(srcImage, changeToWidth, changeToHeight);
  ImageIO.write(srcImage, "JPEG", saveFile);

 public static BufferedImage imageZoomOut(BufferedImage srcBufferImage, int w, int h) {
  width = srcBufferImage.getWidth();
  height = srcBufferImage.getHeight();
  scaleWidth = w;

  if (DetermineResultSize(w, h) == 1) {
   return srcBufferImage;
  BufferedImage pbOut = HorizontalFiltering(srcBufferImage, w);
  BufferedImage pbFinalOut = VerticalFiltering(pbOut, h);
  return pbFinalOut;

  * 决定图像尺寸
 private static int DetermineResultSize(int w, int h) {
  double scaleH, scaleV;
  scaleH = (double) w / (double) width;
  scaleV = (double) h / (double) height;
  // 需要判断一下scaleH,scaleV,不做放大操作
  if (scaleH >= 1.0 && scaleV >= 1.0) {
   return 1;
  return 0;


 private static double Lanczos(int i, int inWidth, int outWidth, double Support) {
  double x;

  x = (double) i * (double) outWidth / (double) inWidth;

  return Math.sin(x * PI) / (x * PI) * Math.sin(x * PI / Support)
    / (x * PI / Support);


 private static void CalContrib() {
  nHalfDots = (int) ((double) width * support / (double) scaleWidth);
  nDots = nHalfDots * 2 + 1;
  try {
   contrib = new double[nDots];
   normContrib = new double[nDots];
   tmpContrib = new double[nDots];
  } catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("init contrib,normContrib,tmpContrib" + e);

  int center = nHalfDots;
  contrib[center] = 1.0;

  double weight = 0.0;
  int i = 0;
  for (i = 1; i <= center; i++) {
   contrib[center + i] = Lanczos(i, width, scaleWidth, support);
   weight += contrib[center + i];

  for (i = center - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   contrib[i] = contrib[center * 2 - i];

  weight = weight * 2 + 1.0;

  for (i = 0; i <= center; i++) {
   normContrib[i] = contrib[i] / weight;

  for (i = center + 1; i < nDots; i++) {
   normContrib[i] = normContrib[center * 2 - i];

 // 处理边缘
 private static void CalTempContrib(int start, int stop) {
  double weight = 0;

  int i = 0;
  for (i = start; i <= stop; i++) {
   weight += contrib[i];

  for (i = start; i <= stop; i++) {
   tmpContrib[i] = contrib[i] / weight;


 private static int GetRedValue(int rgbValue) {
  int temp = rgbValue & 0x00ff0000;
  return temp >> 16;

 private static int GetGreenValue(int rgbValue) {
  int temp = rgbValue & 0x0000ff00;
  return temp >> 8;

 private static int GetBlueValue(int rgbValue) {
  return rgbValue & 0x000000ff;

 private static int ComRGB(int redValue, int greenValue, int blueValue) {

  return (redValue << 16) + (greenValue << 8) + blueValue;

 // 行水平滤波
 private static int HorizontalFilter(BufferedImage bufImg, int startX, int stopX,
   int start, int stop, int y, double[] pContrib) {
  double valueRed = 0.0;
  double valueGreen = 0.0;
  double valueBlue = 0.0;
  int valueRGB = 0;
  int i, j;

  for (i = startX, j = start; i <= stopX; i++, j++) {
   valueRGB = bufImg.getRGB(i, y);

   valueRed += GetRedValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];
   valueGreen += GetGreenValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];
   valueBlue += GetBlueValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];

  valueRGB = ComRGB(Clip((int) valueRed), Clip((int) valueGreen),
    Clip((int) valueBlue));
  return valueRGB;


 // 图片水平滤波
 private static BufferedImage HorizontalFiltering(BufferedImage bufImage, int iOutW) {
  int dwInW = bufImage.getWidth();
  int dwInH = bufImage.getHeight();
  int value = 0;
  BufferedImage pbOut = new BufferedImage(iOutW, dwInH,

  for (int x = 0; x < iOutW; x++) {

   int startX;
   int start;
   int X = (int) (((double) x) * ((double) dwInW) / ((double) iOutW) + 0.5);
   int y = 0;

   startX = X - nHalfDots;
   if (startX < 0) {
    startX = 0;
    start = nHalfDots - X;
   } else {
    start = 0;

   int stop;
   int stopX = X + nHalfDots;
   if (stopX > (dwInW - 1)) {
    stopX = dwInW - 1;
    stop = nHalfDots + (dwInW - 1 - X);
   } else {
    stop = nHalfDots * 2;

   if (start > 0 || stop < nDots - 1) {
    CalTempContrib(start, stop);
    for (y = 0; y < dwInH; y++) {
     value = HorizontalFilter(bufImage, startX, stopX, start,
       stop, y, tmpContrib);
     pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);
   } else {
    for (y = 0; y < dwInH; y++) {
     value = HorizontalFilter(bufImage, startX, stopX, start,
       stop, y, normContrib);
     pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);

  return pbOut;


 private static int VerticalFilter(BufferedImage pbInImage, int startY, int stopY,
   int start, int stop, int x, double[] pContrib) {
  double valueRed = 0.0;
  double valueGreen = 0.0;
  double valueBlue = 0.0;
  int valueRGB = 0;
  int i, j;

  for (i = startY, j = start; i <= stopY; i++, j++) {
   valueRGB = pbInImage.getRGB(x, i);

   valueRed += GetRedValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];
   valueGreen += GetGreenValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];
   valueBlue += GetBlueValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];

  valueRGB = ComRGB(Clip((int) valueRed), Clip((int) valueGreen), Clip((int) valueBlue));
  return valueRGB;


 private static BufferedImage VerticalFiltering(BufferedImage pbImage, int iOutH) {
  int iW = pbImage.getWidth();
  int iH = pbImage.getHeight();
  int value = 0;
  BufferedImage pbOut = new BufferedImage(iW, iOutH,

  for (int y = 0; y < iOutH; y++) {

   int startY;
   int start;
   int Y = (int) (((double) y) * ((double) iH) / ((double) iOutH) + 0.5);

   startY = Y - nHalfDots;
   if (startY < 0) {
    startY = 0;
    start = nHalfDots - Y;
   } else {
    start = 0;

   int stop;
   int stopY = Y + nHalfDots;
   if (stopY > (int) (iH - 1)) {
    stopY = iH - 1;
    stop = nHalfDots + (iH - 1 - Y);
   } else {
    stop = nHalfDots * 2;

   if (start > 0 || stop < nDots - 1) {
    CalTempContrib(start, stop);
    for (int x = 0; x < iW; x++) {
     value = VerticalFilter(pbImage, startY, stopY, start, stop,
       x, tmpContrib);
     pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);
   } else {
    for (int x = 0; x < iW; x++) {
     value = VerticalFilter(pbImage, startY, stopY, start, stop,
       x, normContrib);
     pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);


  return pbOut;


 static int Clip(int x) {
  if (x < 0)
   return 0;
  if (x > 255)
   return 255;
  return x;

posted on 2011-07-26 09:49 周锐 阅读(970) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java

