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Santa Clara当地时间3月21日下午18:30,第17届Jolt(震撼)大奖颁奖礼,作为SD West 2007的一个特别节目,在会议中心举行。由Dr. Dobb's Journal赞助的Jolt大奖,一向被业界看作极高的荣誉。

本届Jolt颁奖礼,特邀著名Web2.0站点Craigslist(提供自助分类广告发布服务)的创始人Craig Newmark作为嘉宾主持人,和来自CMP Technology的Kerry K.Gates一起主持。


Books (General):Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game, Alistair Cockburn

Books (Technical):Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, B.McLaughlin, G.Pollice and D.West

Change and Configuration Management(变更及配置管理):AccuRev 4.5

Collaboration Tools(协作工具):Confuluence

Database Engines and Data Tools(数据库引擎及数据工具):Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals

Design and Modeling(设计及建模):stpBA Storyboarding for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System

Development Environments(开发环境):NetBeans IDE

Enterprise Tools(企业工具):Cape Clear ESB Platform

Libraries, Frameworks and Components(库、框架及组件):NetAdvantage for .NET

Mobile Development(移动开发):Carbide .c++ Professional Edition

Project Management Tools(项目管理工具):Rally Enterprise


Automated Testing Tools(自动测试工具):AgitarOne

Bug and Defect Tracking Tools(缺陷跟踪工具):TestTrack Studio

Utilities(杂类应用):VMWare Lab Manager

Web Development(Web开发):Adobe Flex 2

Websites/Developer Networks(网站/开发者网络):SUN Developer Network

Hall of Fame(荣誉堂):IBM developerWorks,往届入选的有—
2005 Visual Studio Professional
2004 InstallShield
2003 Dreamweaver
2002 MSDN Universal
2001 Borland
2000 Visual SlickEdit
1999 O'Reilly and Association
1998 Visio
1997 Visual Basic
1996 BoundsChecker
posted on 2007-03-23 13:10 周锐 阅读(258) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

