What is memcached?
memcached is a high-performance, distributed
memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use
in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.
Danga Interactive developed memcached to enhance the speed of LiveJournal.com,
a site which was already doing 20 million+ dynamic page views per day
for 1 million users with a bunch of webservers and a bunch of database
servers. memcached dropped the database load to
almost nothing, yielding faster page load times for users, better
resource utilization, and faster access to the databases on a memcache
How it Works
First, you start up the memcached daemon on as
many spare machines as you have. The daemon has no configuration file,
just a few command line options, only 3 or 4 of which you'll likely
# ./memcached -d -m 2048 -l -p 11211
This starts memcached up as a daemon, using 2GB
of memory, and listening on IP, port 11211. Because a 32-bit
process can only address 4GB of virtual memory (usually significantly
less, depending on your operating system), if you have a 32-bit server
with 4-64GB of memory using PAE you can just run multiple processes on
the machine, each using 2 or 3GB of memory.
Porting the Application
Now, in your application, wherever you go to do a database query,
first check the memcache. If the memcache returns an undefined object,
then go to the database, get what you're looking for, and put it in the
sub get_foo_object {
my $foo_id = int(shift);
my $obj = $::MemCache->get("foo:$foo_id");
return $obj if $obj;
$obj = $::db->selectrow_hashref("SELECT .... FROM foo f, bar b ".
"WHERE ... AND f.fooid=$foo_id");
$::MemCache->set("foo:$foo_id", $obj);
return $obj;
(If your internal API was already clean enough, you should only have
to do this in a few spots. Start with the queries that kill your
database the most, then move to doing as much as possible.)
You'll notice the data structure the server provides is just a
dictionary. You assign values to keys, and you request values from keys.
Now, what actually happens is that the API hashes your key to a
unique server. (You define all the available servers and their
weightings when initializing the API) Alternatively, the APIs also let
you provide your own hash value. A good hash value for user-related
data is the user's ID number. Then, the API maps that hash value onto a
server (modulus number of server buckets, one bucket for each server
IP/port, but some can be weighted heigher if they have more memory
If a host goes down, the API re-maps that dead host's requests onto the servers that are available.
Shouldn't the database do this?
Regardless of what database you use (MS-SQL, Oracle, Postgres, MySQL-InnoDB, etc..), there's a lot of overhead in implementing ACID
properties in a RDBMS, especially when disks are involved, which means
queries are going to block. For databases that aren't ACID-compliant
(like MySQL-MyISAM), that overhead doesn't exist, but reading threads
block on the writing threads.
memcached never blocks. See the "Is memcached fast?" question below.
What about shared memory?
The first thing people generally do is cache things within their
web processes. But this means your cache is duplicated multiple
times, once for each mod_perl/PHP/etc thread. This is a waste of
memory and you'll get low cache hit rates. If you're using a
multi-threaded language or a shared memory API (IPC::Shareable, etc),
you can have a global cache for all threads, but it's per-machine. It doesn't scale to multiple machines.
Once you have 20 webservers, those 20 independent caches start to look
just as silly as when you had 20 threads with their own caches on a
single box. (plus, shared memory is typically laden with limitations)
The memcached server and clients work together to implement one
global cache across as many machines as you have. In fact, it's
recommended you run both web nodes (which are typically memory-lite
and CPU-hungry) and memcached processes (which are memory-hungry and
CPU-lite) on the same machines. This way you'll save network
What about MySQL 4.x query caching?
MySQL query caching is less than ideal, for a number of reasons:
- MySQL's query cache destroys the entire cache for a given table
whenever that table is changed. On a high-traffic site with updates
happening many times per second, this makes the the cache practically
worthless. In fact, it's often harmful to have it on, since there's a
overhead to maintain the cache.
- On 32-bit architectures, the entire server (including the query cache) is limited to a 4 GB virtual address space. memcached lets you run as many processes as you want, so you have no limit on memory cache size.
- MySQL has a query cache, not an object cache. If your objects
require extra expensive construction after the data retrieval step,
MySQL's query cache can't help you there.
If the data you need to cache is small and you do infrequent updates, MySQL's query caching should work for you. If not, use memcached.
What about database replication?
You can spread your reads with replication, and that helps a lot,
but you can't spread writes (they have to process on all machines) and
they'll eventually consume all your resources. You'll find yourself
adding replicated slaves at an ever-increasing rate to make up for the
diminishing returns each additional slave provides.
The next logical step is to horizontally partition your dataset
onto different master/slave clusters so you can spread your writes,
and then teach your application to connect to the correct cluster
depending on the data it needs.
While this strategy works, and is recommended, more databases (each
with a bunch of disks) statistically leads to more frequent hardware
failures, which are annoying.
With memcached you can reduce your database reads to a mere
fraction, leaving the databases to mainly do infrequent writes, and
end up getting much more bang for your buck, since your databases
won't be blocking themselves doing ACID bookkeeping or waiting on
writing threads.
Is memcached fast?
Very fast. It uses libevent to scale
to any number of open connections (using epoll
on Linux, if available at runtime), uses non-blocking network I/O, refcounts internal objects
(so objects can be in multiple states to multiple clients), and uses
its own slab allocator and hash table so virtual memory never gets
externally fragmented and allocations are guaranteed O(1).
What about race conditions?
You might wonder: "What if the get_foo() function adds a
stale version of the Foo object to the cache right as/after the user
updates their Foo object via update_foo()?"
While the server and API only have one way to get data from the cache, there exists 3 ways to put data in:
- set -- unconditionally sets a given key with a given value (update_foo() should use this)
- add -- adds to the cache, only if it doesn't already exist (get_foo() should use this)
- replace -- sets in the cache only if the key already exists (not as useful, only for completeness)
Additionally, all three support an expiration time.
posted on 2009-05-07 13:50
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