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2019年7月8日 #




UltraISO 无法制作磁盘镜像文件,需要使用FedoraMediaWriter-win32-4.1.4 ,选择下载的iso文件,然后自定义镜像,再选U盘,就可以了,iso文件不能放到U盘上 U盘上的数据会都丢失。
posted @ 2019-07-08 09:22 单飞 阅读(199) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2019年4月4日 #

微同商城 搭建私服
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:
deploy (default-deploy) on project platform: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could n
ot find artifact com.platform:platform:pom:1.0.0 in releases(http://nkf:
8081/repository/xiaowang-host/) -> [Help 1]

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:
deploy (default-deploy) on project platform: Deployment failed: repository eleme
nt was not specified in the POM inside distributionManagement element or in -Dal
tDeploymentRepository=id::layout::url parameter -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:
deploy (default-deploy) on project platform-mp: Failed to deploy artifacts: Coul
d not find artifact com.platform:platform-mp:jar:1.0.0 in releases (http:
//nkf:8081/repository/xiaowang-host/) -> [Help 1]
        <name>Nexus aliyun</name>




其它pom.xml文件无需做改变,就可以使用mvn deploy 上传和下载第二方jar文件
然后使用mvn package 就没有问题了。
posted @ 2019-04-04 09:36 单飞 阅读(346) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2015年8月5日 #

could not obtain connection to any of these urls localhost 1099 jboss


-Djnp.host= -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.host=

REM set CLUSTER_PROPS="-Djnp.port=1099 -Djnp.rmiPort=1098 -Djnp.host= -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.host= -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.port=5445"
set JVM_ARGS=%CLUSTER_PROPS% -XX:+UseParallelGC  -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Dhornetq.config.dir=%CONFIG_DIR%  -Djava.util.logging.config.file=%CONFIG_DIR%\logging.properties -Djava.library.path=. -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=

export CLUSTER_PROPS="-Djnp.port=6099 -Djnp.rmiPort=6098 -Djnp.host=server23 -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.host=server23 -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.port=6445"
export JVM_ARGS="$CLUSTER_PROPS  -Xms512M -Xmx4096M -Dhornetq.config.dir=$CONFIG_DIR -Djava.util.logging.config.file=$CONFIG_DIR/logging.properties -Djava.library.path=. -Dcom.sun.management.jmxre
mote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=4000 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=server23"
posted @ 2015-08-05 09:15 单飞 阅读(472) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

2015年3月19日 #

ObjectSerializationCodecFactory objSFactory = new ObjectSerializationCodecFactory();


int maxNioCache = 100 * 1024 * 1024;



