MenuManager menuMgr = new MenuManager();

menuMgr.addMenuListener(new IMenuListener()

public void menuAboutToShow(IMenuManager manager)

manager.add(new Action("删除")

public void run()
boolean flag = MessageDialog.openConfirm(parentComposite.getShell(), "确认删除吗?", "你确认要删除吗?");

final Menu menu = menuMgr.createContextMenu(this);

tabFolder.addMenuDetectListener(new MenuDetectListener()

public void menuDetected(MenuDetectEvent arg0)

tabFolder.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
public void mouseDown(MouseEvent mouseevent)

TabItem selectItem = tabFolder.getItem(new Point(mouseevent.x,mouseevent.y));
Unfortunately, there is no way to get the bounds of a TabItem on every
platform (specifically, the Mac does not support it). Therefore, at the
lowest level, we can't get what you want.
"Stéphane Fournier" <stephane.fournier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how to set a Popup Menu on a TabItem.
> I found how to set a Menu on the TabFolder but in my case I need a popup
> menu with a content related to the TabItem when right mouse click is
> triggered (the TabItem could not be the selected tabItem for the
> Another way is to get a dynamic content for the Menu set on the
> TabFolder, but I need to listen to an event when mouse is moving over
> the TabItems without selecting them....
> My need is something close to the behavior of the CTabItem when the
> mouse is over a not selected CTabItem ,a cross is displayed to close the
> CTabItem without activating it...
> Which event can I listen to ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Stephane.