Posted on 2007-01-16 09:06
rednight 阅读(740)
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一个页面流在第一次使用时,内部属性currentpage并没有指定页面,所以避免在begin方法里使用return-to: current page用法.同时在用的时候注意页面流的工作方式
Error message like below in Web Page is displayed:
Page Flow:
Page Flow Error - No Relevant Page
You have tried to return to a recent page in the current page flow through return-to="currentPage",
but there is no appropriate page.
Exception's stack trace:
Exception: No previous page for return-to="currentPage" on action create in page flow
com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.NoPreviousPageException: No relevant page for return-to="currentPage"
on action create in page flow /com/gems/mt/web/CreateReleaseCntr/CreateReleaseCntrController.jpf.
at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.FlowController.doReturnToPage(
at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.FlowController.forwardTo(
at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowController.forwardTo(
at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.FlowController.internalExecute(
When a new page flow is created and its current page is null (it mean you visit at the fist time),
so such an exception like NoPreviousPageException occur if you use return-to="currentPage".
if a new page flow finish a successful forward, it will treat last page as current page
so that we can use current page to display error message conveniently.
ensure page flow finish a successful forward and use current page again.
You can also use path="specificPage.jsp" instead of return-to="currentPage"
if your original return-to is just one specific page.