15/03/19 17:35:13 ERROR search.InfoCallable: org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolDecoderException: org.apache.mina.core.buffer.BufferDataException: dataLength: 1175869 (Hexdump: 00 11 F1 3D AC ED 00 05 75 72 01 00 13 5B 4C 6A 61 76 61 2E 6C 61 6E 67 2E 4F 62 6A 65 63 74 3B 78 70 00 00 00 02 73 72 01 00 11 6A 61 76 61 2E 6C 61 6E 67 2E 49 6E 74 65 67 65 72 78 72 01 00 10 6A 61 76 61 2E 6C 61 6E 67 2E 4E 75 6D 62 65 72 78 70 00 00 44 9B 73 72 01 00 13 6A 61 76 61 2E 75 74 69 6C 2E 41 72 72 61 79 4C 69 73 74 78 70 00 00 00 C8 77 04 00 00 00 C8 73 72 01 00 26 63 6E 2E 62 65 6E 67 75 6F 2E 70 6C 61 74 66 6F 72 6D 2E 6E 75 74 2E 63 6F 72 65 2E 75 74 69 6C 2E 53 63 6F 72 65 78 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 AA A4 C4 00 00 03 E8 00 00 00 01 40 32 2D 0B 96 B4 2A 9E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 53 A6 18 B1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 45 61 C6 3D D5 B3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 74 00 01 30 74 0A A5 3C 64 69 76 20 63 6C 61 73 73 3D 22 62 6C 6B 43 6F 6E 74 61 69 6E 65 72 53 62 6C 6B 43 6F 6E 20 42 53 48 41 52 45 5F 50 4F 50 22 20 69 64 3D 22 61 72 74 69 62 6F 64 79 22 3E 20 0A 20 3C 64 69 76 20 63 6C 61 73 73 3D 22 6D 6F 64 75 6C 65 53 69 6E 67 6C 65 49 6D 67 30 31 22 3E 20 0A 20 20 3C 64 69 76 20 63 6C 61 73 73 3D 22 63 74 5F 68 71 69 6D 67 22 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 3C 64 69 76 20 73 74 79 6C 65 3D 22 70 61 64 64 69 6E 67 3A 35 70 78 3B 22 20 69 64 3D 22 72 65 61 6C 73 74 6F 63 6B 22 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 3C 2F 64 69 76 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 3C 63 65 6E 74 65 72 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 20 3C 64 69 76 20 73 74 79 6C 65 3D 22 68 65 69 67 68 74 3A 31 30 70 78 22 3E 3C 2F 64 69 76 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 20 3C 64 69 76 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 20 20 3C 61 20 68 72 65 66 3D 22 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 73 74 6F 63 6B 2E 66 69 6E 61 6E 63 65 2E 73 69 6E 61 2E 63 6F 6D 2E 63 6E 2F 68 6B 73 74 6F 63 6B 2F 71 75 6F 74 65 73 2F 68 73 69 2E 68 74 6D 6C 22 20 74 61 72 67 65 74 3D 22 5F 62 6C 61 6E 6B 22 3E 3C 69 6D 67 20 73 72 63 3D 22 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 69 6D 61 67 65 2E 73 69 6E 61 6A 73 2E 63 6E 2F 6E 65 77 63 68 61 72 74 2F 70 6E 67 2F 6D 69 6E 2F 68 6B 2F 68 73 69 2E 70 6E 67 22 20 2F 3E 3C 2F 61 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 20 3C 2F 64 69 76 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 20 3C 64 69 76 20 63 6C 61 73 73 3D 22 74 6F 5F 70 61 67 65 22 20 73 74 79 6C 65 3D 22 70 61 64 64 69 6E 67 3A 30 20 31 35 70 78 3B 22 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 20 20 3C 73 70 61 6E 20 73 74 79 6C 65 3D 22 66 6C 6F 61 74 3A 72 69 67 68 74 3B 22 3E 3C 61 20 73 74 79 6C 65 3D 22 62 61 63 6B 67 72 6F 75 6E 64 3A 75 72 6C 28 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 69 33 2E 73 69 6E 61 69 6D 67 2E 63 6E 2F 63 6A 2F 32 30 31 33 2F 30 38 32 32 2F 55 32 35 30 38 50 33 31 44 54 32 30 31 33 30 38 32 32 31 31 30 34 33 30 2E 70 6E 67 29 20 6E 6F 2D 72 65 70 65 61 74 20 31 35 70 78 20 30 70 78 3B 22 20 73 75 64 61 2D 75 61 74 72 61 63 6B 3D 22 6B 65 79 3D 66 69 6E 61 6E 63 65 5F 73 74 6F 63 6B 5F 68 6F 74 63 6F 6C 26 61 6D 70 3B 76 61 6C 75 65 3D 36 22 20 