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Representing Data

Data binding
The data binding feature provides a syntax for automatically copying the value of a property
of one client-side object to a property of another object at run time. Data binding is usually
triggered when the value of the source property changes. You can use data binding to pass user
input data from user interface controls to a data service. You can also use data binding to pass
results returned from a data service to user interface controls.


Data models
The data model feature lets you store data in client-side objects. A data model is an
ActionScript object that contains properties for storing data, and that optionally contains
methods for additional functionality. Data models are useful for partitioning the user interface
and data in an application.


Data validation
The data validation feature lets you ensure that data meets specific criteria before the
application uses the data.


Data formatting
The data formatting feature lets you change the format of data before displaying it in a user
interface control.


posted on 2006-10-30 23:26 The Matrix 阅读(283) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Flex2

