Here is the script in it's
It would be taylored to only execute one
command not an open perl script. Better
than having root .rhosts everywhere.
I think where it does the:
print F $Line;
at the bottom is where I could put some
kind of execute statement.
Take the string and run it not print it
to a file.
# Client -- using object interface
# Support Windows and UNIX
use IO::Socket;
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => '',
PeerPort => '9999',
Proto => 'tcp',
die "Could not create socket: $!"n" unless $sock;
print $sock "Hi there!"n";
$sock->send("Hi again!"n");
# Server -- using object interface
# Support Windows and UNIX
#use Proc::Daemon;
use IO::Socket;
use POSIX qw(setsid);
sub daemonize {
die "Can't fork" unless defined (my $child = fork());
exit 0 if $child;
open(STDIN, "</dev/null");
open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null");
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
chdir '/';
#$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin';
return $$;
while() {
my $new_sock = $sock->accept();
# Put a message to file. #
while(defined($Line = <$new_sock>)) {
open (F,"+>>/lhome/root/testfile.txt");
print F $Line;
close F;
}; #End of while cycle
A. Clay Stephenson Expert in this area This member has accumulated 80000 or more points
May 21, 2004 16:47:45 GMT 10 pts
In that case, $Line has your input so you can use it to execute whatever you like.
Typically, your client should send a formatted request string of some type. I like to use <tabs> to separate the fields and then your server responds each time it sees a new line of input.
All I am saying in that any client/server architecture, you must establish some sort of protocol.
Let's suppose that your server does 4 things:
1) lists files in a dedicated directories
2) removes 1 file
3) add's a line to an existing file
4) kill the server
Your create client requests that adhere to this, for example, you formant your protocol like this
every line sent to the server expects these 3 arguments -- although
some may simply be dummy args. Tabs are nice because unlike spaces or
colons or commas they are not typically part of strings. Typically the
request_code is something very easy to parse; e.g 1 - list; 2 - remove,
4 - kill,kill,kill
If you wanrt to see some examples of this
along with a little explanation, go to and look
under the April '03 issue. I wrote an article that used Perl a Perl
client/server pair to implement multi-host semaphores. Their web page
also has a source code link where you will find the client and server
For now though. I just wanted something
simple to get around the root .rhosts problem. I was thinking as a security measure
of passing a code to the but don't
know the perl syntax at this time.
Could you show me the simple syntax for
passing two args.
From send:
On check code then run command:
On my client.perl I currently have:
print $sock ""
On my server.perl I have:
while(defined($Line = <$new_sock>)) {
}; #End
posted on 2009-08-06 12:11
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