74 61 72 67 65 74 3D 22 5F 62 6C 61 6E 6B 22 20 68 72 65 66 3D 22 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 6D 2E 73 69 6E 61 2E 63 6F 6D 2E 63 6E 2F 6D 2F 66 69 6E 61 6E 63 65 2E 68 74 6D 6C 22 3E E5 AE A2 E6 88 B7 E7 AB AF 3C 2F 61 3E 3C 2F 73 70 61 6E 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 20 20 3C 61 20 68 72 65 66 3D 22 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 73 74 6F 63 6B 2E 66 69 6E 61 6E 63 65 2E 73 69 6E 61 2E 63 6F 6D 2E 63 6E 2F 68 6B 73 74 6F 63 6B 2F 76 69 65 77 2F 73 74 6F 63 6B 2E 70 68 70 3F 63 6F 64 65 3D 68 73 69 26 61 6D 70 3B 6C 65 76 65 6C 32 3D 31 22 20 63 6C 61 73 73 3D 22 68 6B 5F 6C 65 76 65 6C 32 22 20 74 61 72 67 65 74 3D 22 5F 62 6C 61 6E 6B 22 3E E6 9F A5 E7 9C 8B E5 85 8D E8 B4 B9 4C 65 76 65 6C 32 E5 8D 81 E6 A1 A3 E8 A1 8C E6 83 85 26 67 74 3B 26 67 74 3B 3C 2F 61 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 20 3C 2F 64 69 76 3E 20 0A 20 20 20 3C 2F 63 65 6E 74 65 72 3E 20 0A 20 20 3C 2F 64 69 76 3E 20 0A 20 20 3C 64 69 76 20 73 74 79 6C 65 3D 22 68 65 69 67 68 74 3A 31 30 70 78 22 3E 3C 2F 64 69 76 3E 20 0A 20 3C 2F 64 69 76 3E 20 0A 20 3C 70 3E E6 96 B0 E6 B5 AA E8 B4 A2 E7 BB 8F E8 AE AF 20 33 E6 9C 88 31 39 E6 97 A5 E6 B6 88 E6 81 AF EF BC 8C E6 8D AE E8 B4 A2 E5 8D 8E E7 A4 BE E6 8A A5 E9 81 93 EF BC 8C E7 BE 8E E5 9B BD E8 81 94 E5 82 A8 E5 B1 80 E4 BC 9A E5 90 8E E5 A3 B0 E6 98 8E E4 B8 80 E5 A6 82 E9 A2 84 E6 9C 9F E5 89 94 E9 99 A4 E4 BF 9D E6 8C 81 E2 80 9C E8 80 90 E6 80 A7 E2 80 9D E4 B8 80 E8 AF 8D EF BC 8C E5 B8 82 E5 9C BA E6 86 A7 E6 86 AC E7 BE 8E E5 9B BD E7 A8 8D E4 B8 BA E5 BB B6 E8 BF 9F E5 8A A0 E6 81 AF E6 AD A5 E4 BC 90 EF BC 8C E6 B8 AF E8 82 A1 E9 AB 98 E5 BC 80 32 30 35 E7 82 B9 EF BC 8C E6 8A A5 32 34 2C 33 32 35 E7 82 B9 EF BC 8C E5 85 B6 E5 90 8E E5 8F 8D E5 A4 8D E5 90 91 E4 B8 8A EF BC 8C E6 9C 80 E5 90 8E E4 B8 94 E8 B7 91 E8 B5 A2 E5 9B BD E6 8C 87 E3 80 82 E6 81 92 E6 8C 87 E6 94 B6 E6 8A A5 32 34 2C 34 36 38 E7 82 B9 EF BC 8C E5 8D 87 33 34 38 2E 38 31 E7 82 B9 EF BC 8C E5 8D 87 31 2E 34 35 25 EF BC 9B E5 9B BD E6 8C 87 E6 8A A5 31 32 2C 31 32 32 E7 82 B9 EF BC 8C E5 8D 87 31 34 30 2E 32 33 E7 82 B9 EF BC 8C E5 8D 87 31 2E 31 37 25 E3 80 82 E6 88 90 E4 BA A4 31 2C 30 32 35 2E 36 39 E4 BA BF E5 85 83 E3 80 82 3C 2F 70 3E 20 0A 20 3C 70 3E 3C 73 70 61 6E 20 69 64 3D 22 68 6B 73 74 6F 63 6B 5F 68 6B 30 30 37 30 30 22 3E 3C 2F 73 70 61 6E 3E 3C 73 70 61 6E 20 69 64 3D 22 71 75 6F 74 65 5F 68 6B 30 30 37 30 30 22 3E 3C 2F 73 70 61 6E 3E 28 30 30 37 30 30 2D 48 4B 29 E4 B8 8E E5 8F 8B E9 82 A6 28 30 31 32 39 39 2D 48 4B 29 E4 B8 BA E6 92 91 E8 B5 B7 E5 A4 A7 E5 B8 82 E5 8A 9F E8 87 A3 EF BC 8C E7 BB A9 E4 BC 98 E7 9A 84 E8 85 BE E8 AE AF E8 8E B7 E5 A4 9A E9 97 B4 E5 A4 A7 E8 A1 8C E5 94 B1 E5 A5 BD EF BC 8C E8 82 A1 E4 BB B7 E5 88 9B 35 32 E5 91 A8 E9 AB 98 E4 BD 8D EF BC 8C E6 94 B6 E6 8A A5 31 34 35 E5 85 83 EF BC 8C E5 8D 87 36 2E 36 39 25 EF BC 8C E6 88 90 E8 BF 91 E9 80 BE 39 30 E4 BA BF E5 85 83 EF BC 9B E5 8F 8B E9 82 A6 E4 BF 9D E9 99 A9 E6 94 B6 E6 8A A5 34 38 2E 32 E5 85 83 EF BC 8C E5 8D 87 33 2E 31 30 32 25 EF BC 8C E6 88 90 E4 BA A4 E9 80 BE 31 36 E4 BA BF E5 85 83 E3 80 82 20 E8 85 BE E8 AE AF E7 BB A9 E4 BC 98 E5 8D B3 E8 A2 AB E8 B5 84 E9 87 91 E7 8B AC E6 8A A2 E3 80 82 3C 2F 70 3E 20 0A 20 3C 70 3E E5 8F A6 E4 B8 80 E8 BE B9 E5 8E A2 EF BC 8C E4 B8 AD E7 A7 BB E5 8A A8 28 30 30 39 34 31 2D 48 4B 29 E4 B8 9A E7)

