jojo's blog--快乐忧伤都与你同在
为梦想而来,为自由而生。 性情若水,风起水兴,风息水止,故时而激荡,时又清平……
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Let's change the email subject so Tim can stop scramming on us. :)

Interesting point that Bill pointed out is the availability of the resource. I would like to have a discussion on it. As the whole idea of pair programming is to raise the overall team productivity , so the correct statement should be as follow:

"Solo programming is bad so i don't want too. And we also need to think about the availability of the resource as the productivity of solo programming is really low."

The reason that people always think pair programming is a waste, because:
You are putting two developer to do a task that can be done by one developer.
     1. However, this is totally an illustration , you will realize the truth situation when you dig deeper:
Solo , there are often situation that you are fooled by a simple typo , and spending few days to find it. You may finally solve it yourself, or your bored colleagues come to have a chat with you, look at your screen, and scrum out "You got a typo"...........   The later case is an example of power in pair programming ,i.e., navigating and discover what you overlooked.
     1. Solo, you may fall in sleep, low/no productivity.  Pair , your partner will not let's you.
     2. Solo, you play with msn and email . Pair, two developers won't get the chance.
     3. Solo, it's easily that you are moved from development to research, not doing the real thing. Pair, someone will warn you and drag you back.
     4. Solo, you can't think of a solution, not coz you are not good, but you are just not there. Pair, two brains always have a more complete solution.
     5. Solo, you learn something new yourself, wasting 4 days to pick up someone can teach you in an hour. Pair, both got trained and improved all the time.
     6. Of course, it's also correct that we should not drag everyone to pair programming at start for various reason, starting with a small groups of  interested developers is much better.

F.Y.I. , I got 11 developers signed up about tonight event.

And please click a confirm on facebook if you can.'s change the email subject so Tim can stop scramming on us. :)

Interesting point that Bill pointed out is the availability of the resource. I would like to have a discussion on it. As the whole idea of pair programming is to raise the overall team productivity , so the correct statement should be as follow:

"Solo programming is bad so i don't want too. And we also need to think about the availability of the resource as the productivity of solo programming is really low."

The reason that people always think pair programming is a waste, because:
You are putting two developer to do a task that can be done by one developer.
     1. However, this is totally an illustration , you will realize the truth situation when you dig deeper:
Solo , there are often situation that you are fooled by a simple typo , and spending few days to find it. You may finally solve it yourself, or your bored colleagues come to have a chat with you, look at your screen, and scrum out "You got a typo"...........   The later case is an example of power in pair programming ,i.e., navigating and discover what you overlooked.
     1. Solo, you may fall in sleep, low/no productivity.  Pair , your partner will not let's you.
     2. Solo, you play with msn and email . Pair, two developers won't get the chance.
     3. Solo, it's easily that you are moved from development to research, not doing the real thing. Pair, someone will warn you and drag you back.
     4. Solo, you can't think of a solution, not coz you are not good, but you are just not there. Pair, two brains always have a more complete solution.
     5. Solo, you learn something new yourself, wasting 4 days to pick up someone can teach you in an hour. Pair, both got trained and improved all the time.
     6. Of course, it's also correct that we should not drag everyone to pair programming at start for various reason, starting with a small groups of  interested developers is much better.

F.Y.I. , I got 11 developers signed up about tonight event.

And please click a confirm on facebook if you can.
posted on 2009-04-17 16:45 Blog of JoJo 阅读(138) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Linux 技术相关
















