
Volatile Fields

Sometimes, it seems excessive to pay the cost of synchronization just to read or write an instance field or two. After all, what can go wrong? Unfortunately, with modern processors and compilers, there is plenty of room for error:

  • Computers with multiple processors can temporarily hold memory values in registers or local memory caches. As a consequence, threads running in different processors may see different values for the same memory location!

  • Compilers can reorder instructions for maximum throughput. Compilers won't choose an ordering that changes the meaning of the code, but they make the assumption that memory values are only changed when there are explicit instructions in the code. However, a memory value can be changed by another thread!

If you use locks to protect code that can be accessed by multiple threads, then you won't have these problems. Compilers are required to respect locks by flushing local caches as necessary and not inappropriately reordering instructions. The details are explained in the Java Memory Model and Thread Specification developed by JSR 133 (see http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=133). Much of the specification is highly complex and technical, but the document also contains a number of clearly explained examples. A more accessible overview article by Brian Goetz is available at http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jtp02244.html.


Brian Goetz coined the following "synchronization motto": "If you write a variable which may next be read by another thread, or you read a variable which may have last been written by another thread, you must use synchronization."

The volatile keyword offers a lock-free mechanism for synchronizing access to an instance field. If you declare a field as volatile, then the compiler and the virtual machine take into account that the field may be concurrently updated by another thread.

For example, suppose an object has a boolean flag done that is set by one thread and queried by another thread. You have two choices:

  1. Use a lock, for example:

    public synchronized boolean isDone() { return done; }
    private boolean done;

    (This approach has a potential drawback: the isDone method can block if another thread has locked the object.)

  2. Declare the field as volatile:

    public boolean isDone() { return done; }
    private volatile boolean done;

Of course, accessing a volatile variable will be slower than accessing a regular variablethat is the price to pay for thread safety.


Prior to JDK 5.0, the semantics of volatile were rather permissive. The language designers attempted to give implementors leeway in optimizing the performance of code that uses volatile fields. However, the old specification was so complex that implementors didn't always follow it, and it allowed confusing and undesirable behavior, such as immutable objects that weren't truly immutable.

In summary, concurrent access to a field is safe in these three conditions:

  • The field is volatile.

  • The field is final, and it is accessed after the constructor has completed.

  • The field access is protected by a lock.

posted on 2006-02-19 15:58 Raymond的Java笔记 阅读(376) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java