        at org.apache.mina.core.future.DefaultReadFuture.getMessage(DefaultReadFuture.java:60)
        at cn.benguo.platform.nut.client.search.InfoCallable.call(InfoCallable.java:114)
        at cn.benguo.platform.nut.client.search.InfoCallable.call(InfoCallable.java:24)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:303)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:139)
        at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:441)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:303)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:139)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:909)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

posted @ 2015-03-19 17:50 单飞 阅读(1331) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2014年12月4日 #

严重: Error deploying web application directory news
java.lang.ClassFormatError: com/sun/faces/config/ConfigureListener : illegal LocalVariableTable missing: LVT
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(ClassLoader.java:631)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:615)
        at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:141)
        at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.findClassInternal(WebappClassLoader.java:1814)
        at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.findClass(WebappClassLoader.java:868)
        at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1321)
        at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1200)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.WebAnnotationSet.loadClassAnnotation(WebAnnotationSet.java:144)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.WebAnnotationSet.loadApplicationListenerAnnotations(WebAnnotationSet.java:72)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.WebAnnotationSet.loadApplicationAnnotations(WebAnnotationSet.java:55)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.applicationAnnotationsConfig(ContextConfig.java:296)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.start(ContextConfig.java:1061)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.lifecycleEvent(ContextConfig.java:260)
        at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleSupport.fireLifecycleEvent(LifecycleSupport.java:119)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(StandardContext.java:4237)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(ContainerBase.java:759)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(ContainerBase.java:739)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(StandardHost.java:524)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory(HostConfig.java:919)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectories(HostConfig.java:882)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(HostConfig.java:491)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(HostConfig.java:1137)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(HostConfig.java:310)
        at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleSupport.fireLifecycleEvent(LifecycleSupport.java:119)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1021)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(StandardHost.java:718)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1013)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(StandardEngine.java:442)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(StandardService.java:450)
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(StandardServer.java:709)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(Catalina.java:551)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(Bootstrap.java:287)
        at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:412)
2014-12-4 16:09:00 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol start

[data@server7 tomcat-news]$ vi bin/catalina.sh             
export LANG=zh_CN.GBK
vi  /etc/profile
#export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jrockit-jdk
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/datam/java/jdk1.8.0_25

jrockit-jdk 存在这个问题,换成sun jdk

posted @ 2014-12-04 16:37 单飞 阅读(967) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2013年11月20日 #

JuiceSSH - SSH Client
支持ssh2 协议,支持使用key文件。

就可以从google app 下载apk文件了,然后使用360手机助手安装到手机里面
posted @ 2013-11-20 17:52 单飞 阅读(852) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2013年6月27日 #



Screenshot of eclipse plugin


  • Full highlighting of regular expression syntax for an easy visual clue
    (including bracket matching , ; error detecting , , , )
  • Tooltips will be shown when the mouse is over a part of the regex. , , ,
  • Evaluates your regular expression while you are typing;
  • 4 distinct match modes:
    • Find a sequence of characters ;
    • Match a complete text , ;
    • Split text (see java.lang.String.split(String regex)) ;
    • Replace ;
  • Support for pattern flags (e.g. Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, Pattern.DOTALL, ...);
  • Generation of java source string literals based on the regexp, (escape slash, e.g. "\(x\)" becomes "\\(x\\)")
  • Synchronized selection of regular expression and text: Just select part of the regexp to see which part of the text is matched by this part. .
Functionality of this plugin is available as java-applet

Demo of Regular Expression Hilighting

Move mouse to regex to see example of tooltips and brackets matching
(19|20)\d\d([- /.])(0[1-9]|1[012])\2(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])

Opening in eclipse

In Eclipse choose Window -> Show View -> Other -> Regex Util


This programm is free and is distributed under the GPL. All funds for developement come from advertisement on this page.

