Posted on 2007-01-16 09:09
rednight 阅读(1418)
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通过HTTP提交EDI请求,当EDI处理时间超过了20分钟后,就会看到在另一个weblogic server也接收到了这个EDI请求,重新处理这个报文.
When the Apache HTTP Server Plug-In attempts to connect to WebLogic Server, the plug-in uses several configuration
parameters to determine how long to wait for connections to the WebLogic Server host and, after a connection is
established, how long the plug-in waits for a response. If the plug-in cannot connect or does not receive a response,
the plug-in attempts to connect and send the request to other WebLogic Server instances in the cluster. If the
connection fails or there is no response from any WebLogic Server in the cluster, an error message is sent.
响应等待时间参数WLIOTimeoutSecs (
按照BEA 推荐的,这个值应该设得大一些, 这个参数的缺省值为300s. 见下面:
<Location /EDIHandler>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster apc_app1wls1:7011,apc_app1wls2:7011
KeepAliveEnabled ON
WLIOTimeoutSecs 7200