Download the plugin

Last version: Download
posted @ 2013-06-27 10:49 单飞 阅读(657) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

2013年2月15日 #


posted @ 2013-02-15 22:40 单飞 阅读(356) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2013年1月25日 #

1. run.sh

export JVM_ARGS="$CLUSTER_PROPS  -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Dhornetq.config.dir=$CONFIG_DIR -Djava.util.logging.config.file=$CONFIG_DIR/loggin
g.properties -Djava.library.path=. -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=4000 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremo
te.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=hadoop119"
#export JVM_ARGS="-Xmx512M -Djava.util.logging.config.file=$CONFIG_DIR/logging.properties -Dhornetq.config.dir=$CONFIG_DIR -Djava.libra
ry.path=. -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"

[hadoop@server119 hornetq-2.2.14.Final]$ cd config/stand-alone/non-clustered/
[hadoop@server119 non-clustered]$ vi hornetq-configuration.xml



public class Task implements Runnable {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Main.class);
public void run() {
        Context initialContext 
= null;
        JMXConnector connector 
= null;
try {
= new InitialContext(Service.getEnv());
            String queueName 
= "/queue/" + Service.getProperties().getProperty("queue.name");
            Queue queue 
= (Queue) initialContext.lookup(queueName);
            ObjectName on 
= ObjectNameBuilder.DEFAULT.getJMSQueueObjectName(queue.getQueueName());
= JMXConnectorFactory.connect(new JMXServiceURL(Service.getProperties().getProperty("jmx_url")), new HashMap());
            MBeanServerConnection mbsc 
= connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
            JMSQueueControl queueControl 
= MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(mbsc, on, JMSQueueControl.classfalse);
            String counters 
= queueControl.listMessageCounter();
            MessageCounterInfo messageCounter 
= MessageCounterInfo.fromJSON(counters);
int count = messageCounter.getDepth();
if (count < Integer.valueOf(Service.getProperties().getProperty("warning_msg_count"))) {
"jms queue length is " + count + ". Additional info: " + new Gson().toJson(messageCounter));
if (count >= Integer.valueOf(Service.getProperties().getProperty("warning_msg_count"))
&& count < Integer.valueOf(Service.getProperties().getProperty("fatal_msg_count"))) {
"jms queue length is " + count + ". Additional info: " + new Gson().toJson(messageCounter));
if (count >= Integer.valueOf(Service.getProperties().getProperty("fatal_msg_count"))) {
"jms queue length is " + count + ". Additional info: " + new Gson().toJson(messageCounter));
catch (Exception ex) {
            log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
finally {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
                log.error(e.getMessage(), e);


25:01:2013 17:16:18.891  INFO pool-1-thread-1 Main:run:50 - jms queue length is 0. Additional info: {"name":"DLQ","subscription":"null","durable":true,"count":0,"countDelta":0,"depth":0,"depthDelta":0,"lastAddTimestamp":"70-1-1 8:00:00","udpateTimestamp":"13-1-25 17:16:05"}
25:01:2013 17:16:19.891  INFO pool-1-thread-1 Main:run:50 - jms queue length is 0. Additional info: {"name":"DLQ","subscription":"null","durable":true,"count":0,"countDelta":0,"depth":0,"depthDelta":0,"lastAddTimestamp":"70-1-1 8:00:00","udpateTimestamp":"13-1-25 17:16:15"}

posted @ 2013-01-25 17:34 单飞 阅读(1466) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2012年12月12日 #


#set( $basePath = "$!{request.scheme}://$!{request.serverName}:$!{request.serverPort}$!{request.contextPath}/" )
String Literals
当你使用#set directive,String literal 封闭在一对双引号内。象下面:
#set( $directoryRoot = "www" )
#set( $templateName = "index.vm" )
#set( $template = "$directoryRoot/$templateName" )
但是,当string literal 被封装在单引号内时,它将不被解析:
#set( $foo = "bar" )
#set( $blargh = '$foo' )
bar $foo
上面这个特性可以通过修改 velocity.properties 文件的 stringliterals.interpolate = false 的
posted @ 2012-12-12 14:44 单飞 阅读(623) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